JUNE 2023 - NEWSLETTERMinister McBain attends budget briefing in Wollongong The Hon Kristy McBain MP, Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories visited Wollongong on 19 May to discuss the Australian Government’s Regional Development budget and the impacts for the Illawarra at an event hosted by Alison Byrnes MP, Member for Cunningham. Read RDA Illawarra’s pre-budget submission here and our analysis of what’s in the 2023-24 Budget for the Illawarra in terms of Infrastructure, Port Kembla Precinct Development, People and Housing here. Welcome to the Region Information Session RDA Illawarra recently hosted ‘Welcome to the Region’ an online information session where more than 200 skilled migrants joined us to discover more about settling into the Illawarra region. The session covered:
It was a fantastic session and wonderful to see so many new migrants keen to learn about our vibrant region. A Migrant Settlement Pack is AVAILABLE NOW - packed with information to support migrants and their families to settle in to the community. Access the pack here. Wollongong rail users opt out of daily travel post COVID New figures from Transport for NSW show rail travel on the South Coast Line post COVID has dropped by 50 percent when compared to the pre-COVID average. In 2019, the monthly average for rail commuting on the South Coast Line, which runs from Bomaderry to Sydney, was more than 800,000 trips as workers made the daily journey to the office. While figures show an increase in rail journeys throughout 2022 and early 2023, the post-COVID average sits just above 400,000 monthly trips, 16 months after restrictions were lifted, reflecting a marked change in the habits of Illawarra workers. Aggregated data for traffic on the Picton and Heathcote roads shows these travel routes have been impacted less, revealing a 28 percent drop in post-COVID average trips from almost 700,000 in 2019 to just under 500,000 throughout 2022. Read RDA Illawarra's analysis here. Growing Regions Program Round 1 Funding available The Growing Regions Program drives regional economic prosperity by providing access to funding for community-focused infrastructure projects throughout rural and regional areas of Australia.
Find out more and apply here. Have your say in the Australian Liveability Census What do you love about your neighbourhood and where you live? Wollongong is participating in the 2023 Australian Liveability Census. Make your voice heard and share what you think about where you live. Access the survey here. Survey closes 30 June 2023. Cafes and small bars on offer in Wollongong CBD doubles Did you know the number of café and small bar options in Wollongong CBD has more than doubled since 2012? In Invest Wollongong’s most recent survey, undertaken earlier this year, 183 small bars and cafes were counted - compared to 81 a decade ago. Explore Wollongong CBD's cafes, casual dining, boutique bars and restaurants and book your next catch up with the Wollongong CBD website here. |