for Creativity

Open Mic: The Final(s) Edition

young Black man reading at a microphone onstage

Thursday, Nov. 30 | 8:30-10 p.m.

Finals may be on the way, but we've got time for one more open mic. Join us to celebrate the semester with a night of music, spoken word, and more before you slip into that late-night Hillman haze.

Come to perform or just to hang out, get a sugar rush on, and support your Pitt community. Everyone is welcome, and you don't have to be an experienced performer to take our stage.

Open mics will start up again in January, but this is it for 2023! Bring a friend or three and make some noise to close out the year with style. 

Telling Secrets

two students in Homewood Cemetery as part of Pitt's Secret Pittsburgh class

Friday, Dec. 8 | 2-3 p.m.

Secret Pittsburgh’s media environment is expanding. Join this semester’s students in C4C: The Understory (Cathedral of Learning basement, B50) as they launch the first season of the Secret Pittsburgh podcast.

Across 10 episodes, students tell audio stories of the Nine Mile Run stream, Carrie Blast Furnace and Pittsburgh’s industrial past, Rodef Shalom Temple’s Biblical Botanical Garden, Quantum Theater’s place-based mission and recent productions, and the August Wilson House in the Hill District.

Students will offer brief overviews of their narrative approach and audio processes before playing selected clips. Food and drink will be provided. We hope to see you there!

photo by Aimee Obidzinski/University of Pittsburgh

Class Is In at the C4C

class of students doing cyanotypes at the Text & conText Lab

Instructors, are you thinking of ways to incorporate creativity and experiential learning in your spring classes? With unique spaces and equipment, knowledgeable staff, and a variety of program options, the Center for Creativity can help.

Check our website for detailed information about bringing your class to one of our spaces. Our spring calendar is filling up, so get in touch soon to talk about how our resources can support your curricular needs.


Creativity in the Community



University of Pittsburgh