No images? Click here We are once again pleased to share the latest news, events, and exciting developments within, and relevant to, the INPACC Hub community. The collated items are just a snapshot of the wealth and breadth of activity taking place across the region and we thank those in the network who have submitted content. We welcome your contributions for future issues! News from the networkWhat Works Climate Solutions Summit: 9-12 June 2024 Prof Kathryn Bowen (Melbourne Climate Futures), Tsatsa Seimarlie (Plan International) and Loiloi Evadne Latu (Tongan Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications) presented at the What Works Climate Solutions Summit in Berlin. The three presented on the University of Melbourne and Pacific Climate Change Centre's ongoing capacity-building collaboration on Climate and Health, highlighting effective strategies for such programs in our respective countries. Read Tsatsa's reflections. Dr Chandni Singh also presented at the Summit and supported its development as a member of the scientific steering committee. ![]() ABOVE: Kathryn Bowen, Tsatsa Seimarlie and Loiloi Evadne Latu at the Summit. BELOW: Chandni Singh as a panellist discussing The Global Adaptation Tracking Initiative ![]() Maitri Fellowships - Dr Chandni Singh ![]() INPACC Hub member Dr Chandni Singh is one of the seven inaugural Maitri Fellows. The Maitri Fellowships program supports leading Indian policy thinkers to undertake secondments with prominent Australian thinktanks. During the fellowship, Chandni will spend time at La Trobe Asia to investigate the shared climate risks faced by Australia and India and opportunities for collaboration. Read more Asia-Pacific: How the region is prioritizing a green economy A joint op-ed by the Regional Directors of UNDP in Asia and the Pacific and UNICEF East Asia and Pacific, detailing initiatives in the region working to build resilience towards a net-zero future and greener economies. Solar-powered lift irrigation in Gangri, Bhutan The Dept of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development jointly implemented the solar-powered life irrigation pilot project to improve water security and agricultural productivity in Gangri village. Call for applications - Regional Youth Parliament on Climate Action (RYPCA) The Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform (YECAP) is now calling for applications for the RYPCA, which taps into the energy, creativity, diversity, and passion of young leaders from the Asia-Pacific region. Climate Change Local Adaptation Pathways (CLAPs) The newly launched CLAPs project aims to generate knowledge on adaptation options, pathways, and their outcomes in India. Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, it focuses on Indian cities embedded within wider corridors of economic and regional growth, livelihood transitions and migration, and other environmental and climatic changes. University of Melbourne and the Pacific Climate Change Centre secure A$500K to advance climate resilience and outcomes in the Indo-Pacific The grant from the Australia Awards Fellowship initiative, will fund 15 fellows to attend a six-week program hosted by Melbourne Climate Futures, the University’s climate change research initiative. View the below video for reflections on the 2023 fellowships. ASEAN Maritime Connectivity Forum Sails Ahead On 10 June, Partnerships for Infrastructure supported Australia to co-host the first ASEAN Maritime Connectivity Forum, together with the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Malaysia, and in close collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat. Call for submissions - 'Urbanisation' The SAGE published journal Urbanisation is accepting articles on and from the Global South on all issues pertaining to urbanisation and cities. As well as general articles, there is a 'Writing from Practice' section, where practitioners can write shorter pieces; 'On Method' where people reflect on diverse methods and methodological approaches; and 'Evaluations and Assessments' for on-ground reflections on implementation. Do you have content for sharing in our newsletter? Please email with a link to your story/opportunity/event. Case Study Repository - we invite your input! We are creating a repository of successful Climate Resilient Development projects from the Indo-Pacific region which we hope will become an invaluable resource for the INPACC Hub community. We would love your input into the functionality of the repository and invite you to complete a very short survey to assist us as we begin the project. Member publicationsAPAN Information Brief Issue No. 1 2024: How should we tackle the loss and damage fund? (highlights the outcomes and recommendations gathered from the webinar, “Tackling the Loss and Damage Fund: Dialogue on the Fund's operationalization, challenges and opportunities,” held on 19 March 2024. Upcoming events29 July - 02 August 2024 26 - 30 August 2024 2 - 4 September 2024 10 - 11 October, 2024 Integrated approach to achieve climate resilient development: Embracing opportunities across the Indo-Pacific region Belle Workman (MCF); Janine Felson (MCF); Julie Amoroso-Garbin (UNFCCC); Suruchi Bhadwal (TERI); Meghnath Dhimal (NHRC); Sithasa Kanchanavijaya (UNDP); Joeli Veitayaki (BPF) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its Sixth Assessment Synthesis Report 2023, which strongly promotes a commitment to ‘climate resilient development’ (CRD). CRD pursues an integrated approach to the development of mitigation and adaptation interventions that simultaneously realises equitable and systemic sustainable development (IPCC, 2023): “Climate resilient development is enabled when governments, civil society and the private sector make inclusive development choices that prioritize risk reduction, equity and justice, and when decision-making processes, finance and actions are integrated across governance levels, sectors, and timeframes” (p.24) While mitigation and adaptation research and policy development have historically been pursued separately, there is increasing recognition at regional, national and subnational levels of the need for better research and policy coherence across mitigation and adaptation. Such an integrated approach i) enables any potential trade-offs to be considered and addressed; ii) maximises efficiencies and positive impacts; and iii) supports the attainment of common objectives and goals (GIZ, 2019; Adaptation Committee, 2020). An integrated approach, however, is not without challenges. Mitigation often targets macro-level action while adaptation focuses on local efforts, creating institutional barriers for governments (Qi and Terton, 2022). Despite these challenges, there are an increasing number of successful examples of CRD being documented (see, for example, SPC, 2015). Collating a comprehensive repository of successful CRD case studies, including lessons learned, is important to facilitate knowledge exchange across the Indo-Pacific region. In addition to identifying existing case studies, the Indo-Pacific Climate (INPACC) Hub will be inviting the submission of case studies highlighting integrated CRD with tangible outcomes. Authors may be eligible to receive funding to support the development of case studies in their respective jurisdiction. Further details will be circulated to INPACC Hub members in due course. Interested parties are encouraged to express their interest at to ensure they receive updates on case study development processes. References Adaptation Committee, 2020. Information paper on linkages between mitigation and adaptation (AC/2020/9). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Accessed on 16 May 2024. Available at GIZ, 2019. A new narrative of resilient and climate smart societies: Aligning adaptation, mitigation, and the SDGs. Accessed on 16 May 2024. Available at IPCC, 2023. Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1-34. doi:10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647.001 Qi, J., and Terton, A., 2022. Policy Brief - Addressing Climate Change Through Integrated Responses: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation. International Institute for Sustainable Development. Accessed on 16 May 2024. Available at SPC, 2015. Compendium of Case Studies on Climate and Disaster Resilient Development in the Pacific. Accessed on 16 May 2024. Available at Submit an impact story, opportunity or event to be featured in the next issue of this newsletter by emailing the team at Accelerating transformative climate resilient development and igniting change for a sustainable future in the Indo-Pacific. |