Extension! IAH Congress Abstracts due 10th March!IAH 2025 Congress is pleased to announce that the Call for Abstracts and Support Grant Applications deadlines have been extended by one week to Monday 10 March 2025. This is your last chance to make a submission, there will be no further extensions offered. Take this final opportunity to submit and be part of the IAH 2025 Congress. Hydrological Processes: Special Journal IssueThe International Journal Hydrological Processes will have a special issue dedicated to Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems. There is a lack of field-based studies which provide quantification of groundwater-dependent vegetation communities, and hence enable validation of satellite-based mapping approaches. The focus of this Special Issue is to identify field studies that quantify vegetation GDEs and their associated hydrological processes, with experimentally derived field data. The due date for submitting papers is 31 December 2025. Please contact Tanya Doody (tanya.doody@csiro.au) if you are interested in contributing. |