Wednesday 13 April 2022
Covid-19 Protection Framework: Orange from tomorrow
Kia ora koutou
The Covid-19 Response Minister has announced that New Zealand will move to the Orange setting of the Covid-19 Protection Framework at 11.59pm tonight. This decision was made due to a sustained reduction in cases, despite the recent relaxation of settings.
What does Orange mean for Unitec staff?
Our Covid-19 Policy was recently updated and still applies at the Orange setting. This means:
- Campuses: Unitec is fully open. We are returning to normal patterns of delivery in the next few weeks. Please talk to your Manager or Head of School about how you’ll be transitioning back
to onsite working.
- Masks: A reminder that wearing a mask helps keep your whānau and vulnerable people safe. Face masks must be worn when indoors on campus including in buildings like the cafeteria (unless eating), libraries and teaching spaces. Even while sitting at your desk surrounded by others. Masks are also strongly recommended in all outdoor areas on campus, when around others. If you have forgotten your mask, Inward Goods has a small supply for each team; your School Business Administrator or Manager can contact them to arrange collection.
- Capacity: Tertiary education providers can choose capacity limits for teaching and learning spaces for Orange. There is no requirement to base capacity on 1-meter
distancing, but this is encouraged wherever possible.
You'll find all the information on our Covid response on our Covid-19 Nest page.
The advice from medical experts, to protect yourself and others is to:
- Be up to date with vaccinations, including the booster
- Wear a mask. A good rule of thumb is to wear a mask whenever you're not at home. Masks have been
found to reduce new cases by as much as 53%.
- Stay home and avoid others if you're unwell. Please don’t come to Unitec if you are feeling sick. Instead, stay home and call either your GP or Healthline on 0800 611 116.
Thank you so much for your efforts during this challenging period. We really appreciate your continuing mahi to keep our students engaged and well supported.
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter break and look forward to seeing more of you at Unitec in the near future.
Ngā mihi
Gus Gilmore
Chief Executive Officer - Unitec and MIT