No images? Click here ![]() 100% of your investment in fishing license fees come to the DEEP Bureau of Natural Resources to support your passion for the outdoors- Thank You! 👍👍 January 2025 Please reach out to with any suggestions, comments, or questions related to CT's Fisheries. 🥂HAPPY NEW YEAR!!🥂 2025 Fishing Licenses are Available Fishing licenses are available for 2025. Don't miss a single day of fishing - renew or get your fishing license today. Need a refresher on how to use CT's online system? Check out the video below. No changes to 2025 Freshwater Fishing Regulations There are no changes 😁 to the regulations for sportfishing in the Inland District 🎣 for 2025. Download your PDF copy. Printed copies should be available soon at many town clerks and tackle shops. The changes proposed over this past summer are still working through the formal adoption process. As such, the Fisheries Division is opting to keep the regulations as they are. We expect the proposed changes will take effect January 1, 2026, about one year from now. Aquatic Invasive Species Stamp Info New for 2025- The Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Stamp must be purchased separate from your vessel registration. Any person operating a vessel on Connecticut inland waters that is required to be registered, in CT or another state, must have a CT AIS Stamp. There are two AIS Stamp options: $7 individual operator or $25 AIS decal to cover all operators on the vessel Visit AIS Stamp FAQs for more information. You can purchase your 2025 AIS Stamp now through the Online Sportsmen Licensing system. This is required for CT registered and out of state registered vessels. Seasonal Job Openings Come and join the CT DEEP this spring/summer. Job postings are found on CT Job Aps and are being updated daily. We have lots of great opportunities for you! Apply NOW! Farmington River Flow Plan - We are Looking For Your Input DEEP's draft plan to manage flow in the Farmington River will be available to view and provide input soon. Once available we will post on our Facebook Page. A public informational session summarizing the plan, with time for questions and answers, will be held on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 7:00 pm via ZOOM. Register here to attend. ![]() Ice Safety - Beware of Thin Ice! The Fisheries Division knows that many are chomping at the (ice) auger to fish on the water. BE SMART! Many waters do not have safe ice. Please note that the Fisheries Division does not monitor ice thickness. As you prepare for your potential ice fishing adventure, please be sure to review our ice safety tips on our web page and watch our video on how to "test" ice thickness (below). If you have never been ice fishing, check out our interactive web-based ice fishing course for all the basics to get started this winter! Ice Fishing Classes: Have you ever wondered what makes ice fishing such a unique and exciting winter adventure? This is your chance to find out! Join the Fish with CARE team, and we’ll guide you step by step to ensure a safe, fun, and unforgettable experience on the ice. We are hosting Ice Fishing 101 Zoom Classes to teach you the basics and answer all your questions. And when the ice is safe, we’ll take the learning to the next level with in-person ice fishing events! No gear? No problem! At our events, we provide all the fishing equipment, bait, and expert guidance from our friendly volunteer fishing coaches. Zoom Class Schedule: Wednesday, 1/8/2025: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM - TONIGHT Monday, 1/13/2025: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Thursday, 1/23/2025: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Register here: Don’t miss out on this opportunity to create special winter memories with family and friends. We can’t wait to see you there! The video below was filmed in 2023 when there was adequate safe ice. If you plan to head out onto the ice, please check ice thickness often!!! Ice Fishing Gear - The Essentials Ice fishing is a New England tradition. If you or someone you know is getting started, the initial investment can be simple and just a few tip ups, a jigging rod, and spud bar (for checking ice thickness). The video below offers some suggestions for essential gear to have a safe and enjoyable fishing trip on the ice. Fishing Challenge DIY Videos To help budding anglers fill their youth fishing passport fishing challenge score card the Fish With CARE program has made a special playlist on the DEEP Video YouTube channel. The fishing challenge is free for all age 15 and younger. The challenge is a year-long fishing scavenger hunt to try and catch all 33 species on the score card. Catches are submitted online and results displayed on the dashboard. For more info please reach out to This Month's Mystery Fish Think you know this species 👀? Send your guess to ![]() Mystery Fish Revealed Last month's mystery fish was the Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). This small fish that likely has evaded DEEP Fisheries Biologist for quite a while. There are 2 species of mosquitofish that have been observed in Connecticut. The photo on the left is the Western Mosquitofish. The Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) was found during targeted surveys in 2024 in several small ponds in the lower Naugatuck watershed. Check out where using the Fish Community Data App. Both species that occur in Connecticut are introduced. In fact, mosquitofishes have been introduced globally as a biocontrol agent for mosquitoes, given that mosquito larvae comprise part of their diet. However, these introductions have had mixed results at reducing mosquito abundance and mosquitofishes have become established invasive species in many parts of the world where they threaten a number of native fishes and invertebrates. The two species of mosquitofish in Connecticut are difficult to classify, with some arguing that G. holbrooki is better understood as a subspecies of G. affinis. They are best identified by counting their dorsal rays; however, individual variation and ready hybridization between the species can complicate making a positive identification. An accurate characterization of the true ranges of these species in Connecticut is elusive because they occupy marginal habitats that are rarely sampled by the Fisheries Division and are challenging to identify in the field. ![]() Nice Catch! ![]() Need to find a place to fish? Check out our "Where to Fish For..." interactive map with video tutorial below. DIY Videos- our complete library can be found on the DEEP YouTube Channel How to get your fishing license online How to get the youth fishing passport online Have a Tip or Photo You Would Like to See in CT Fishin' Tips? Have a Tip or Photo You Would Like to See in CT Fishin' Tips? Email your tip to E-Tackle Box The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer that is committed to complying with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you are seeking a communication aid or service, have limited proficiency in English, wish to file an ADA or Title VI discrimination complaint, or require some other accommodation, including equipment to facilitate virtual participation, please contact the DEEP Office of Diversity and Equity at 860-418-5910 or by email at Any person needing an accommodation for hearing impairment may call the State of Connecticut relay number - 711. In order to facilitate efforts to provide an accommodation, please request all accommodations as soon as possible following notice of any agency hearing, meeting, program or event. This program receives Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability. If you believe that you have been discriminated against in any program, activity, or facility, or if you need more information, please write to: Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights U.S. Department of the Interior 1849 C Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20240 Report a Fishing or Hunting Violation Call DEEP's Environmental Conservation Police 24/7 860-424-3333 |