Scottish CLW Network Events
'Unlocking your entitlements' workshop - 12 June 2024
The Network has partnered up with Age Scotland to offer a workshop which focuses on benefits for older people. Many older people do not claim the benefits to which they are entitled. This workshop will explain more about the benefits available and how to access them. Go to our events page for more information.
Sixth knowledge exchange - key messages
At our sixth Network knowledge exchange last month, we heard great presentations from GamCare, The Stroke Association and Sight Scotland Veterans You can now download their presentations and read the key messages.
Other Events, Training and Resources
Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities - 4 June 2024
Join VHS for the next meeting of the CPG on Health Inequalities which will take place online from 6-7.30. Find out more and book your place
The Network and NHS Scotland Conference - 10 June 2024
Roisin will be attending the NHS Scotland Conference 2024 'Planning for the Future: Delivering Health and Care Services through Innovation and Collaboration' where as part of the poster exhibition, she will present Voluntary Health Scotland and the Network's recent research report Essential Connections which
looked into the range and scope of community link worker programmes in Scotland.
Movement for Health Conference - 18 June 2024
The Movement for Health is holding its first ever conference on 18 June in Glasgow. Movement for Health is a coalition of Scotland's leading health charities. It works to support and inspire those with long-term health conditions to become more active in a way that works for them and their health condition. You can find out more and sign up here
International Social Prescribing Conference - 19 and 20 June 2024
The 5th International Social Prescribing Conference will take place on 19 and 20 June at the University of Westminster. Find out more information and see the programme
Overcoming Challenges in Money Guidance event - 20 June 2024
The Money Guiders' Network will be hosting a roundtable event; a peer-support session to discuss challenges in supporting the diverse needs of service users, providing practical money guidance, and self-management. For more information and to book a place, click here.
Health Inequalities in Scotland: State of the Nation - 17 September 2024
The event will bring together Scotland’s leading public health voices to share innovation, make connections and explore the practical steps that can be taken to address many of the challenges being faced. A copy of the full draft agenda can be found online here.
Save the date: VHS Annual Conference - 23 October 2024
The VHS annual conference, 'Scotland's Vital Health Sector' will take place on Wednesday 23 October at Dynamic Earth Edinburgh. More information will follow soon, but save the date for now!
Equal Partners in Care - new training resource
The Equal Partners in Care update is well underway with new e-learning modules and resources now live on their Turas page. These materials are suitable for the health and social care workforce, to help them best understand their roles and responsibilities to unpaid carers. The e-learning modules capture the key messages of identifying, including and supporting unpaid carers, with real life carers' experiences captured via film, audio and quotes.
Evaluation Support Scotland: evaluating prevention resource
Many third sector organisations provide support or run services that prevent bad things happening to people. However, prevention is hard to evaluate. Evaluation Support Scotland (ESS) works with third sector organisations and funders so that they can measure and explain their impact. Find out more
Online training for intergenerational practice
Generations Working Together have a range of online courses that take you through all aspects of intergenerational training. They include everything from understanding the core principles of intergenerational work, how to develop sustainable programmes and evidence their impact, to ageism and creating intergenerational spaces in the community. Find out more
Eat Well, Age Well training
Scottish charity Food Train wants to raise awareness of malnutrition and how it affects older people in Scotland. They offer free training to increase awareness of the signs, symptoms and causes, and support available to those working with older people who may be at risk. Find more information and register for training here.
Good Life, Good Death Training
In Scotland Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief offers inspiration, training, and resources for those who want to improve the quality of end-of-life experiences in their community. You can find out more information here
Age Scotland 'Body Boosting Bingo' support and training
Age Scotland has launched a new edition of Body Boosting Bingo, their fun game resource that encourages and enables regular strength and balance exercise for older adults. Body Boosting Bingo is free for older people’s groups and services in Scotland. Age Scotland is offering a programme of training sessions for the game and can visit communities in Scotland to host games taster sessions. More information here