Mandatory disclosers who are required to complete an Annual Disclosure Certification in MyDisclosures will receive an email notification between March 15 and March 18, 2022 with a link to their disclosure form.
Do not complete your Annual Disclosure Certification until you receive the email notification from MyDisclosures! Annual Disclosure Certifications completed prior to March 15 will not satisfy the annual requirement.
Annual Disclosure Certifications must be completed by April 15, 2022.
Supervisor reviews of Annual Disclosure Certifications are due on June 15, 2022.
Mandatory disclosers who completed an Annual Disclosure Certification last year may need to re-answer certain questions or add more information this year, as questions were added and revised.
If you believe you should be a mandatory discloser, but you did not receive an email notification by March 18, 2022, verify that you meet the mandatory discloser criteria. Provided you meet the criteria, a senior administrator, chairperson, or responsibility center leader who supervises you should confirm and submit a request to add you as a mandatory discloser using this survey.
Questions? Disclosers, supervisors and administrators may sign up to attend a training or watch a recorded training here. Also, questions may be emailed to