No images? Click here Photo above: RUOK? Day has created excitement at the College, paired with increased mental health awareness. Message from the PrincipalDear Parents/Guardians and Families, This week, College staff and students organised a number of events to support RUOK? Day and the mental health and wellbeing of all. While it was great for us to be part of this promotion, the wellbeing of our community members remains a priority for the entire year. Evidence indicates that the interaction and relationship between students has a significant impact on the wellbeing of students. Kennedy has therefore developed a comprehensive Pastoral Care program to encourage and nurture positive relationships in our community. This remains a priority for the College. However, students must also take an active role in supporting each other and making a stand if they are aware of a negative student interaction. The College has an extensive policy to deal with such situations, including bullying and harassment by students. I trust parents will support us with the application of this policy and notify us should these situations arise. NAPLANIn the past weeks, general whole-school NAPLAN data has been released to schools throughout Australia. It is incredibly pleasing to see how our students performed in their cohorts, producing results significantly higher than the state and national means. It was also very pleasing to see student improvement from Year 7 to Year 9. This data indicates that Kennedy students are attaining gains in achievement higher than the national means, with the greatest advances in reading and numeracy.
Mr Mark Ashby Chaplain Chats![]() Our students provided a whole host of topics for our recent year 12 Christian Education Chaplain Chats. In my review of what we talked about together, I could see that many people are confused about the actions of people that call themselves Christians. A common question in our chats started with, “Why do Christians…?” and “Christians, seem to be very…”. In responding to our very respectful and intelligent Year 12’s, I found that the following illustration about Beethoven helped students answer their own question and led them to asking an even more valuable one. Beethoven was a very skilled musician and composer. He had the ability to apply his gifting and artistry to a blank page of music to produce some of the most beautiful music ever created. Note after note was connected by taking the music and listener to places of great harmony and emotion. However, if Peter Chase blew the dust off his old clarinet and started playing Beethoven, it would not bring out the emotions that Beethoven intended! And yet, a novice playing Beethoven wouldn't cause someone to say Beethoven was a terrible musician and composer. The musical notes are beautiful, just as they had been written, although my execution of them is way below the true standard of the creation. This is the same when we question Christianity based on the actions of Christians. Jesus is the centre of Christianity. His artistry, His skill, His creation is beautiful. When we see what He created we all feel the wonder of true humanity. When I, or others, play His music in our lives it can be a little hard to hear the beauty, but it’s still there. Although it is fair to ask, “Why do Christians…”, perhaps we also need to ponder, “What does Jesus say about…?” Year 7 Report![]() As the term draws to a close, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the students who applied for leadership positions. This year, we had an outstanding 17 students applying for four Councillor positions, and 22 students contending for two House Captain roles in each House. The calibre of the speeches was exceptional, and every student who took the time to prepare and present should be very proud. A special thank you to our current 2024 Year 7 Student Councillors, who ensured an unforgettable Year 7 experience. Among other achievements, they organised the first-ever Year 7 Form Cup activities and created a dedicated newsletter for Year 7s. It was a joy to present prizes to the winners of both the Form Cup and the Olympics activities this week. The 2025 leaders will be announced shortly. This term also saw the continuation of our Extended Form incursions, with a focus on student wellbeing through Kennedy’s Protective Behaviour Program. Rebekah Nijsen from Lighthouse Cyber Education delivered an engaging session on cyber safety while the team from Masters Psychology & Co joined us this week, offering students practical tools to manage anxiety and develop a positive sense of self. These incursions support the mental and emotional wellbeing of our students, helping them flourish and build resilience not only for their formative years but for challenges throughout their lives.. As we approach the holidays, may it be a time for families to strengthen bonds, and recharge, preparing for the final term of the year. Rest is a gift from God, and as the Psalmist says: "In peace I will lie