Scottish CLW Network Events
Don't forget that you can find details, presentations and key messages from all of our SCLWN events on our events page.
Peer Support Event - 20 February - share your ideas!
Our next CLW peer support event will take place in February. This is an opportunity for CLWs to share good practice and learning from their peers in smaller groups. You can let us know what topics you would like to discuss when you book your place Previous sessions have covered trauma and self-care, training and how to have good conversations. Book your place here.
SCLWN Annual Conference and Awards - get nominating!
Our 2025 Annual Conference will take place on Wednesday 7 May at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Glasgow featuring keynote speakers Neil Gray, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care and Gordon MacRae, Assistant Director, Shelter Scotland. The Conference will include awards for the first time and the nomination process for the awards is now open. Please find further details on how to enter on our Conference webpage. We will be opening bookings for the conference in February so save the date for now!
Other Events, Training and Resources
Age Scotland - Supporting Older People to Age Well workshops
Age Scotland is running 'Supporting Older People to Age Well' workshops across early 2025 on the dates and locations below. Book your place at one of the free workshops here.
5 February 2025, Perth
19 February 2025, Aberdeen
26 February 2025, Glasgow
Join VHS at The Gathering - 4 & 5 February
The Gathering is back at the EICC in Edinburgh in 2025! VHS and SCLWN will be exhibiting and VHS is also hosting a panel session on 5 February entitled 'Catalysts for Change - The Role of Third Sector Leaders in Health Creation'. The panel session is currently fully booked; you can join the waiting list here.
Cross Party Group (CPG) Health Inequalities Meeting - 19 February
The next meeting of the CPG on Health Inequalities will take place online on 19 February from 6 - 7.30 pm. The meeting will focus on human rights and health inequalities and will feature guest speaker, Charlie McMillan, Interim Director of the Human Rights Consortium Scotland. Book your place here.
Money Guiders' Network
February Webinars
The Money Guiders' Network has two webinars coming up in February on Building Empowerment and Resilience through transactional analysis and Gambling and Gambling Related Harms. For more information about all their events, please visit their Eventbrite page.
Mental Health First Aid Courses - 10 & 11 March
This course will take place at the Royal British Legion Club in Grangemouth. The course is primarily for the staff of the Forces Employment Charity although a small number of places are also available for those whose jobs involve supporting military veterans. For course bookings, please email the course instructor Glen MacDonald.
CHEX Annual Conference - 12 March
The CHEX Annual Conference will take place at the Barracks Conference Centre, Stirling, with a focus on turning knowledge and learning into action. Save the date for now and find more information here.
Continuing the Conversation: Population Health Framework - 20 March
VHS will be hosting a follow-up event with Public Health Scotland on the Population Health Framework. Continuing the Conversation on the Population Health Framework will take place online on 20 March and we would welcome CLWs joining this discussion.
Applying a 'Missingness Lens' to Health Inequalities - 26 March
Join VHS at this event to explore missingness in healthcare and the impact on health inequalities. The event will feature guest speaker, Professor Andrea Williamson, Professor of General Practice and Inclusion Health at the University of Glasgow. Book your place here.
The Health and Social Care Alliance Annual Conference - 30 April
Registration is now open for The Alliance Annual Conference 2025 'Our Voices Matter' which will take place on 30 April 2025. Keynote speakers include Professor Sir Michael Marmot.
Sands Baby Loss Charity - free webinars
Sands is the UK’s leading baby loss charity and supports anyone affected by pregnancy loss or the death of a baby. Find out more information about the support from Sands. You can download resources and information about its free training webinars for professionals working with people affected by baby loss. Please contact Bereavement Support Services Co-ordinator Joanne Robison for more information.
Love Your Liver and free liver health awareness sessions
Liver disease is a major public health concern and tackling its risk factors is key to improving the nation’s overall health. If you would like to find out more, please visit the website. The Trust is also encouraging people to take a pledge to Love Your Liver. To arrange a FREE liver health awareness
session contact Scotland Outreach worker, Lesley Simpson.
Contact Scotland support
Contact Scotland is a charity which supports families with disabled children and young people (0-25) in Scotland. They help professionals work successfully with families by providing training and consultancy. Please email to find out more about their services.
Cruse Scotland training courses
Cruse Scotland is the nation's leading provider of training in bereavement theory and grief support. It offers a range of training sessions suitable for a vast spectrum of organisations, including community groups, charities and healthcare. Why not take a look at their training calendar.
Glasgow Centre for Population Health - Concept Explainer series
The Glasgow Centre for Population Health's concept explainer breaks down key concepts in public health, explaining their importance in simple terms. You’ll learn about topics like epidemiology, health policy, preventive care, and how social, environmental, and economic factors influence health outcomes. Their latest concept explainer focuses on social prescribing. Read more here.
Social Prescribing courses on TURAS
Don't forget we have a dedicated courses page for social prescribers on the TURAS website which you can access here. You just need to set up a TURAS account which is very easy to do. If there are courses you would like to see on the page, please contact Roisin.