September 3, 2024
Tuesday within the Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary Time (V36)
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Bishop' Homily for the Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
(Denis---S / Shutterstock.com)
[St. Theresa Church, Kihei]
Did you know that the Ten Commandments are prominently displayed – in stone -- on the United States Supreme Court building? If the building were being built now, of course, there would be protests, with many saying that since the Ten Commandments are from the Jewish Bible, which Christians also consider Sacred Scripture, they are a symbol of a particular religion and therefore have no place on a government building. They would have a point, we must admit, but then the question is: what is the basis of the laws we live by? Those who built the Supreme Court building obviously viewed this code of law as somehow fundamental, a firm foundation on which to build subsequent laws.
Unfortunately, we humans have a way of distorting things. The Pharisees and scribes Jesus criticizes in today’s Gospel certainly had no argument against religious symbols. In fact, they considered them essential to life. Their problem was that they took the basic commandments of God and started nit-picking and making up their own laws, which were really not based on God’s law but were simply human precepts. Read more...
Phishing Emails
From the Office of the Bishop
BEWARE of emails pretending to be from the Bishop and asking for special favors. They are phishing emails and are a scam.
Educators Honor Mary as School Year Begins
Educators from Catholic schools across the state gathered Aug. 15 at St. Ann Church in Kaneohe for Mass honoring the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as the start of the academic year. (Celia K. Downes / Hawaii Catholic Herald)
By Celia K. Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Teachers and administrators from across the state gathered Aug. 15 to mark the start of the academic year with a special Mass organized by Hawaii Catholic Schools.
Normally called the Mass of the Holy Spirit, this year the occasion fell on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Before Mass began, Associate Superintendent Mandy Thronas-Brown welcomed Tonata Lolesio, principal of Sacred Hearts School, to provide an update on the school.
After its Lahaina campus was mostly destroyed in last year’s devastating wildfire, Sacred Hearts School relocated to Sacred Hearts Mission Church in Kapalua for the 2023-24 academic year. Read more...
God Walks with His People
From the Office for Social Ministry
God not only walks with his people, but also within them, in the sense that he identifies himself with men and women on their journey through history, particularly with the least, the poor and the marginalized. - Pope Francis Message to the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, 2024
“God walks with his people” is the theme of this year’s World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) which will take place on September 29, 2024. Ten days later the 2024 session of the worldwide Synod of the Catholic Church will begin in Rome on October 10. Pope Francis message to WDMR emphasizes “the synodal dimension allows the Church to rediscover its itinerant nature, as the People of God journeying through history on pilgrimage, “migrating”, we could say, toward the Kingdom of Heaven. Likewise, it is possible to see in the migrants of our time, as in those of every age, a living image of God’s people on their way to the eternal homeland.” Read more...
"Walk By Faith" Summer Spiritual Retreat, Sep 13-15
Friday, September 13 - Sunday, September 15, 2024
St. Anthony Retreat Center, Honolulu
Basic Christian Community of Hawaii presents "Walk By Faith" Summer Spiritual Retreat. When our circumstances are unclear and challenging, may we walk with childlike faith, putting our had in the hand of the Father's, trusting in Him to lead the way.
This two-night summer retreat for adult men and women will led by spiritual directors, the Very Reverend Msgr. Gary Secor of the Diocese of Honolulu, and Sr. Meristella Umdor, a Missionary Sister of Mary Help of Christians.
Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/971989646197
Flyer available HERE.
Summer Sunset Rosary and Potluck, Sep 20
Friday, September 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Ala Moana Beach Park (Ewa side), Honolulu
All are welcome to join the Summer Sunset Rosary and Potluck. The rosary and potluck will be held on the third Friday of each month through September at Ala Moana Beach Park. Sponsored by the Outreach Ministry of the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Questions? Please contact Ron Gochenouer at (808) 306-7502.
Flyer available HERE.
HCCRS Fall Conference "Faithful Endurance," Sep 28
Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Catholic Charities Hawaii, Honolulu
Join the 44th Regional Catholic Charismatic Conference "Faithful Endurance." Admission is free to this one-day conference.
Flyer available HERE.
ʻOhana Mass, Sep 28
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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024
at 5:30 p.m.
Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Honolulu
From the Office for Social Ministry
At Mary, Star of the Sea Church on Oahu, parishioners established their Ministry for Persons with Disabilities by welcoming persons with varying gifts and abilities to celebrate the “’Ohana Mass.” Ushers who are members of the Knights of Columbus offer a warm welcome and escort them to the designated pews where they were able to better participate in the Eucharist. After Mass, the community continues fellowship together through a potluck supper where all joyfully serve each other with nourishing food and aloha. These “‘Ohana Masses” and potluck fellowship normally take place on the fourth Saturday each month, 5:30 PM at Mary, Star of the Sea where all are welcomed to celebrate and share their gifts as one ‘Ohana.
Live stream available at Mary, Star of the Sea's YouTube Channel.
For more information, please call the parish office at (808) 734-0396 or email rafmendoza@rcchawaii.org.
Eucharistic Rosary Congress, Oct 5-11
(Immaculate / Shutterstock.com)
Saturday, October 5 - Friday, October 11, 2024
From October 5-11, 2024 the Diocese of Honolulu will join other dioceses around the nation for the 2024 Eucharistic Rosary Congresses (ERC). The purpose of the ERC is to assist the faithful to fulfill the message of Our Lady of Fatima.
