Monday 30 May 2022
Confirming our updated Covid-19 Policy
Kia ora koutou
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on our updated Covid-19 policy, where we proposed to relax our mask-wearing requirements in some indoor areas, following the move to 'Orange' in the Covid-19 Protection Framework.
More than 75 people had their say, with the
majority in favour of the changes. However, we also received feedback around making masks mandatory in all indoor areas. We have considered both sides of the feedback, and the implications of each, in our decision.
Taking into account the feedback and the Government guidance, we have decided to take a pragmatic and risk-based (slightly cautious) approach for this next period:
- In staff office spaces, while it is not mandatory, staff are strongly encouraged to wear masks, especially when in close proximity to others and in less well ventilated areas.
- In classrooms,
teaching staff can choose to remove their mask if they can suitably distance from students. They must wear a mask when walking around the class.
- Students are required to continue wearing masks
- We are emphasising that because Te Puna is a public area, masks must be worn throughout the whole space, other than when sitting to eat or drink.
Below is the full list of COVID-19 face mask requirements:
- The wearing of face masks is strongly encouraged at all times in all campus locations to enhance the safety of everyone, particularly in less well ventilated indoor areas;
- Ākonga, kaimahi and manuhiri are required to wear a face mask in all indoor teaching spaces, except where a lecturer can suitably distance from their ākonga, in which case they can choose to remove their face mask for teaching purposes (but must have it on when walking
- Teaching staff and ākonga can also remove their mask if they have an exemption or where other approved safety measures are in place;
- The wearing of face masks also continues to be mandatory in other campus spaces such as our healthcare facilities and throughout Te Puna, noting that Te Puna is a collaborative space open to the public, including the Library;
- All ākonga and kaimahi who work in a hospitality role and/or serve food on campus are required to wear a mask. When visiting these premises, ākonga, kaimahi and manuhiri are to wear a mask except when eating and drinking;
- As a general rule, you should wear a face
mask whenever you are indoors and where for example physical distancing is difficult to maintain, you are sharing an indoor space with others for a long time, and where you do not know other people (such as at public gatherings, in the marae or a hospitality venue);
- A face mask is classified as either a surgical mask (including blue/white and N-95 masks) or a reusable fabric face mask, preferably with three-layers;
- To be effective, face masks must cover your nose, mouth and chin and be well-fitting;
- Overall, the wearing of a face mask is a personal choice, except in mandatory locations as stated, and is strongly recommended at all times to assist in lowering the risk of spreading or contracting
Ākonga and kaimahi should provide their own suitable face mask. By exception, Unitec can provide a face mask upon request to kaimahi (Facilities Management and Business Administrators will hold a small supply), together with purchases able to be made from the onsite retail store.
Children on campus
With regards to children on campus, we have updated the policy to read:
"Having regard for children on campus, and that kaimahi and ākonga have childcare
responsibilities which may, from time to time, require bringing children onto campus,
everyone is reminded that unwell children who could have infectious illness of any kind,
must not knowingly be brought onto campus at any time."
Please visit our Covid-19 page on Te Aka for more information.
Thanks again to everyone who shared their thoughts - we appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback.
Ngā mihi
Christine Hutton
Interim DCE - People and Culture