down and sleep; for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety." (Psalm 4:8) ![]() ![]() Year 8 Report![]() As we move closer to the end of the Term and the school year, I want to encourage all Year 8 students to continue applying themselves to the best of their ability. Your hard work and dedication are crucial not only for your current success but also for building a strong foundation for your future. Remember, every effort you make now contributes to your growth and learning. This week, we observe RUOK? Day, a reminder to check in on ourselves and each other. Mental health is just as important as physical health and reaching out to friends or family can make a significant difference. There has been plenty of activities to entertain students and the support from the Year 8s has been appreciated. Let’s foster an environment where everyone feels supported and valued. Additionally, we are excited to announce our participation in the St Patrick's Community Centre donation drive during Weeks 9 & 10. This initiative aims to support those experiencing homelessness in our community. We encourage families to contribute items of sleeping bags, warm socks or any monetary amount. We feel this is a valuable cause and a great way to contribute to our extended community. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school and community. Let us make this a great finish to the term together! Year 9 Report![]() Our Year 9s had an awesome day of Community Service during Week 7, when over 200 students made it to a range of different community groups, including emergency services, environmental groups, and non-government organisations. Throughout their volunteering, our students exemplified our College values of Growth, Boldness and Service. Each student was assigned to different service locations based on their interests, suitability, and practicality, and were encouraged to explore their personal skills and strengths that may lead to tertiary education courses, volunteer efforts or career opportunities. All the feedback has been super positive and the partnering organisations are excited to continue our relationship with our students, whether with future Year 9 cohorts at Kennedy or with the current cohort who impressed so much on the day! Read more about this day on our website. Thank you to all students who applied to be part of our Student Council for next year. The applicants prepared and delivered confident speeches to the Year 9 cohort last week. I was impressed with the level of maturity the potential leaders displayed and the respect that was given by their peers as they listened intently to each candidate. I’m confident that we’ll have some great students leaders next year, no matter the results. ![]() ![]() Year 10 Report![]() We’ve had another busy term in Year 10 with a lot happening each day. In Week 9, we mark RUOK? Day and put further emphasis on getting around to students to check in on them. Rob Mason was our year group’s guest speaker for and he spoke on the topic of shame, which is the subject of his book, ‘Shame Off You’. He was very positive and tackled how and why we might feel shame and anxiety, and how his journey into ‘shame-free living’ started with asking for help. He reiterated the importance of looking after yourself, seeking help and looking out for others. We have our incursion next week with Man Up WA and We are Women coming in to meet with our Year 10s. I am hopeful that this will be a really positive time with our students to discuss some relevant topics for this age group. I’m also counting down the days until our Year 10 social next term at East Fremantle Yacht club. More information as well as permission forms will be coming out shortly through Parent Lounge and be sure to save the date for the night on Thursday 24 October. I pray that during these holidays, you and your families can have a great time together and come back refreshed for Term 4, ready to finish off the year strong. Year 11 Report![]() The Year 11 students had a great time at the River Cruise on Thursday 5 September. The students conducted themselves incredibly well and all looked amazing. It’s pleasing to see the gratitude the students show towards those staff who gave their time to help supervise this event. Congratulations to Ashley (Best Dressed Female) and Curtis (Best Dressed Male) who both received $100 gift cards for their efforts. The 2025 Student Executive Team has been selected with Lucas Palmer (Head Boy), Jared Ranieri (Vice Head Boy), Makayla Palmieri (Head Girl) and Chloe Billingham (Vice Head Girl) sure to do a great job next year. I am proud of all 24 students who applied for these positions. As we head towards Term 4, I want to encourage our students to continue to strive to do their best and to prepare well for their end of year exams. Students should take advantage of the after-school tutoring available here at Kennedy Baptist College, as well as the Research and Study Centre study skills sessions. See to book an