No images? Click here Welcome to our October NewsletterStaff Training DayOn Friday 9th September all the staff came together for our annual staff training day. This year we focused on the Forest School concept, Outdoor learning and Makaton, a language programme that uses signs together with speech and symbols. ![]() Forest SchoolActivities, Games and Challenges for Learning Outside the Classroom On training day, the team thoroughly enjoyed a visit from author and consultant Tracey Maciver. Tracey has been an Early Years teacher, lecturer, Forest School Leader and Forest School trainer, Tracey has also closely worked with both the Woodland and National Trust properties on numerous occasions. This wealth of experience ensured we had a jam-packed day full of activities and ideas for us to use with the children. We won’t give away all the ideas, but here is one we really enjoyed, making Bunting by bashing flowers and plants with a mallet. The results were truly amazing. See below for its correct name and method if you want to try it yourselves. We rounded off our day, making fires using fire steel’s also affectionately known as the “Dragon’s Sneeze”, due to the small sparks emitted as you strike the steel. Once the fire-pit was lit everyone gathered around to toast marshmallows. As we discussed what we had learnt during the sessions our thoughts turned to how we could implement these great ideas in our planning for the children. Please don’t be surprised if you hear your child saying random sentences to replicate birdsong, it really works we promise! You can see more information about Tracey’s work and her books here. Makaton TrainingThe Makaton Training was delivered by Louise Rylance and this was attended by 13 staff members. Makaton is a language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable communication. Makaton is signs used with speech in spoken word. Using signs can help people who have no speech, or whose speech is unclear. The core vocabulary will help us promote the following language and communication skills: establishing interaction, immediate needs, home and familiar people, objects, food, and animals, vehicles, actions, and feelings, the wider world, places, thinking and knowing. Being able to communicate eases frustration and promotes confidence and independence. At Pre-School we want to support emotional development, build communication prior to speech and enhance language development. Signing may increase reading and spelling skills, build listening and attention skills and promote fine and gross motor skills. Course details for any parents who wish to enrol are detailed below. Pre-School Mountain Goat’s Adventure in memory of Alexander![]() At the start of the year the devastating news was received that Alexander, a child who attended the Pre-School Centre, had suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on the 26th December 2021. Shocked and devastated members of the staff team began looking at ways to raise funds to support the charities that were supporting the family during this time. After discussion 8 members of the Pre-School staff team decided to undertake to the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge to raise monies for SUDC UK (Sudden and Unexplained death in Childhood). The practice walks took in Nicky Nook, Clougha Pike and some long walks along the prom (followed by lunch and cake in local cafés) all of which eased the teams in gently before climbing all 3 mountains individually. On each of the practice walks, pebbles from each mountain were collected, Alexander's name, a red car and Peter Rabbit were painted onto the pebbles which the teams would place on the trig point of each of the peaks in Alexander's memory on the day itself. A cuddly Peter Rabbit, which was a firm favourite character of Alexander's was also donated by Alexander’s family to be placed on one of the trig points. The teams are rightfully proud of their own personal achievements, they are also delighted that to date they have raised £2,375 for SUDC UK, an absolutely superb achievement in memory of a very special little boy. If you wish to donate you can still do so below. myHappymindThe myHappymind programme for teachers, parents and children to help develop our mental wellbeing has been introduced, please do remember to download the parent app using the details provided in the letter previously issued. The concepts of the myHappymind programme will form part of our curriculum and ethos throughout the Pre-School Centre for staff and children. Teddies ClubThe Pre-School Centre is looking forward to welcoming families on Friday 30th September, to its stay and play Teddies Club. Teddies Club sessions are provided by the Pre-School Centre and are open to children under five and their parents/guardians. The sessions run from 10am until 11.30am every Friday morning during term time in Fylde College Common Room. Sessions are free of charge and pre-registration is not required. Further information is available on the Pre-School webpages, or contact the Pre-School Centre on 01524 594464, email Food Bank CollectionWith the escalating cost of living crisis being well documented, people around us in Lancaster are struggling to feed themselves and their families. The Olive Branch is a food bank in Lancaster based both in Westbourne Road near the train station and in a warehouse on the Lansil Industrial Estate. They serve the population of Lancaster and close surroundings. They receive referrals daily and send out food parcels as quickly they are received. Often this is for whole families these days. They would be grateful for any donations but are in particularly need of coffee, tinned fruit, tinned vegetables, nappies (size 5,6,7...) tinned meat meals, deodorant, biscuits...and lots of dried/long life goods. A collection bin is situated in the main foyer of the Pre-School Centre and donations will be collected on a regular basis. Give your baby a better start in lifeBelow is a link to an NHS website for all parents providing advice & help during pregnancy, birth and parenthood. The information via the link will also in due course be available via the Pre-School website. Pre-School Photograph DaysThe photographer will be at the Pre-School on Tuesday 18th & Wednesday 19th October. If your child attends a session on either of those days they will automatically have their photograph taken. If however you do not wish for your child to have their photograph taken, please advise your child’s key person. Parents of children who do not attend on either of these days will be contacted in due course to arrange a suitable time to attend. Any children who have siblings attending the Centre and wish for them to be photographed together, please advise your key person. Children with older siblings wishing to be photographed together will need to advise the office so a convenient time can be arranged for attending. First AidYou may find it useful to download these British Red Cross first aid apps onto your phone. Baby and child first aid appThe free baby and child first aid app helps you keep your little ones safe. The app is designed to support parents, grandparents and caregivers to learn 17 first aid skills to help in a first aid emergency. You can also find tips on how