No images? Click here Welcome to Country & WorshipAllen Edwards opened the Synod meeting with a beautiful performance on the didgeridoo. He commented on a year that has gone by so fast and once again, we come together to celebrate as a church. He welcomed all from other areas, from other cultures, respecting all and welcoming everyone's presence here today as we meet on the land of the Kaurna. He paid his respects to all, and to elders, past, present and emerging. Rev Elissa Inglis welcomed all to worship. May the grace and love of God call us; we are here because of the Lord; and his mercy has drawn us into his presence. We come together from many places, bringing our stories, hopes and challenges, yet united as one. The God who made us, and who walks with us, he invites us to worship with him. As we enter into this time of worship, his love endures forever, through every generation and across every land. Let us remember it is the Lord who believes us, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Moderator Rev Peter Morel, spoke of the teachings of St Bernard of Clairvaux, asking us to consider the canal or the reservoir. Better that we are reservoirs - canals pour out what it receives, the reservoir retains the water and contains the overflow without reference to itself. We are called to be the very reservoirs as we come together and let us bring the fullness of Jesus Christ into this sacrament. President Rev Charissa Suli gave a prayer in her native Tongan language. President Elect Rev Paul Goh followed with a prayer in Korean. Denis Msema also prayed in French and Deidre Palmer prayed for all suffering in war and conflict, violence, and for those seeking refuge. For those living in fear and for those experiencing domestic violence. God of justice we also pray for the First Peoples of Australia. Proposal 1 ProceduralThe proposal which outlines the manner and processes of our meeting was passed by consensus. Proposals 2 & 3 Ministerial Matters and in MemoriamMinisterial Matters (from July 2023 to October 2024). Included affirmation of Deacons, Ministers of the Word, Ministers who have retired since the last Synod meeting, Ministers whose recognition has been withdrawn, Ministers who have resigned, and transfers and significant milestones. The meeting took a moment of silence to acknowledge those that have passed away since the previous Synod meeting, thanking them for their faithful service to the church throughout their lives. A full list of names is available on the Synod website at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024. For decision: Consensus MediaComPaul Turley presented about MediaCom. In forty years, much has changed in publishing and MediaCom has come to an end. Items that will continue include Upper Room; replacement of Seasons of the Spirit (lectionary-based curriculum); with the development of L3 Liturgy Learning and Purposeful Life, with website ordering now available at this link: L3. Words for Worship, is also lectionary based, and arrangements are being made for this to continue. Individuals and congregations were encouraged to tap into and utilise these resources. A publishing company in South Australia will continue to print certificates and resources for the Uniting Church, and these are available at this link. Assembly ReportPresident Rev Charissa Suli presented her Assembly Report. Acknowledging that this was the first time that she and Andrew Johnson, as new Assembly General Secretary, were able to present together. Rev Suli reported on a very busy period in the life of the Assembly since the last report to this Synod. Most notable during this time was the 17th Assembly meeting, which took place in Parramatta in July. One important outcome of that meeting was the appointment of Mr Andrew Johnson as the new General Secretary of the Assembly and the opportunity to celebrate the election of Rev Dr Paul Goh as President-Elect of the Assembly. Rev Suli thanked all that contributed to the call for prayer for the Middle East. Urging us as a church to all be called to pray at this time. She thanked the Moderators for their prompt response to this important initiative. Andrew Johnson as General Secretary of the Assembly spoke about the three national agencies: Frontier Services, UnitingCare Network and UnitingWorld. He also noted that the primary piece of business for the 17th Assembly was the passage of many parts of the Act2 proposals. He explained the three Act2 streams:
Two commissions are to be established to advance the work of Act2. The General Secretary urged all to sign up now for the National Update so-as to stay up-to-date with national news and national progress, and this can be done at this link: Uniting Church Australia. Proposal 6: Strategy and Planning Mission and Property ReportThis report is the next stage in a long conversation of fifteen plus years in relation to on-going conversations about congregational mapping. The Working Group task is to map missionally viable congregations that are fit for purpose. The General Secretary has overseen the ongoing work of the Working Group which has continued to be resourced by experts in mission planning, property and planning, and key Synod staff. Representatives from the three presbyteries (nominated by each presbytery) have been added in this past year. In the past 12 months the Working Group has engaged with presbyteries to conduct desktop analyses of congregations and their buildings. The next steps are for the Presbyteries to continue having conversations with their congregations about where they are in terms of missional viability and building safety. These conversations will be supported and in part resourced by the Synod. The full report is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024. Proposal 7 Disability Access and Inclusion PolicyThis policy encourages all congregations, mission outreach, agencies, schools, and colleges to develop aspirational Access and Inclusion Plans: Disability (AIPDs) specific to their situations and legislative requirements which make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities wherever they are within the Uniting Church in South Australia. The policy is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024. Uniting Foundation Grant PresentationsUniting Foundation and UC Invest have come together to provide grants to the total of $1.0m. Leesa Story, as Chairperson of the Uniting Foundation Grants Committee introduced grant recipients and Malcolm McLaren from UC Invest and the Moderator presented certificates to the following: Brougham Place Uniting Church Proposal 4 Future Synod Meeting DatesFuture Synod Meeting Dates and length of term of the Moderator. The proposal is to set the next 2 meeting dates and to extend the Moderator's term by a further 2 years. The 18th Assembly will be held in Adelaide in 2027 and at that time we will install Rev Dr Paul Goh as President of the Assembly, and it is also the 50th Anniversary of the Uniting Church at that time. For decision: Consensus Proposal 5 Stipends CommitteeAffirm the decision of Synod Standing Committee on 26th September 2024 to approve the 2025 minimum Stipends and Allowances Schedule A provided for Ministers, details of which are included in the report available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024. For decision: Consensus Working GroupsWorking Groups to discuss the Synod Strategy and Planning Mission and Property Report and the Disability Access and Inclusion Policy. Wimala PresbyteryDianne Holden and Amy Duke presented the Wimala Presbytery report posing the question 'How do we survive this time and continue to worship and serve as God intends?' While the needs are immense and varied, we return to our initial mandate as a Presbytery – to care for the congregations and ministry agents within our bounds. Considering this, what would it mean for the Presbytery to flourish? To flourish as disciples; followers of Jesus in our own spiritual growth and development. To flourish as congregations, not only in internal worship and machinations, but also as we look beyond with a missional focus and share the good news of Jesus to our communities. The full report is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024 Presbytery of Southern South AustraliaJenny Esots and Peter McDonald reported on the Presybtery of Southern SA and an overview of the life and work of the Presbytery including the leadership group, gatherings, committees, administration and relationships with Synod, Congress UAICC and congregations. Presbytery remains concerned about the impact of isolation on its leaders and believes that offering a diversity of social gathering is their primary approach to building capacity, motivation and confidence across the breadth of leadership in the Presbytery. They are doing what they can to resist isolation and value the whole body of Christ and are encouraged to see that the numbers of people participating in these events has grown across the year. The full report is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024 Generate PresbyteryStephanie Tai and Scott Button reported on the Generate Presbytery. They shared reflections on the last 5 years asking 'How do we live out the work of the presbytery.' The directions of the presbytery included seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ, growing passionate disciples, raising courageous leaders and planting and renewing churches. The full report is available at this link: UCA SA - Synod Meeting 2024 |