appointment for a study skills session. ![]() ![]() Year 12 Report![]() It has been another busy few weeks for the Year 12s and they now have just days left in the classroom. Many are already looking at revision and exam preparation, but there is also much to celebrate. In Week 7 we had a speaker from the Red Frogs organisation providing insight and advice related to Leavers’ Week festivities. We hope that every student marks the end of their school journey amongst friends and having some fun, but we want those attending traditional leavers venues to be prepared and safe. Week 8 was busy. Monday’s Christian Ed session saw Julia Teow from Destiny Rescue giving an extremely moving and insightful talk on the work they do rescuing children from human trafficking. We were left armed with knowledge, a sense of awe and admiration, but also a sense that there are some ways we can help in this heartbreaking sphere. We also welcomed a group of Nations Youth volunteers who spoke of their experiences surrounding God, life after school and the community and connections they feel at Nations Church. They also cooked up pancakes to share while having individual conversations with students. It is so encouraging to see such open celebration of faith and the obvious joy that comes with sharing it. Friday had Year 12s reimagining themselves as favourite childhood characters while cruising on the Swan River. It was a such an incredibly positive and fun event, and they proved yet again that they love the dancefloor. I am immensely proud of them and hugely grateful to the staff who gave their Friday evening to come along to join the party, adding more memories to add to the cohort collection. ![]() ![]() ![]() Initiated by Mr David Orr, the fun continued this week with a series of Year 12 versus staff sport challenges, coinciding with College recognition of RUOK? Day. The proven mental health benefits of both sport and community make this a great initiative and our thanks go to Mr Orr for making it happen. ![]() ![]() Kennedy News![]() ![]() ![]() Year 12 Performance NightsThe Class of 2024 put on a range of spectacular shows on both Friday 30 August and Monday 2 September. Music performances were first on the agenda, with a supportive audience thoroughly entertained by solo and band performances, including four Year 12 ATAR Music students accompanied by professional musicians and an Alumnus who is now at WAAPA. The show continued on Monday with Dance and Drama students displaying high quality presentations in their respective artistic fields. Dance students picked up from their Term 3 performances at Open Day and the Dance Showcase to wow audiences once again, while Drama students captured a diverse set of life experiences with emotive and stirring performances. We wish our ATAR Performing Arts students all the best for their upcoming 'mock' practical exams this week, and particularly for their external WACE practical exams in the upcoming holidays, where they will perform for industry professionals. Adam's Tour de Kids ChallengeAdam has been working hard to cycle 1000 kilometres this month to help raise money for the Starlight Children’s Foundation. He has taken part in fundraiser over the past four years in memory of his best friend Nick Kentish, who was a fellow student with Adam at primary school and at Kennedy. Adam is nearly at his $1000 target! Please consider supporting him and the Starlight Children’s Foundation by donating via the below link. Write a Book in a DayWorking in six different teams, students have been working in the Research and Study Centre today to write a short novel and raise money for the Kids' Cancer Project. While the ink is still drying on the page, our students have worked hard to nearly match the $2000 raised in last year's endeavours. If you are interested in supporting our students and this cause, simply search for 'Kennedy Baptist College' on The Kids' Cancer Project's 'Sponsor a Student' page. College NoticesTerm 4 DatesTerm 3 concludes for students on Thursday 19 September 2024. The College will be following a Friday timetable and classes for all students will conclude at 3.15pm. Term 4 will commence on Monday 7 October 2024 at 8.15am. Students are to wear their full Summer Uniform. Please note that the Administration office will re-open on Monday 30 September. We hope that you have a restful and safe holiday break. WITHDRAWING AT THE END OF THIS SCHOOL YEAR? In line with the College fee policy, it is a condition of enrolment that at least 10 school weeks of notice (not including scheduled school holidays) of a student's withdrawal is given in writing. If you are withdrawing or contemplating withdrawing your child, please contact our Registrar to keep us informed of your intentions. ![]() Summer Uniforms for Term 4As we count down the days until the end of Term 3, it is time to consider any Summer Uniform requirements for Term 4. The Uniform Shop's last day for Term 3 is Wednesday 18 September. Existing families may visit the Shop during holidays from Friday 4 October 8.00am to 3.45pm (closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm). The Shop reopens for Term 4 on Monday 7 October, and will be open Monday to Thursday during the Term, 8.00am to 3.45pm (closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm). As a reminder, Uniform requirements are as follows:
