No images? Click here 24th June 2023Synod Meeting Day 3Acknowledgement of CountryAcknowledgement of country was delivered by students from Pilgrim School and was shown as a video, available at this link. Worship and Bible StudyWorship began with the Song 'This is the Day'; and the Scripture reading Psalm 100 read by Anne Chase. A World Blessing 2023 video was shown and is available at this link. Prayers of intercession; Song 'May our Lives and our Prayers be One' and Benediction followed. The Bible Study was provided by Steve Davis entitled 'The letter of joy.' Paul says in 1 Corinthians 'I have become all things to all people, so that by all possible means I might save some ... I do this for the sake of the gospel.' In the letter to the Philippians, we receive some great clues about who we are called to be as disciples of Christ. In Chapter one, verse one Paul writes, 'Paul and Timonthy, servants of Christ Jesus.' It doesn't say Paul the apostle, the theologian, the church planter, the evangelist, the missionary pioneer. He says 'Paul servant of Christ Jesus,' a great place to begin. Just as Jesus was a servant so we too share that identity. In Chapter two, verse five Paul reminds us 'Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.' We are servants of Christ Jesus. All were asked to share/consider one thought about Paul's words that continues to linger with you. General ProposalsRaising the age of criminal responsibilityJoanna Palmer presented on this topic. Indicating that at present South Australia allows children of the age of 10 years to be imprisoned. This is downstream policy making; the vast majority of incarcerated children also have a disability or disability related need. Some of these children are also functioning at well below their chronological age. We have been repeatedly criticised by the United Nations for failing to address this issue. Indigenous children are also the most vulnerable. Jordan Sumner spoke about the issue and how the system tends to punish the most vulnerable. Advocating that it would be important for the cost of incarceration to be redirected into community support and community initiatives. Both presenters asked the Synod to sign onto this important campaign. Proposal 3 (Consensus) Amended: Request the Moderator to inform the relevant Minister, the Premier of the South Australian Government and the Leader of the Opposition of the Synod resolution. Broadening of placement structuresRev Mandy Harvey (Deacon) Chaplain Central Adelaide Health Local Network presented that the Uniting Church is keen to develop and grow its ministry. The Placement structure has remained unchanged for some time. Many have not been able to truly live the calling of being accepted into ministry; stifled and disillusioned with the current structure. We seek to have the Uniting Church explore broadening its structure to offer more flexible placements beyond just ministry and chaplains; and for ministry agents to be more free to exercise their call. Rev Paul Turley spoke about the future of the church and that it might act as an agent for change. An invitation to members was extended to consider ways of thinking about individual ministry agents; and a Presbytery of which they are a part; and the ministry to which they are called. Addition to the existing proposal: Proposal 8 (Consensus) Synod Standing Committee BallotCongratulations were extended to the following members who have been successful in being elected to the South Australian Synod Standing Committee 2023-24: Rev Lynne Aird Justice for PalestiniansAndrew Telfer reported on justice and rights for Palestinians and peace with Israel, with a loss of rights for Palestinians due to the occupation of their lands by Israel. Permits, unpredicable processes, check-points etc. hamper daily life and create injustices for Palestinian people. At present, violence on both sides is escalating, although there are some hopeful signs that more people are speaking up about injustices and advocating for peace. Rev Christa Megaw also presented about the desire for justice for all - both Palestinians and Israelis. Proposal 9 (Consensus). Churches Together SARev Vicky Balabanski presented a proposal to affirm and increase the contribution that Uniting Church in SA currently commits to the work of Churches Together SA. Churches Together SA gathers together Christian churches and Christian communities and includes a range of religious denominations. Rev Anne Butler also presented about the importance of Churches Together and the funding required to maintain their work. It was noted that the Uniting Church SA contribution has not been indexed and there is a request for indexing to be applied going forward. Proposal 6 (Part a. Consensus / Part c: Consensus / Pard d: Consensus and Part b: by Agreement. Amended: That the issue is referred to the General Secretary to progress in relation to on-going funding) Justice for Asylum SeekersRev Paul Turley and Rev Dr Paul Goh spoke to the proposal in relation to refugee asylum seekers calling all members of the Uniting Church in South Australia to pray and work for justice for refugees and asylum seekers in our communities and in off-shore detention. This included a request that the Moderator and members of the Uniting Church in South Australia write to The Hon Andrew Giles MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Multicultural Affairs on a range of issues outlined in their proposal. Proposal 5 (Consensus) 17th Assembly BallotWe congratulate the following members on being elected to the 17th Assembly Standing Committee of the Uniting Church: Rev Benji Callen Closing WorshipWorship included the opening song 'Gather Us In;' Scripture Romans 12:9-21, Prayer of thanksgiving; Song: 'In Christ Alone,' Communion; Song: 'Oceans;' and the final Song: 'Joyful Joyful.' During the service, Moderator Peter Morel affirmed the past three days, from Wednesday night's Installation ceremony, Iksan Presbytery guests, days 1, 2 and 3 of the meeting and the Celebration of Ministry - much has been covered in these days. He encouraged all to go from this place to spread the good news in word and deed. A video greeting from the Philippines was also shown during worship and is available at this link. A reminder of all we have shared, locally, nationally and internationally. A prayer of thanks was delivered to all that helped to bring the Synod meeting together. Synod Meeting Day 3 |