December 2021 News HEADLINES'Reflecting on language in international development in Scotland'We believe that the language we choose to use is of vital importance in the journey towards decolonising international development, and that every organisation has a responsibility to reflect upon language in the context of active anti-racism and decolonisation. This discussion paper was first published in January 2021, and has now been re-drafted with a greater emphasis on encouraging organisations to adopt a deliberate and critical stance towards their own language use through the creation of a 'language policy'. The growing imperative: what did we learn from #AllianceConf2021?On 1 & 2 December, over 200 people from across 21 countries joined the Alliance for our virtual conference. With over 122 organisations attending, we were able to gather input and hear from a wide variety of voices across the sector. But the conversation doesn't stop here! The interactive platform remains open for dialogue, debate and discovery - you can catch up on all sessions, read through discussion rooms and access all features on demand at our Conference catch up space. Statement from Jenny Gilruth MSP on Covid-19 and International DevelopmentAn additional £1.5million to be invested in the response to COVID-19 in Scotland's partner-countries Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia, plus the announcement of two panellists from partner-countries for the new 'global south advisory panel'. Update on the proposed Wellbeing and Sustainable Development billDr Graham Long, Ishani Erasmus and Zoe Russell are working on research for this proposed bill. They would like to invite members of the Alliance to a stakeholder engagement workshop on the 17th of January at 2 – 3:30pm, online. FOCUS ON CLIMATEPost COP26 reflectionsHear from Alliance CEO Frances Guy, Dr Saleemul Huq and others on the aftermath of COP26 - how far did negotiations go, and where can we go from here? Future of Cambo oil field in jeopardyFollowing pressure from climate activists across Scotland and the United Kingdom, development of a large oil field off the coast of Shetland has been paused, less than a week after Shell pulled out of the project. HEAR FROM OUR MEMBERSDelivering climate - and COVID19 - resilient WASH facilities for vulnerable communitiesHear from Yankho Mataya, Regional Funding Manager for Southern Africa, WaterAid on the issues facing those living in Sub-Saharan Africa, and how WaterAid are working to support sustainable facilities that can withstand the impact of the climate crisis. HAVE YOUR SAYHelp shape the future of Alliance eventsDid you attend our 2021 Annual Conference? If so, help us shape the future by completing our Post-Conference survey. It'll only take 5 minutes, and will make a huge difference to how we create future conferences and events to serve our growing community. The survey closes on Friday 17th December. Is UK aid good at lifting people above $1.90 a day?The International Development Committee, which scrutinises the development work of the UK government, is starting an inquiry into Extreme Poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Alliance is gathering evidence to submit to the IDC, and encourages our members to reach out and contribute to our submission. OTHER NEWS & RESOURCESRethinking Humanitarianism podcast | Diversity in the aid sectorWorld 'dangerously unprepared' for future pandemics - 2021 GHS Index findsHumanitarian action in 2021: tensions, trade-offs and dilemmas Global call for proposals - United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against WomenRegistered Scottish Charity No. SC035314 |