to prepare for emergencies both at home or while out and about. First aid appThe free first aid app covers 19 first aid skills. Using a simple and easy to learn approach, the app is suitable for anyone looking to learn first aid to help others in an emergency. You can also find tips on how to prepare for emergencies both at home or while out and about. Baby Room![]() We have had a lovely start to our new term in the Baby Room, we have welcomed some new babies who are settling in really well. The Baby Room have been busy visiting different parts of campus. We went to the duck pond to see the ducks and we enjoyed pushing our prams through the water fountains being very careful we didn’t get wet. We have been very lucky as the campus is having lots of construction work done and we have had plenty opportunities to go and watch the diggers and dumper trucks busy at work. On our most recent visit we went blackberry picking, the babies really enjoyed tasting and squishing them. We are looking forward to a lot more adventures. Crèche 1![]() In Crèche 1 we have been offering a range of activities to develop the children’s exploration. The children really enjoyed exploring our senses tray with peppermint, coffee mud, felt field and crunchy waves. We described the textures as we played introducing new vocabulary and sounds. Following on from this the children have investigated our fruit farm and made fruit kebabs to encourage healthy alternatives, tastes and textures. Crèche 2![]() The children have enjoyed exploring the malleable tray by experimenting with different textures such as different coloured slime, scented playdough’s and we have also done some car tyre printing and vegetable printing. We have also been exploring our newly planted herb garden in our outside area, where the children have been rubbing the leaves to smell the different scents. Picking up small objects like leaves and rubbing them between their fingers is a good way to develop fine motor skills. Next, we will be doing various taste testing of different fruits and incorporating this into some baking so the children have the opportunity to try the fruits in other ways. The textures will change and the children will be able to show preferences. Nursery 1![]() Nursery 1 children have enjoyed a variety of baking activities, we made pizzas using different vegetables, we talked about the different vegetables and the children told us which their favourite ones were. Once the pizzas were cooked the children enjoyed tasting them. The children also enjoyed making Rice Krispy cakes, helping to mix the ingredients together and using a spoon to put the mixture into cake cases, they had lots of fun and learning experiences during both activities. Nursery 2![]() One of the ways we have been finding out about our likes and dislikes with the children in the room is to cook and try new foods. We started with chickpeas. First, we roasted them and then the children had fun adding their own spice combinations and then we blended it and turned it into hummus. The children learned a lot about the sequencing in following a process and the sensory experience of exploring the ingredients. If you have any more recipes we could experiment with, we would love for you to let us know! Pre-School 1![]() The children in Pre-School 1 have started learning about food safety by using a toaster to make their own toast! Under supervision the children each selected a slice of bread, placed it into the toaster, pushed the button and waited. Learning how to use tools and equipment safely is an important skill for the children to learn. Then like a foodie Jack-in-the-Box, the toaster sprung, flinging warm toast into the air. The children used big wooden tweezers to remove fresh the toast and placed it on a plate. Next the children tackled the challenge of buttering their own toast! With great gusto the children carefully loaded their knives with butter, spreading it with enthusiasm and abandon. The buttering resulted in some brilliantly buttered toast and some very happy children, who then enjoyed their spoils and it wasn’t long before they were asking for more. Pre-School 2![]() As we all start a new term together in Pre-School 2, we have been getting to know one another, making new friends, learning new routines and exploring the room and all our new resources. One of the areas we have been developing is the creative area, the children have thoroughly enjoyed combining different media and materials to create collages and pictures. We focused one of our sessions on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers painting, the children inspected the sunflowers, discussing the touch and feel of them, the colours and which paint they would need to select and if they thought the sunflowers would smell. The children then concentrated as they all channelled their inner ‘Gogh’ to create their own masterpieces. We intend to explore other artists over the coming months. Pre-School 3![]() We have been working really hard together to create a fun caring environment where children feel happy and relaxed to have lots and lots of fun. The children have been forming a close bond with their key person and rekindling old friendships and of course developing new ones. Making new relationships is a valuable skill which the children can then extend in roleplay situations and group activities. We have been taking an interest and interacting with others, supporting and extending their learning and development, jointly engaging in talking about our families. Over the coming months we will be exploring our emotions and feelings, this will be supported by the story book “The Colour Monster” and our myHappymind programme. We are very excited to introduce our very 1st Module called Meet Your Brain, where the characters Betty and Bertie help explain how our brains help us with lots of different jobs and how we can look after them. RemindersMain Door AccessCan we please ask ALL parents to ensure that when wanting to access the Pre-School Centre they ensure they use their access cards/fobs. We are experiencing a lot of disruptions due to the doorbell being used which is time consuming having to answer door each time. Early Years Funding 2022/23Parents who are eligible for Early Years Funding from January 2023 will be contacted in due course inviting them to attend a workshop presentation which will provide lots of useful information. After the presentation parents will be asked to complete and return a Parental Agreement form. Pre-School Website and NewsfeedWe would like to remind parents that you can access regularly updated information from our website and our twitter feed 2022/23 Term DatesAutumn 2022 – 30th August 2022 until 23rd December 2022 Spring 2023 - 3rd January 2023 until 5th April 2023 Summer 2023 - 13th April 2023 until 25th August 2023 Undergrad Dates 2022/23Autumn 2022 – 3rd October 2022 until 16th December 2022 Spring 2023 – 13th January 2023 until 24th March 2023 Summer 2023 – 21st April 2023 until 30th June 2023 Invoice DatesPlease check the website for an up to date list of Invoice dates for 2022/23. Closure DatesChristmas - 24th December 2022 – 2nd January 2023 Easter - 6th April 2023 - 12th April 2023 Staff Training Day - Friday 8th September 2023 - TBC |