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Regional Landcare News | Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board

March 2021



Table of contents

Apply now for a Linking Landscapes grant!
2021 Gallagher Landcare electric fencing grants are now open
MLA’s new healthy soils resources
Draft Volunteering Strategy for SA 2021-2027
Horticultural netting grants still available
Tackling Tough Times Together grant program
Fire and Emergency Services Regulations strengthened to lessen the risk of ignitions

Invitation to review the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board’s draft plan

The Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board has drafted a 5-year Landscape Plan to guide management of land, water, pests and biodiversity across the Adelaide Hills and Fleurieu Peninsula.

Comment on the draft plan at YourSAy and runs till COB April 15.

The plan sets out a vision for protecting the uniquely biodiverse and productive landscapes of the region. It identifies five priorities: Land, Water, Nature, Climate and Community, with Focus Areas for action.

After receiving great feedback in our forums last year, as well as hundreds of survey responses, we’re excited to show how we’ve incorporated people’s ideas and suggestions. This will be the final round of comments before we finalise the plan and begin implementation.


Apply now for a Linking Landscapes grant!

Landholders will be eligible for Linking Landscapes grants from $10,000 - $250,000 to improve and protect their Heritage Agreement area.

Linking Landscapes grants help to achieve large-scale conservation outcomes, creating corridors and connectivity between areas of private conservation or to achieve conservation outcomes on large parcels of land. These grants will also encourage multiple Heritage Agreements to be included under one grant.

To be considered for funding, you must:

  • Own, manage, or be working with a Heritage Agreement site under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 or its preceding Act
  • Be an aspiring Heritage Agreement landholder
  • Be in partnership with at least one other property
  • Sponsored by an incorporated body
  • Have obtained all necessary planning, regulatory or other approvals
  • Non-heritage agreement properties will be required to have the area of proposed work protected under the Native Vegetation Act and will have to be working with a Heritage Agreement site theyown or owned by another who is part of the proposed projects.

Eligible activities include:

  • The development of good conservation strategies
  • Management and/or action planning implementation
  • Effective control of weeds, feral animals or over abundant native species
  • Management of grazing impacts
  • Repair of damaged areas e.g. previously cleared or eroded sites.
  • Internal property fencing to exclude stock from or reduce grazing pressure on proposed or current Heritage Agreement area
  • Mapping of native plants or native vegetation communities
  • Native animal survey (permits needed)
  • Habitat creation, including for threatened or declining species
  • Improving water quality and quantity including decommissioning water points
  • Revegetation with provenance seed
  • Improving fire management for conservation purposes
  • Trials of innovative conservation management techniques

You are encouraged to read the Guidelines before you begin your application – they will guide you as to whether you are eligible to apply. You can apply online here.

Please also have the following documents ready to submit with your application:

  • a map of the proposed area of work - detailing all included parcels of land and Heritage Agreement areas, fencelines, proposed sites of work and photopoints
  • a letter of support from a supporting organisation / auspice
  • quotes from contractors

Visit the Nature Foundation website for more information.

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2021 Gallagher Landcare electric fencing grants are now open

With the success of the 2019 grants and a continuing commitment to support projects aligned with the priority areas of conservation, grazing management and feral exclusion, Gallagher and Landcare Australia are proud to offer the 2021 Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grants.

Gallagher offers a full range of animal management products and integrated solutions, including a range of permanent and portable electric fencing

A total pool of $100,000 (ex-GST) of support is available for up to 12 groups or individuals to receive a 2021 Gallagher Landcare Electric Fencing Grant. Eligible applicants are invited to apply for an individual electric fencing project grant for up to $8,000 (ex-GST) for fencing materials – with costs to be determined in consultation with your local Gallagher Territory Manager.

The grants provide funding to undertake fencing projects, using Gallagher products, which must have:

  • Tangible environmental or sustainable agriculture outcomes;
  • Fencing products and a product list developed together with their local Gallagher Territory Manager; and
  • Provide knowledge-sharing opportunities through field day(s), site visit(s) or demonstration(s).

Apply now.

Grants close April 9.

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MLA’s new healthy soils resources

A high-yielding, high-quality feedbase starts beneath the surface. Meat and Livestock Australia’s new healthy soils hub contains tips and tools to get your soils in shape for the season ahead.

Learn about why soil health is so important, and read producer case studies about the benefits other producers have received from getting their soils in top condition. Learn how to take a soil test and interpret the results, and how to develop a plan to improve your soils. There is also a great video series and reference guide on visual indicators of soil condition.

Visit the soils hub now.

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Draft Volunteering Strategy for SA 2021-2027

The draft Volunteering Strategy for South Australia 2021-2027 has recently been finalised. The draft has been guided by previous consultation with the volunteering sector, volunteers and members of the community.
Have your say on the draft strategy developed to support and enhance volunteering in South Australia.

Provide feedback now.

Closes March 26.

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Photo: Apple and Pear Growers association

Horticultural netting grants still available

This program aims to provide funding to primary producers of horticultural crops for the purchase and installation of new netting or the replacement of damaged netting over land used to grow horticulture crops.

Grants of up to 50% of costs to purchase and install new netting and throw over netting up to a maximum of $300,000 (excluding GST) are available.

Applicants are required to make a cash co-contribution of at least 50% the total project costs. Financial co-contributions can include cash contributions from the applicant and other parties including individuals, financial institutions, businesses, but cannot include contributions from Australian Government programs. Applicants must provide evidence of support for financial co-contributions at time of application.

