VALE JANET VIOLA COOMBS AM (1932 – 2022)Dear members and colleagues We were saddened to hear of the passing of Janet Coombs AM on Saturday 24 September 2022, aged 90 years. Janet was a Founding and Life Member of our Association, and actively involved, including on the Executive Committee, until recently. She is featured in many of our photo galleries (above in February 2021 at our launch event with some of the Executive Committee). She was a
trailblazer who shared some of her amazing and quite entertaining experiences and stories. Janet will be missed, and her contributions to women and law well remembered. Janet was called to the NSW Bar on 13 March 1959, the eighth woman to be admitted. In 1997, she was made a member of the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM). Until her retirement in 1998, she had the longest-running practice of any woman at the NSW Bar. She was made an honorary life member of the Bar Association in 1998. During the 1970s, she was co-trustee of a room in Frederick Jordan Chambers, which was made available on a subsidised rent for a year to a woman beginning practice at the Bar. A portrait of Janet (“One of the Girls”) hangs in the Bar Common Room. In 2009, Janet was
interviewed for the Bar Association’s oral history program, Pioneering Women 1921-1975. We have hosted a biannual luncheon with the Women Barristers Forum for many years to continue her tradition of welcoming new female barristers to the Bar. Please click here for further details on Janet’s career and brief biography from the NSW Bar Association. The funeral for Janet will be held on Monday 17 October 2022 at 10.00am in St Mary’s
Church (264 Miller Street, North Sydney). Shortly after, the burial will be at Mona Vale Cemetery. A wake will be held at Bay View Golf Club at 1825 Pittwater Road Mona Vale from 1pm. SAVE THE DATE!
We will shortly advise details of a celebratory event which is in the planning for 7 December 2022 to acknowledge and celebrate Past Presidents, Life and Founding Members.
PRACTICAL STEPS TO MAXIMISE THE PROFITABILITY OF YOUR FIRMWednesday 19 October 2022, 1.00-2.15pm via MS TeamsMembers Free;
Non-Members $20Maree Macphail, Partner at ESV Business advice and accounting, will speak about:
• Structures – types, pros and cons
• Running a business – cash flow, charging time, debt collection, budgeting, setting staff KPIs
• Xero and using computerised systems to assist in running the business
• Leverage
• Other issues – HR/IT/finance/systems
‘How Many More Women’ special event with Jennifer Robinson Saturday 22 October 2022, 7.30-9.00pm, Conservatorium of Music Concert Hall, Newcastle
Join us for a special evening event with internationally respected human rights and media lawyer, Jennifer Robinson. Journalist Maddison Connaughton will host this conversation, which will centre on Jennifer’s new book How Many More Women? Exposing How the Law Silences Women, co-written with Dr Keina Yoshida. How Many More Women? examines the laws around the world that silence women, and explores the changes we need to make to ensure that women’s freedoms are no longer threatened by the legal system that is supposed to protect them. Jennifer, an Australian based in London, represented Amber Heard in relation to Johnny Depp’s
2020 defamation case in the United Kingdom and has defended Julian Assange and advised WikiLeaks since 2010.
‘Welcome to the Law’ Seminar 4: Emotional Intelligence, Resilience and Dealing with Difficult People Tuesday 25 October 2022, 5.00pm registration for 5.30pm start to 7.00pm, proudly hosted by Hall & Wilcox Members $25;
Non-Members $30 Lawyering does not only involve intellectual excellence. Emotional intelligence is an important part of thriving in the law. This panel discussion with practitioners will discuss navigating awkward office scenarios and how to use your emotional intelligence to remain resilient. Learn what being a lawyer is really like.
Trivia Networking Night Thursday 27 October 2022, 5.45-8.00pm, proudly hosted by Mills Oakley Members $30;
Non-members $35;
Tables of 8 $220
(includes GST and refreshments) Come and mingle with your colleagues and get back to some old-fashioned face to face networking over a couple of rounds of friendly trivia! Mills Oakley have kindly offered to host this event and invites you to attend a fun evening which will kick off with some pre-trivia drinks and canapes on their CBD terrace. Do not forget to tell your friends!
Special Networking Event with visiting USA Judge, the Honourable Abbe F. Fletman
Monday 31 October 2022, 5.30pm at the Union, University & Schools Club Members $60;
Non-Members $70
(includes refreshments). Her Honour Judge Fletman is looking forward to networking once again with Australian lawyers and speaking about being a woman lawyer and judge in the USA, what’s happening with law reform following the recent decision overturning Roe v Wade, and other topics of interest. This is a unique opportunity for our members to hear directly from an American judicial officer.
Membership and BenefitsMembership fees continue to offer great value, with Corporate membership categories offering substantial discounts to law firms, chambers and other organisations to extend the benefits of membership to all staff in NSW. Please note that 2023YE membership is open! Join us in representing women lawyers and the wider profession, as we have for over 70 years. We continue to provide leadership in matters affecting
women and the legal profession, by driving and advocating for change. Should you have any queries or need to check your membership status, please contact our office
WLANSWPlease feel free to pass this email onto colleagues and ensure they are on our email list for future updates and invitations. Are you receiving the same messages from us more than once? You might have multiple
accounts in our system. Just send us an email telling us your current email address that should be associated with your account and let us know which other email addresses you are receiving duplicate copies of our correspondence to and we'll update our records.