![]() Message from the CEOThe first six months of 2022 has certainly been jam packed with activity. As we enter the next six months and our new financial year, I really look forward to refocusing and building on our existing activities to support our three strategic priorities under our new five-year strategic plan. The 2022-23 Annual Operational Plan details our portfolio of work for the next 12 months to ensure we strengthen the plant biosecurity system for the benefit of the economy, environment and community. PHA MeetingsPHA Board Meeting #107The Plant Health Australia (PHA) Board met virtually on 28 June 2022 for Board meeting 107. The meeting was attended by the PHA Board, as well as Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Corcoran, Chief Financial Officer and Company
Secretary, Michael Milne and Jessica Arnold, National Manager Risk and Resilience. Upcoming meetingBoard meeting #108 will be held in Mildura, Victoria on 22 September 2022. Papaya biosecurity plan releasedThe latest Papaya Biosecurity Plan was developed in conjunction with Papaya Australia, Hort Innovation, state and territory governments and leading scientific specialists. The Papaya Biosecurity Plan outlines key biosecurity threats to the industry and highlights the risk mitigation activities the industry should adopt. Biosecurity planning provides a mechanism for the papaya industry, government, and other stakeholders to assess current biosecurity practices and future biosecurity needs. The Papaya Biosecurity Plan outlines key biosecurity threats to the industry and highlights the risk mitigation activities the industry should adopt. ![]() ![]() Vineyard biosecurity manual releasedThe Vineyard Biosecurity Manual has been developed for everyone involved in the viticultural production chain, including vineyard owners, managers, staff, contractors, researchers and consultants. It outlines simple principles and procedures that can be used to minimise the risk of introducing and spreading exotic and established pests and diseases throughout your vineyard. ORC published for melon and sweetpotato industriesOwner Reimbursement Cost (ORC) evidence frameworks for the melon and sweetpotato industries were recently approved and published. Each evidence framework was developed and approved by the Australian Melon Association and Australian Sweetpotato Growers, and approved by all government stakeholders as well as the PHA Board. ![]() ![]() Speakers announced for ADSWThe 11th Annual Diagnosticians’ Workshop (ADW) will be held on 30 August - 1 September 2022 in Melbourne. We are excited to announce the guest speakers will be Dr Jeremy J Burdon, Dr Jenifer Ticehurst, Dr Jessica Lye, Dr Benjamin Schwessinger, Callum Fletcher, Dr Nigel Crump and Laura Murphy. Detector dog program celebrates 30 yearsThis year the biosecurity detector dog program celebrates 30 years of sniffing out biosecurity risks at our borders. The first detector dog teams began their vital frontline work in 1992 and since then the program has expanded across the country. Pilot uses holograms to highlight biosecurity risksTravellers arriving at Brisbane International Airport will be greeted by a holographic display of high-risk products, such as food, including meat, fruit and vegetables, in a new initiative to spread important biosecurity messaging. Varroa mite emergency responseNew South Wales (NSW) Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has detected Varroa mite (varroa destructor) in various hives in NSW and is working to eradicate the pest to protect the honeybee industry. An eradication plan is in place with emergency zones covering a 50km radius of the infected premises. 2022 ABA awards open for entriesNominations for the 2022 Australian Biosecurity Awards (ABAs) are now open until 22 August 2022. The ABAs provide important recognition for biosecurity champions across industry, government and the broader community, who have made a significant contribution towards safeguarding our nation from pests and diseases. Cotton production manual publishedThe 2022 Australian Cotton Production Manual has been published. The manual is a critical reference tool for cotton growers, outlining the various decisions that need to be made on-farm in preparation for, and during, cotton production. Projects announced to support communities' pest and weed management The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has announced 39 projects as part of the ‘Supporting Communities Manage Pest Animals and Weeds Program’ to reduce the impact of pest animals and weeds on agriculture and the environment. Pest risk analysis for khapra beetleThe Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has announced the commencement of a pest risk analysis for khapra beetle following a marked increase in khapra beetle interceptions in plant products and sea containers. Release of okra from India (biosecurity import requirements)The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has published a Draft report for okra from India: biosecurity import requirements. Panama TR4 situation update & biosecurity tipsKeep up-to-date with the latest Panama disease tropical race 4 (Panama TR4) news in the July edition of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries’ Panama TR4 update. National Mango Tree Crop DashboardLearn how to use the National Mango Tree Crop Dashboard that interactively summarises the extent of commercial mango crops in Australia IPDM in focus: Alternaria management (apple & pear)The Australian Integrated Pest, Disease Management Program (IDPM) includes monitoring and cultural and chemical control practices integrated to manage Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot. Latest from Prevent Fruit FlyFruit fly and trade HypotheticalsThe National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) hosted almost 90 industry stakeholders in Brisbane and Melbourne this week to explore and prepare partners for the potential trade disruptions if Australia’s fruit fly distribution were to change, what it would mean for industry and how to build resilience for the system. ![]() Latest from Grains Farm BiosecurityPodcast: Rising risk of biosecurity on-farmPHA's Stuart Kearns, National Manager: Preparedness and RD&E, Jim Moran, Victoria's Grains Biosecurity Officer, and Colin Bettles, CEO of Grain Producers Australia (GPA), recently spoke to Jack Cresswel from the Farms Advice Podcast about the rising risks of biosecurity on-farm. ![]() Grain growers guide to managing resistant weedsThe economic impact of weeds on the Australian grains industry due to cost of control and reduced yields, is estimated at $4 billion annually. South Australian grain growers typically struggle with resistant weeds such as ryegrass, sow thistle, brome grass, barley grass, wild oats, wild radish, and wild turnip. In addition, grain receival standards clearly stipulate tolerance levels to the presence of weed seeds. Latest from Farm Biosecurity![]() Banana freckle detected in the NTThe Northern Territory (NT) Government is currently responding to a new detection of banana freckle disease (Phyllosticta cavendishii) in the territory. With this news, all Australian banana growers should be aware of the signs and symptoms of banana freckle and regularly check their banana plants for signs of the disease. Out and about![]() ![]() Dr Mila Bristow, provided fruit fly distribution background to industry stakeholders at the NFFC’s hypothetical event in Brisbane this week. PHA’s Dr Maggie Mwathi-Nyarko, Networks Coordinator, and Kathryn Pagler, Bee Biosecurity Project Officer, presented on plant biosecurity at an Agriculture winter intensive class at the Australian National University in Canberra. ![]() ![]() Happy birthday to PHA’s Jess Lehman and Susanna Driessen who celebrated their birthdays in June with staff, at a special morning tea. Southern GPSA director Mark Schilling hosted a PHA-PIRSA grain pest and high priority exotic pest identification workshop in South Australia. Staff movementsWelcome Chris O'Connor Welcome to Chris O’Connor, who joined PHA this week as the Fruit Fly Engagement Coordinator. With a strong background in horticulture, Chris has held commercial buying roles with major retailers, as well as roles with state and national peak industry bodies. He has solid experience in delivering extension programs in biosecurity and has supported the delivery of the nursery industry’s BioSecure HACCP program. In one of his recent roles he worked with Macquarie University where he focused on engaging growers and other key stakeholders in Fruit Fly Sterile Insect Technique R&D funded through the Hort Innovation SITPlus program. |