
Photo of Gratitude Board outside DRS office, with a sign saying, "Grab a Valentine to show someone you appreciate them."

Hello again,

First, as the photo above shows, we're welcoming you to February with the chance to share some gratitude (or appreciation) to someone by providing you with valentines to distribute. Starting on Monday, February 5, we hope you'll take one (or two) and help make someone's day. The basket is outside the DRS office in WPU 140.

Along with that, we have a few other things to share. A staff profile of our Administrative Assistant (hey, that's me!) and a piece from one of our DRS student employee, on their experience in the office. We hope you'll check it and the other features out.

Have a great February and we'll see you next month!

Accommodation Reminders

Please remember to log in to the Student Portal to request accommodations, exams, and appointments with your disability specialist.

Disability Notification Letters: Sent out each semester, you need to select the class and the accommodations you require.

Alt. Testing Requests: Exam requests must be submitted at a minimum of three (3) business days before the exam (Seven [7] business days for finals). This excludes weekends and University observed holidays. Please note the Alternative Testing process is for in-person on paper exams. See: Alternative Testing Request Instructions for Students.


Utilizing the DRS Canvas Page for Accommodations

A new term calls for new accommodation requests, and the DRS Canvas page is here to help you get the ball rolling! The Canvas page is a tailored resource catering specifically to students requiring accommodations. Crafted based on feedback from the Student Satisfaction Survey in Spring 2022, this platform offers comprehensive guidance for each semester's accommodation process.

What’s in it for you? Clear information, precise procedures, and defined expectations—all available on this page. Need to submit alternative testing requests? The DRS Canvas page breaks down the steps for a smooth experience. Plus, it provides ready-made email templates to ease conversations with instructors about your accommodation needs.

This resource empowers you to navigate accommodation procedures effectively. Dive into the DRS Canvas page to ensure a better grasp of accommodation processes and streamline communication with instructors for a successful academic journey.

If questions still remain about the process, be sure to connect directly with your Disability Specialist for more clarification!

Important Dates in February

February is Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month

White Cane Week - February 1 through 7

February 2 - Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day

February 4 - World Cancer Day

February 11 - World Day of the Sick

February 14 - Congenital Heart Defect Awareness and National Donor Day

February 15 - International Childhood Cancer Day

February 27 - Anosmia Awareness Day

February 29 - Rare Disease Day

February is National Black History Month. Please join the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in celebrating. This year's theme is: African Americans and the Arts.


College to Career Series

We would like to thank everyone that took the time to attend our January College to Career where we discussed disability disclosure. The next workshop will be taking place on Thursday, February 15th and the topic will be Accommodations Overview. We will be discussing information related to what qualifies as an accommodation, options outside of accommodations, the difference between an accommodation and preference, reasons why an accommodation may be denied, and much more!

As a reminder, the series is being offered to undergraduate students who are registered with DRS and is designed to prepare students with disabilities for entering the workforce by providing education related to resume writing, job selection, self-advocacy, disability disclosure, accommodations, and interview etiquette.

All workshops will take place from 3:00pm-4:00pm via Teams. The dates and topics are as follows:

  • February 15th – Accommodations Overview
  • March 21st – Workplace Barriers
  • April 18th – Self-Advocacy

Be on the look out for more information, including instructions on how to attend the event!

Peer Mentor Catch-up

Game Night
Wednesday, February 7, 5:00 to 7:00 pm
WPU, room 538


Delta Alpha Pi Update

Trivia Night
Thursday, February 29, 7:00 to 8:00 pm
WPU, room 837


Construction Impacts on Mobility

Check out this resource from Pitt Mobility for how construction projects around campus may affect mobility. It is intended to communicate traffic alerts, street closures, shuttles and regional bus planning tools.


Opportunities / Research



This month, the Career Center is piloting something new. Each day they will host an Early Access Hour with a quieter, lighter ambiance.  From 11 am to noon, there will be fewer people and more space to move from booth to booth. The fairs take place on February 13 (Engineering), February 14 (Computing & Information), and February 15 (Arts & Sciences, Government & Nonprofit) in the William Pitt Union.

To gain early access, simply report to Student Check-In in the WPU Atrium anytime between 11 am and noon. A staff member will ask to see the pass below. Feel free to take a screenshot of this pass or save this email to open at the fair. 

This is a unique and exclusive invitation for recipients of this newsletter and a few other very small groups of students, so please do not share this information with anyone else. 

For Career Fair details, including attire, resume review events, and employers attending each day, you may visit CareerCentral.Pitt.edu.

image of a badge stating Early Access Pass for the Career & Internship Fair
Flyer for Autistic College Students Research Study

Staff Profile - John Muth, Administrative Assistant

How long have you worked in Disability Services (at Pitt and beyond):

I have worked in DRS since October of 2021. And this is my first time working with Disability services or in a capacity of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as a part of my job.

What drew you to DRS:

I liked the idea of being the forward facing part of an office whose mission is to create equity in the workplace and for students. I like helping and being a help to people.

What’s your top tip for students requesting accommodations?

I would recommend reaching out to DRS or your assigned specialist as soon as possible when a question or problem arises. The sooner we are able to assist in a situation to make sure you are receiving your accommodations.

How many pets do you have and what are their names? (This is most important!)

I have a 10 year old Puggle-some other things, named Sparky. He’s grumpy and always hungry, but adorable and cuddly… So he fits right in.


A Student Employee's Perspective

by Rebecca Freedman (Marketing), DRS Student Employee

I started working at Pitt Disability Resources and Services in October of 2023. I was super nervous to start my first ever on-campus job. From my first day, I was immediately welcomed with open arms. The office administrator, Lydia, and I sat down to go over all of my responsibilities as a student employee. She continuously reassured me that if I had any questions or concerns that I would be able to talk to anyone working in the office. Since my first day, I have gained a second family here at Pitt. Everyday I walk into the office and am immediately greeted by John and/or one of the specialists. Everyone is so welcoming and caring of each other.

Working at Disability Resources and Services as a student employee has been a rewarding experience, allowing me to play a role in an inclusive and accessible educational environment for students with diverse needs. One of my favorite parts of this role is the opportunity to support students with disabilities on their college journey, whether that is answering questions through phone calls, emails, or walk-ins.

There is also so much that goes on behind the scenes at the office of DRS. For example, working with the testing center for exams, collaborating with professors, and attending educational meetings. All of the specialists are continuously learning to provide students with
the most effective and up-to-date resources. Attending workshops, conferences, and networking with professionals in the field helps enhance their knowledge and better serve their students.

In conclusion, my experience as a student employee in the Disability Resources and Services office has been a journey of growth, learning, and making a meaningful impact on the lives of students. It has deepened my understanding of the importance of accessibility in education and reinforced my commitment to creating a more inclusive society.


That's all for now! We'll see you next month.


We want to hear from you

What do you want to see in DRS' monthly newsletter? Want to share an experience or give some Pitt survival tips? Let us know by emailing DRSrecep@pitt.edu with "Newsletter" in the Subject line.

University of Pittsburgh