Wednesday 27 July 2022
Upcoming opportunities to boost your change resilience and wellbeing: Register now!
Kia ora koutou
As we continue to navigate this period of ongoing change and uncertainty while grappling with Covid-19 and all the usual winter ills, we are offering further opportunities to help boost resilience and enhance wellbeing.
All kamaihi are strongly encouraged to come along – it’s a long email but please scan through to see which opportunities suit you, and please check in with your manager if needed to confirm
your attendance.
Lunch & Learn sessions
These are short, focused webinars – shared with our MIT colleagues – on topics chosen to support your wellbeing. Grab your lunch, log in and learn.
Women’s Health
Tuesday 2 August, 1:00-2:00pm – Register here
Women encounter unique social, psychological and emotional experiences. These matters can have a significant impact on your wellbeing at home and in the workplace. This webinar focuses on some of these experiences and how we can acknowledge the risks, as well as improve the overall wellbeing of women in the workplace.
Men’s Health
Tuesday 9 August, 1:00-2:00pm – Register here
Men encounter unique health issues, and these matters can have a significant impact on your wellbeing at home and in the workplace. This webinar focuses on understanding the key men’s health issues, the relevant risk factors and how we can reduce these risks including self-care strategies.
Financial Wellbeing
Tuesday 16 August, 12:00-1:00pm – Register here
Learn about the meaning of financial wellbeing and the impact of financial stress on our health and wellbeing. Includes tips on creating a budget to help you find surplus income.
Mindful Eating
Thursday 1 September, 11:00-12:00pm – Register here
Learn all about mindful eating and understand why calories are not the full story. Learn how to get back in touch with the hunger cues being sent from your body and discover your triggers for mindless eating. In this session you’ll gain valuable insights into your own eating style and come away with tips to be more mindful every day.
Rewarding Relationships
Thursday 29 September, 11:00-12:00pm – Register here
Enhance your communication skills in this session focused on identifying and nurturing different workplace relationships and developing more effective communication.
Upcoming People Development Workshops
Delivered by our own People & Culture team, the following workshops cover essential skills for engaging effectively with others through challenging times.
Register here for any of the below workshops (scroll down the form to find the relevant
Managing Risks to Mental Health: Structured framework for psychosocial safety in the workplace
Wednesday 7 September, 10:00-11:00am OR Tuesday 1 November, 1:00-2:00pm
Help identify organisational hazards to mental health; explore the potential risks and corresponding controls; and highlight what tools and support are available. Intended for people leaders, or those aspiring to move into a people management role.
Managing Difficult Conversations: Finding agreement or common ground to move forward
Tuesday 16 August, 1:00-3:00pm
A difficult conversation might ensue when the needs, opinions or perceptions of people differ; it can create tension that may feel like conflict. This workshop gives you tools and techniques to respond appropriately when you're in a difficult conversation.
Giving & Receiving Feedback: Aroha mai, aroha atu
Tuesday 2 August, 10:00-12:00pm
Not all feedback is easy to hear but is made easier when it comes from the right place. This workshop gives you simple frameworks for delivering feedback in a mana-enhancing way, and explores the best ways to ‘receive’ feedback. While most suited to those in positions required to lead, motivate, engage, coach or mentor others, all kaimahi are welcome to attend.
Speak Up: Supporting & Enabling Our Code of Conduct: Tools & knowledge to confidently speak up when experiencing challenging behaviour
Tuesday 25 October, 9:30am – 12:00pm
A safe, inclusive environment is one where people can confidently ‘Speak up’ about any concerns knowing they will be treated respectfully and fairly. This workshop gives you the knowledge, tools and confidence to identify and address inappropriate behaviour.
Register here for any of the above People Development workshops (scroll down the form to find the relevant workshop)
Questions or suggestions?
Please contact if you have any questions about any of the above opportunities. We encourage you to take advantage of what's on offer.
Ngā mihi
Chris Hutton and Julie McGregor