Apply now.

This program is open on an ongoing basis until 30 June 2023 or until funds are exhausted, whichever comes first.

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Tackling Tough Times Together grant program

The Tackling Tough Times Together grant program helps communities access the resources they need to support one another through the ongoing effects of the drought.

Grants are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and assessed quarterly.

Read more.

Closes May 24.

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Fire and Emergency Services Regulations strengthened to lessen the risk of ignitions

Several amendments will be introduced in the Fire and Emergency Services Regulations from 1 March 2021 to help reduce the risk of bushfires in South Australia.

"The Fire and Emergency Service Regulations 2005 is the legislation that regulates the responsibilities of the Country Fire Service, and the restrictions and conditions that are enforceable during the Fire Danger Season and Total Fire Bans," CFS Director of Preparations Brett Loughlin said.

Amendments to the Regulations will provide greater details in the definitions of equipment that can and cannot be used during Total Fire Bans and conditions in which they can be operated under.

"We will see the size of minimum clear spaces required to operate hot tools, such as grinders and oxy cutters, extended from 4 metres to 10 metres," Mr Loughlin said.

"This will further help to reduce the risk of fires starting from sparks or hot metals emanating from hot tools."

Such tools may still be used within fully enclosed structures without restrictions.

"We have also listened to the concerns of the construction industry and have further refined the definition of cutting tools to better reflect the actual risks associated with carrying out certain activities," Mr Loughlin said.

Apart from changes to hot tool usage, initial expiation notice fees will also increase from $315 to $473 for people found not adhering to Fire Danger Season restrictions.

"Several parts of South Australia have been ravaged by bushfires in the past two years and although some of the larger fires were not preventable, many fires were.

"The amendments to the Regulations will further help the CFS, South Australian Police and Local Government Fire Prevention Officers curb irresponsible behaviour during our most dangerous times of the year, and in turn lessen the risk of fires starting when they are most difficult to control," Mr Loughlin said.

Read the SA Fire and Emergency Services Regulations 2021 document.

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Soil CRC participants meeting (online) 
24 March 
Cooperative Research Centre participants are encouraged to join the meeting for the entirety or to access sessions of most interest to them

Landcare Webinar Series
Covid-19 has radically changed possibilities for sharing and engaging within communities and organisations. The pandemic demands new ways of communicating and bringing people together. To ensure you still have access to the wealth of knowledge that exists in the Landcare community, Landcare Australia is continuing their successful webinar series in 2021. Hosted on the online community platform Landcarer, here is a sample of the exciting talks that are scheduled with more to be added to the program:

Feral pig impacts on conservation and food production in Australia - March 25, 2pm AEDT

  • Facilitator: Mick Taylor, Landcare Farming Program Manager for Landcare Australia
  • Speaker(s): Dr. Heather Channon, National Feral Pig Management Coordinator
  • Description: Mick and Heather sit down to discuss the impact feral pigs have on the natural environment, how to best manage feral pigs, and how to identify their presence.

Landcare outside Australia – what’s been achieved, and what can we learn? - May 6, 2pm AEST

  • Facilitator: Andrea Mason, Chair Global Landcare
  • Speaker(s): Rob Youl, Vice Chair Global Landcare | Tony Bartlett, former Forestry Research Program Manager
  • Description: Rob and Tony will share the incredible work occurring in Landcare outside of Australian borders, what we can learn from it, and where it is all headed.

Natural resource management – from traditional methods to modern innovation - June 24, 2pm AEST

  • Facilitator: James Walsh, Head of Landcare Services for Landcare Australia
  • Speaker(s): Tein McDonald, Bureau of Meteorology | Amy Lepinay, Sunbirds Aero
  • Description: Coming up in this webinar is a fascinating discussion with Tein who will provide a history of the bush regeneration movement in Sydney. Amy will introduce how technology has impacted our resource management methodology by using drones for weed spotting.

To register for the Landcare Webinar Series, or watch the recordings of previous webinars please visit this page.

Climate risk and farming webinar series - Adaption and mitigation of climate change
March 24

Join RuralBiz Training and Melissa Rebbeck for a webinar on climate risk and management for farmers.

Upcoming soil sampling and assessment webinars - AgCommunicators
April 20 and 21

Ever wanted to know how to do your own soil sampling and assessment on your property? We have two webinars coming up telling you everything you need to know. For more information, keep and eye on our website and Facebook page.

Climate Smart Farming Forum
May 6 – Encounter Bay

With a focus on graziers, this forum will feature local farmers plus experts discussing how you can farm smarter in the future
Topics include:

  • Sustainable livestock production in a changing climate
  • Soil health
  • Regenerative agriculture in action
  • Water and weather
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services on-farm
  • $20 earlybird (until April 10), $30 full fee. Free bus and ferry for Kangaroo Island farmers (book by April 22).

For more information, download the flyer and register via Eventbrite.

2021 National Landcare Conference 
4–6 August 2021- International Convention Centre, Sydney 

The program has now been announced! Visit the website to view it now.

You can register to attend in person or as an online delegate.

Early bird registration available until May 1 – register now.

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If you have a story or event to promote, please email the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator for the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board, Sophie Bass, at sophie.bass@sa.gov.au.

The Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator Program is funded by the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.

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