No images? Click here Welcome to our February/March NewsletterNew starterWe would like to introduce you to our new member of staff Danielle who has joined the team in Nursery 2 as a Level 2 Apprentice. Dates for your diaryFriday 28 February to Sunday 30 March - Ramadan Thursday 6 March - World Book Day Friday 14 March - Holi Thursday 20 March - World Oral Health Day Sunday 30 March - Mother’s Day It’s a mystery?![]() As part of our reading initiative, we are introducing a mystery book. If your child spots a parcel wrapped in brown paper on the bookshelves in the foyer, they can lend it to read. Before taking the parcel home to open, discuss what the story could be about, encourage them to guess, talk about other books they enjoy and promote their enthusiasm and curiosity. To guide you we will place an approximate age range on the corner of each mystery book. Please just return it unwrapped on the shelf when you have finished reading it together. Car parking![]() Can we please request parents use the Pre-School drop-off lay-by as shown in the image above. We have received a number of comments regarding the misuse of the Pre-School lay-by. Please can we ask that all users adhere to the information detailing the route that should be taken upon accessing and exiting the lay-by. There are additional Pre-School parking spaces near the entrance to the lay-by and we would strongly encourage parents to use these spaces instead of waiting on the carriageway for spaces on the lay-by to become vacant. At our busiest times and when available, spaces on Library Avenue can also be used. We also require parents to promptly leave the car park once they have dropped off/collected their children, allowing waiting vehicles to park. Information for parents on toilet trainingThe Department for Education has published new information and guidance on toilet training that you may find helpful. Read more on their webpages. Parents First Aid CourseFor any parents who wish to attend Parents Mini First Aid classes, please visit the link below. The course is hosted by Andrea from Mini First Aid, who has previously delivered classes to our parents when the Pre-School Centre has hosted them. All the details regarding dates, times, and prices, can be found on the website. February Half Term at Sport LancasterTake advantage of February Half Term at Sport Lancaster between Saturday 15 and Sunday 23 February, with lots of activities taking place for children including Fun With Floats, Climbing Camps, and Intensive Swimming Lessons for Stage 1 & 2. Baby Room![]() It has been lovely to welcome back our families both old and new. We have been focusing on settling our babies in by introducing our books and songs of focus. We have been doing lots of singing time using our nursery rhyme log slices and introducing musical instruments and props. This captured the babies’ attention and encouraged the imitation of sounds and actions such as clapping. Leading on from this we took our book of focus ‘That’s not my duck’ and made a tuff tray with props and things to explore whilst we read the story. We did this on two levels so our babies who pull up and cruise could develop these skills while exploring and so our younger babies had some lovely tummy time, promoting those sensory and gross motor skills. As the babies loved the ducks and props to enhance their learning and experiences offered further, we are going on walks to see the ducks on campus. Crèche 1![]() Since the beginning of term, we have been going out and exploring our campus each week, the children are snug and warm in their snowsuits whatever the weather. We have been to see the ducks at the duck pond, we watched them swimming and ducking under the water (no pun intended) and when they saw us, they got out of the pond and ventured over to see us, we think they were more interested in our breadsticks though! On another one of our adventures, we took magnifying glasses and pictures of squirrels and birds to see what we could find in the woods to celebrate RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch and Squirrel Appreciation Day. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful on the squirrel hunt, but we did see a variety of birds. All the new vocabulary we are using is increasing the children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural world around us. Crèche 2![]() During National Birdwatch week the children in Crèche 2 explored a tuff tray containing natural objects, different types of birds and printed materials. The children listened to the story ‘Owl Babies’ and made the link between the illustrations in the book and the toy owls we used. One of the children was able to describe the owls as ‘big’. Another child was able to identify a robin on the spotter sheet and then find the soft robin in the tray. The younger children were able to use their senses to explore the natural objects, touching, feeling and exploring. To enhance the activity further, we then got ready to go on walks to see if the children could hear and spot some birds. Good listening skills are a key part of communication and language development. Nursery 1![]() This term we are focusing on the story ‘Whatever Next!’, we have introduced the story at story time and the children have become familiar