March 2022 Newsletter
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and resources from the Office of Research Protections
U.S. Sanctions and Export Control Restrictions Against Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus
In the past weeks, the United States and its allies announced coordinated sanctions against Russia in response to its attack on Ukraine. These sanctions and other export control restrictions are unprecedented in nature, and while they primarily target the financial sector in Russia, they extend broadly to include specific individuals and entities as well.
In addition to Russia, the US and its allies have also applied sanctions and export control restrictions against Belarus, and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine. The restrictions placed on the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are similar to those applied to the Crimea region of Ukraine in 2014 and are considered fully comprehensive, affecting all imports and exports of goods and services to and from those regions.
The Office of Trade Compliance is available to assist the University community in complying with these new sanctions and export control restrictions. We strongly encourage those who have a need to import or export any type of goods or services from these countries and regions to first reach out to us for a consultation. We can be reached at
The Office of Science Technology Policy (OSTP) has directed federal grant-making agencies to harmonize research security processes in furtherance of National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33). NSPM-33 establishes a national security strategy for US government-supported research.
The implementation guidance directs agencies to require research institutions receiving substantial federal research and development support to certify that they have developed and operate a written research security program. A research security program must contain four elements: cyber security, foreign travel security, research security training, and export controls training.
OSTP is working collaboratively with federal agencies and the higher education community to discuss appropriate rules for research security programs. Pitt's Office of Trade Compliance (OTC) is participating in this process. Final federal guidance on research security programs is not expected until later this year.
Recently, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced a final rule amending the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations to reduce duplicative requirements and the administrative burden for research facilities while continuing to ensure humane animal care.
As part of this action, the requirement for annual reviews of protocols already approved by the IACUC has been eliminated. This will result in an IACUC approved protocol remaining valid for 3 years after initial IACUC approval and requiring a new submission to the IACUC for review and approval at the end of the 3-year term.
Read more here.
As a reminder, all principal investigators who use controlled substances in their research program must hold a registration from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The address listed on the registration must correspond to the location where drugs are received and stored. Thus, if this location changes, the DEA registration must be updated. To do so, click on the "Make Changes to My DEA Registration" link on the DEA Registration page.
In addition, please inform the IACUC that your drug storage location has changed by emailing
Further information about use of Controlled Drugs is available on the ORP's Controlled Substances webpage and from a recent webinar on the topic.
Pitt's Human Research Protection Program will be undergoing a site visit by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) from May 4-6, 2022. The University has been accredited by AAHRPP since 2005. To earn accreditation, organizations must provide evidence of their commitment to conduct scientific and ethically sound human subjects research.
The site visit will include interviews with selected individuals, and we will be reaching out to you if you are selected to meet with the site visit team. Updates regarding the site visit and the AAHRPP accreditation process can be found here.
The Education and Compliance Support - Human Subject Research (ECS-HSR) division and the Human Research Protections (HRP) division recognize that conducting a research study can be challenging. To that end, they have developed a webinar presentation entitled "Good Research Practices."
The presentation provides a three-hour review of:
Federal regulations and NIH policies surrounding GCPs in human subject research,
Investigator Responsibilities,
Tips for Protocol Adherence,
Informed Consent Process,
Study Documentation, and
Regulatory File Maintenance.
When: April 12, 2022 | 9 a.m. - Noon
Register here.
The Department of State oversees export regulations called the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) that govern military defense services, articles, and technical data. In this session, the Office of Trade Compliance will explain the ITAR, how it applies to the university environment, and then examine a legal case that shows the importance of recognizing red flags and the consequences for one university professor who willingly ignored institutional guidance.
The Office of Trade Compliance has launched this 12-part, monthly training series to address "Export Control Fundamentals" in the academic environment. Each session will last no more than 30 minutes, with time at the end for questions. Sessions will be recorded and made available to members of the Pitt community. Although the content is appropriate for a general academic audience, most sessions will include direct application for the research community. Please direct any questions to
When: March 25, 2022 | 1 p.m.
Register here.
A draft of a new University policy on Institutional Conflict of Interest (ICOI) has been posted for public comment. The purpose of this Policy is to set forth the standards and procedures for identification, review, and formulation of strategies for management of potential ICOIs.
Relationships with external entities play an important role in supporting the University's core missions. It is recognized that institutional financial interests arise in the normal course of the University's operations. However, these financial interests or the external activity of senior University officials must not influence or appear to influence the University's business decisions or integrity of its core missions.
If adopted, the new ICOI policy would establish an ICOI committee to monitor for, and formulate, conflict management plans to address actual or perceived incidents of ICOI by the University or a senior University official.
Need help in ensuring that your research meets regulatory requirements and ethical standards?
Then use the ORP Support Service!
Just answer a few questions and we will put you in touch with the right professionals to help facilitate your research.
It's not too late to donate to Pitt's annual United Way campaign. Through this campaign, we strive to directly address our community’s most critical needs. Last year, over 1,900 faculty, staff and retirees donated more than $694,500! We're hoping to exceed that total this year.
To make an online pledge that will support your passions and help families meet basic needs, please go to and search for “United Way” or email the Pitt United Way team at