Lost PropertyUnclaimed lost property items will be placed outside Student Services during Tuesday and Wednesday in Week 10. If your child has lost an item, please ask them to come and have a look during recess, lunch and after school. Please remember to double check that name labels are on each of your students items, including student backpacks, sports jackets, and water bottles. If you are in need of labels for Uniforms, out Shop has blank iron-on name labels available, with a sheet of 14 for just $4. These are available both from the Uniform Shop and QuickCliq. Employment Applications OpenOur staff are essential to our mission to provide opportunities of educational excellence to our students.There are a number of roles available to apply for as we prepare for the future, including employment as a counsellor and in reception. If you or someone you know is suited to one of these roles, please see our website for more details and how to apply. Interschool Athletics CarnivalThe Interschool Athletics Carnival is tomorrow, Friday 13 September at the WA Athletics Stadium. Students using the Kennedy bus to this event are to meet at the Kennedy Sport Centre. Please see the previous communications from Miss Karina Podmore for more information about this day. For families wanting to watch the live stream of the event, please click the link below. Silly Sock DayThe Year 8 cohort are partnering with St Patrick’s Community Support Centre to gather much needed resources. Students of all years can contribute to this crucial service through monetary donations, bringing in new sleeping bags, and wearing bright and colourful socks on the last day of Term. Staff and students doing so are asked to also donate a pair of new winter socks. Socks and donations can be left at Student Services before the day or will be collected from your form room by Year 8 students on Silly Sock Day. See the official letter from the College for more information ![]() Term 4 Change to the Kennedy Bus Schedule - Afternoon Only
Starting from Term 4, the afternoon Kennedy Bus routes will change, with buses now departing from the College at 3.40pm rather than 3.30pm. This means that the bus timetable will have an additional 10 minutes on the current schedule. The TransportMe system will be updated to ensure the live tracking is accurate. This change ensures a more organised departure time, accommodating the logistical needs of the Sport, Physical Education and Outdoor Education Curriculum. We will communicate directly to students who use College Bus services about both this change along with any further information to the Kennedy Bus schedule. ![]() Parents and Friends Association General MeetingThe P&F Association is involved in important work for the College, especially in the recent success of our Community Open Day. They are holding their next General Meeting on Tuesday 15 October 2024 at 5.00pm in the College Boardroom. This meeting is open to all parents and friends of the school who would like to be involved. If you are interested in attending this meeting and joining in on the discussion, please RSVP via the P&F email. ![]() AbsenteesParents and guardians are asked to notify the College before 9.00am on the morning of absence via the absentee form on the Kennedy App under Parent Lounge or by phoning the College absentee line (08 6188 0698). For any other student matters or information, please feel free to email Student Services or stop by to talk to one of our staff. ![]() Uniform Shop – Term 4 2024 Opening HoursDuring Term 4 of 2024, the Uniform Shop will be open Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm. ![]() Beedawong Cafeteria MenuThere are delicious items available in the Cafeteria such as fruit salad, sushi and freshly baked muffins and chocolate croissants each day! There are also some great online lunch options such as Butter Chicken & rice, baguettes & wraps to order via our online ordering system at ![]() Volunteering OpportunitiesWe value the support of Volunteer opportunities for 2024 will be made available in Term 4, including assisting the P&F Association with their volunteering efforts and book covering in the RASC. ![]() Student WithdrawalIt is a condition of enrolment that at least 10 school weeks’ notice (not including scheduled school holidays) of a student’s withdrawal is given in writing to the Registrar at In the event that such notice is not given, a 10 week withdrawal fee will apply per student. We are always looking to improve our College and take care of our community. Will you please tell us how we are doing and review us on Google? Submit your review here. The next newsletter will be published on: |