Office of Human Resources

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Pittsburgh strives to provide flexibility and support to staff who may need to take time off that does not fit within the guidelines of sick leave or vacation time. Regular classified and represented staff members and executives are granted personal time for use within the University’s fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).

Beginning July 1, 2022, the University is providing additional personal time for staff and executives. Full-time staff and executives will now have three personal days (22.5 hours) available for use. Part-time staff will now have 1.5 days (11.25 hours) available for use. Staff that experience a change in percentage of effort within the fiscal year should refer to the Staff Handbook to further understand their available personal time.

Personal time may be taken for the purposes of self-care, for a religious holiday or for professional development or volunteer time beyond the 7.5 hours per month already provided. Personal time may also be taken to care for a pet or for yourself for reasons that fall outside of the scope of other paid time off.

This change follows input from a working group comprised of faculty and staff and demonstrates the University’s commitment to meet its strategic priorities of creating and sustaining an inclusive and equitable environment and enhancing the employee experience.

As a reminder, personal time, as with other requests for time off, must be scheduled in advance with the staff member’s supervisor, according to departmental scheduling practices. Personal time is granted at the beginning of each fiscal year. Personal time does not carry over to the next fiscal year and is not paid out upon an employee’s termination from the University. Please check your personal time balance and plan to utilize any time accrued before the end of June.

For questions about this additional personal time allotment, please submit your inquiry online.

Thank you for your cooperation, support and patience.


Office of Human Resources