As in years pass, our diocese will follow “The Traveling Congress” model. The relay will start on Saturday, October 5 at 6:00 p.m. and will end on Friday, October 11 at 6:00 p.m. Each 6-hour period is held at a different parish or religious community or Catholic school in the Diocese.
Parishes, religious congregations and Catholic schools that are interested in participating can contact Cami Adams at (808) 721-2307 or camikjmj@gmail.com with their desired day(s).
For more information, please visit www.rosarycongressusa.org.
Advocate Training, Oct 29
Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
St. Stephen Diocesan Center, Kaneohe
Advocate Training is being offered by the Diocesan Tribunal Staff for Priests and Deacons who were not previously trained and Lay Persons designated by their pastor. The workshops will provide training on:
How to assist those who are divorced with petitioning for a Declaration of Marital Nullity
When a Lack of Canonical Form applies
What is need for a Pauline Privilege petition
To register, contact Roxanne Torres at rtorres@rcchawaii.org or (808) 203-6766.
Flyer available HERE.
Rest in Peace
Please pray for the happy repose of the soul of Edward Silva, the brother of Bishop Larry Silva, who passed away in Oakland, California on August 31, 2024, after suffering a short time with cancer. He was born December 8, 1952, and is survived by his wife Veronica, and his adult children, Teresa, Catherina (Catie), and Peter. May he rest in peace.
Word of Life for September
Word of Life is a monthly resource from the USCCB's Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. Each month includes resources for print and are adaptable for digital efforts including Feature of the Month, Intercessions for Life, Bulletin Quotes, and Bulletin Art. Learn more at www.respectlife.org.
Available in English: PDF | Word
Saint of the Week
Saint Gregory the Great
c. 540–604
Memorial – September 3
Saint Gregory the Great was born in the city of Rome into an aristocratic family whose members filled political and religious offices. Gregory’s father was a senator and later became the Prefect of Rome, similar to the role of mayor. His mother, Silvia, was a virtuous woman who was later recognized as a saint, as were two of his aunts. Thus, Gregory’s influential, wealthy, and saintly family provided him with a stellar education and nurtured him in the Catholic faith from a young age. Read more...
Copyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life
Online Giving for Parishes
Support your local parish online! You can give directly to your parish on the Diocese of Honolulu's Offertory page at www.catholichawaii.org/offertory.
On behalf of the parishes in the Diocese of Honolulu, thank you for your gift of support. Mahalo nui loa!
Live-streaming Masses for the Diocese of Honolulu
There are many opportunities to view Mass via live stream from various churches in the Diocese of Honolulu.
Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu
Sundays at 10 AM
Weekdays at 12 PM, Saturdays at 12 PM and 5 PM
or https://honolulucathedral.org/
Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Kalihi
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Mondays to Thursdays at 6:30 AM, Fridays & Saturdays at 8 AM
Mystical Rose Oratory, Kaimuki
Sundays at 10 AM
Newman Center, Manoa
Sundays at 5 PM
Mary, Star of the Sea, Waialae-Kahala
Saturdays at 5:30 PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach
Sundays at 9 AM
Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa
Sundays at 9 AM
or https://www.olswahiawa.org
Our Lady of the Mount, Kalihi
Sundays at 9 AM
Resurrection of the Lord, Waipio
Sundays at 9:30 AM
St. Anthony, Kalihi
Sundays at 8:30 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM
St. Augustine, Waikiki
Saturdays at 5 PM
St. Elizabeth, Aiea
Sundays at 10 AM
St. Joseph, Waipahu
Sundays at 10 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM
St. Pius X, Manoa
Sundays at 11 AM
Facebook: Diocese Of Honolulu Evangelization Taskforce
St. Michael, Waialua
Sundays at 11 AM, Wednesdays at 7 AM
or https://stsmichaelpeterpaul.org
St. Rita, Nanakuli
Sundays at 9 AM
or YouTube
St. Roch, Kahuku
Sundays at 7:30 AM
St. Stephen, Nuuanu
Sundays at 10 AM
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi & St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe
Sundays at 8 AM (St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe)
Sundays at 10 AM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Saturdays at 5 PM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Our Lady of Lourdes, Honokaa
Sundays at 9 AM & 6:30 PM, Saturdays at 5:30 PM
St. Catherine, Kapaa
Sundays at 9:30 AM, Mondays to Saturdays at 7 AM
or https://www.facebook.com/stcatherinekauai
Our Lady Queen of Angels, Kula
Daily at 7 AM
St. Joseph, Makawao
Sundays at 9 AM
Resources to Prepare for Watching a Livestream Mass:
Events and Previous Announcements
"Walk By Faith" Summer Spiritual Retreat, Sep 13-15
Summer Sunset Rosary and Potluck, Sep 20
Funeral Mass for Deacon Manny Pascua, Sep 28
Eucharistic Rosary Congress, Oct 5-11
Mass for 50th Anniversary of the Korean Catholic Community, Oct 6
International & New Priests Orientation, Oct 9
New Pastors & Administrators Orientation, Oct 10
Mass for 175th Anniversary of St. Anthony School, Wailuku, Oct 27
Advocate Training with the Diocesan Tribunal, Oct 29
For our most recent news, visit www.catholichawaii.org.
Bishop' Homily for the Twenty-First Sunday of Ordinary Time
HOPE Services Responds to Hurricane Hone
A New Place to Call Home
World Day of Migrants and Refugees "God Walks with His People"
Saint of the Week - Monica
Word of Life for August
Diocesan Guidelines for Speaker Approval
How to Order a Papal Blessing?
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Visit: www.hawaiicatholicherald.com/subscriptions