with the words and can repeat and fill in missing phrases. We have recreated the story by adding a cardboard box, colanders and boots to the carpet along with the story and wooden picture slices. The children used lots of language from the story and some of the older children used the wooden slices to retell it, we were very impressed with their recall skills. This activity has also helped them develop new independence skills as they learnt how to take off and put on their own shoes and boots. Nursery 2![]() After reading the book ‘Elmer’ in the book corner, we decided to make our own Elmer. The children gathered around and helped Gill find a picture to copy, and they helped as it was cut out - taking turns being helpful by putting paper in the bin. Then the children talked about what colours they were going to use, saying their own favourite colour, and listening to others too. The children then either laid down, squatted down, or sat on their knees and started colouring. They used different methods, some using whole arm movement to cover large areas, others using small hand movements to colour smaller areas. They worked together and moved around the paper, trying to put colour on all areas. They also offered Gill crayons, so she could help
too. The children loved the spontaneous activity, and enjoyed taking part, gaining lots of social interaction, large and small physical movements, and maths development. Pre-School 1![]() One of the children found a different book which they wanted to share at story time, the book was called ‘Town by the Sea’ and was about a young boy who enjoys a summer's day, but his thoughts constantly return to his father, who is digging for coal deep under the sea. This prompted lots of discussion and questions as to what coal is. We used the internet to research what coal is, where and how it is found and how it is mined, teaching the children a number of new and interesting facts. Pre-School 2![]() On Penguin Awareness Day the children made their own penguin with cotton wool. To help develop and strengthen their fine motor skills we used tweezers and pegs to pick the cotton wool balls up to stick on the penguin. We learnt together how penguins live in the cold Antarctic and we discovered that the male penguins keep the eggs warm on their feet while they incubate. We watched an egg hatch and saw the tiny chick emerge. Did you know there are 18 types of penguins? You can find other penguin-related information on the Britannica Kids webpages. Pre-School 3![]() Pre-School 3 have been exploring a range of challenging and meaningful learning opportunities which allow the children to test different ideas and concepts. We have introduced more structure and routine to their day with daily registration 'wake up shake up' followed by focused group time. They have really enjoyed this and have been receiving lots of praise and encouragement. We have been talking about school with the children, and what this will be like for them. Starting the conversation early, and getting children used to the idea of school will really help make the process easier. We have been focusing on the children’s well-being and progress from an emotional, physical and cognitive perspective. Seven Developmental Areas Which Are Key to School Readiness 1. Social: Taking turns, sharing with peers, following rules, listening You can find more information and resources on school readiness on the Lancashire County Council webpages. RemindersPre-School website and newsfeedWe would like to remind parents that you can access regularly updated information from our website and on our X and Instagram feeds. FundingA reminder that parents in receipt of working families funding need to revalidate their eligibility every three months from the date of issue. Failure to revalidate your code will result in a loss of funding. Parents who think they may be eligible for Early Education Funding from April 2025, need to ensure that they apply and be in receipt of their eligibility code no later than 31 March 2025. Any codes applied for and received after this date will not be applied until September 2025. Check eligibility and apply for the code. Door EntryCan we please ask ALL parents to ensure that when accessing the Pre-School Centre they use their access fobs. We have noted that even since changing over to the new Door Entry System we are still experiencing a considerable number of interruptions due to the doorbell still being used so frequently. If any parents have lost their door access fob, please inform the office so that a replacement can be purchased for £6.00 (which will be invoiced), and lost fobs can be de-activated. Mobile phonesCan all parents please refrain from using mobile phones beyond the main foyer, as per our Safeguarding Policy. It has been noted that there has been an increase in parents using their mobile phones within corridors and also in the children's rooms. Important term datesFull year bookingsSpring term 2025 Summer term 2025 Undergraduate term bookingsSpring term 2025 Summer term 2025 Invoice datesSpring 20253 February until 28 February 2025 3 March until 28 March 2025 31 March until 2 May 2025 Summer 20255 May until 30 May 2025 2 June until 27 June 2025 30 June until 1 August 2025 4 August until 22 August 2025 |