Message from the Executive Principal
Kia ora koutou, good afternoon, 下午好, 안녕하세요
What a great start to the year! The campus has had a distinct feel this week, with lots of smiles from reconnecting with friends and a sense of determination about the year ahead. The conversations I have had with students of all ages suggest they are excited about what is to come, and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve together. The first day of the year is always a highlight, and I particularly enjoy the contrast between our Year 13s walking in with the confidence of the oldest in the school and the look of wonderment on the faces of our New Entrants. It was also great to see many of you at pickup and drop-off, please always stop for a chat if there is anything you need to discuss. On Wednesday morning, we held our traditional
powhiri for the new members of our community. This ceremony is a special way to welcome those students and staff to the Pinehurst family and I look forward to working with you and your children during your time at Pinehurst. Yesterday afternoon, I had the pleasure of addressing our College students at the annual Scholars and Leaders assembly, recognising outstanding Cambridge results and our new cohort of student leaders. I spoke of the importance of inner determination and the need to be brave in the pursuit of challenging goals. If we show these traits together, there is no limit to what can be achieved. I also reminded the students that leadership is not about a job, it is having the courage to make the right choice in a difficult situation, an ideal we can all aspire toward. Our new
teachers in the Primary School are Ms Georgia Green (Year 6), Mr Michael Cox (Year 6), and Mrs Sarah Cox (Year 1). They each bring a wealth of experience to the school, with familiarity of our approaches to learning from their time in the UK and other international school environments. I know the children have enjoyed getting to know them this week and they will have a positive impact on our school for many years ahead. As a reminder for the start of the year, it is important to be mindful of traffic around the school and at the shops across the road at key times. A slight misjudgment could have severe consequences, so please have patience and take your time so that everyone can get home safely. Please remember that if your child needs to be away from school that you should complete the form
found either on the Parent Portal or through Schoolbridge, this will ensure that our records are accurate and that there is no need for you to message any teachers as the absence will appear on their registers. Approval for leave during term time should be directed to either the Principal of Primary, College, or me directly. Over the next few weeks, there will be plenty on the calendar, with a range of events taking place across the school. Please keep an eye on the messages you receive through email and SeeSaw; they help to ensure you don’t miss out. Finally, for those who have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week, Gong Xi Fa Cai! I hope you enjoy a prosperous year of the snake. I hope you all enjoy a great weekend
and look forward to seeing you shortly at the ‘Back to School’ picnic. I hope you all enjoy the weekend ahead.
- New Family Meet and Greet
- Years 4 - 6 Parent Information Evening
- Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award Parent Information Evening
- Waitangi Day (Public Holiday)
Message from the Principal of College
Tēnā koutou katoa, A very warm welcome back to school and I would like to wish you all a very Happy Chinese New Year. This year is the Year of the Snake which is associated with wisdom, transformation and resilience; great themes to start off the new school year. With lots to celebrate after fantastic results from Cambridge, we had a very positive and energetic start to the year with students engaged in their learning from the first day back. Our Pōwhiri on Wednesday was a wonderful way to welcome new teachers, students and their families into the Pinehurst community. Nine new members of staff have joined the College this year. Teachers who are new to Pinehurst have come to us with a wealth of experience in New Zealand schools
and they are all very keen to get to know our community as we move through the term. Please do introduce yourselves to our new staff as the term progresses. The 2024 Cambridge examination series resulted in huge successes for many of our students. During our first Year 9-13 assembly yesterday, we were able to celebrate these successes by acknowledging Pinehurst scholars; those students who performed at an exceptionally high standard in their examinations. To become a Pinehurst scholar, students need to attain at least 8 A grades at IGCSE or at least 4 A grades at AS level. Remarkably, nineteen students were awarded AS scholar. Well done to all of our Pinehurst scholars and thank you to those family members who came along to support their children at the assembly. Term 1 is
a long term but with lots to fit in. I encourage all students to take some time over the weekend to plan their term ahead in order to get maximum benefit from what is on offer at school. There are many opportunities for experiences outside of the classroom and it is in becoming involved in extracurricular activities that students grow and develop their independence. I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.
Ngā mihi nui,
Dawn Sullivan
Celebrating Chinese New Year
On January 29th, Chinese New Year arrived, marking the beginning of the Year of the Snake. Students in Mandarin classes celebrated with a series of cultural activities. They practiced writing 福 (fú), meaning "good fortune," and 春 (chūn), meaning "spring," to symbolize luck and renewal. Students also crafted 红包 (hóngbāo) red envelopes, filling them with handwritten wishes and exchanging them with classmates. Through these activities, students deepened their understanding of Chinese traditions while embracing the festive spirit. Wishing everyone 新年快乐 (Xīnnián kuàilè) and a prosperous Year of the Snake!
First week back in Science
This week has seen Pinehurst College students get straight back to learning in Science. Across the board we have had students engaging in practical work and new learning. AS Biology students have been working on their microscopy skills, A2 Chemists were testing their knowledge of acid reactions with a series of experiments while Year 10 Physics students have been exploring ways to improve their measuring and recording of practical data. In Year 7 and 8 we have started to introduce the upcoming Science Fair and the students are excited to start their projects. We are looking forward to an exciting and challenging year of practical engagement in our Science classes in 2025!
Toi o te wiki: Year 9 Cell Design
Toi o te wiki this week celebrates the hard work that our Year 9s last year put into completing their cell designs, based on the work of Professor Goodsell. Our Y9s worked right up to the very last moment at the end of 2024 to complete these painted cell designs, inspired by cell structures that exist. After exploring cellular structures, and the work of Goodsell, students then took a leap of creativity to reimagine cells. These stunning works will be hung outside Mrs Perkins' room over the coming weeks for our students, staff and community to enjoy.
Year 11 Geography students are currently looking into weather and the instruments used to record weather. We put our new found knowledge into practice by going around the school and measuring temperature and wind speed in a variety of locations. We are fortunate enough to have a couple of anemometers to practice with. We are hoping to complete the experiment again in the afternoon as well as later in the Term to compare results.
Physical Education off to a great start
Our Physical Education team has dived straight into 2025, teaching content across all year levels, welcoming back students with a variety of learning activities such as Athletics, Adventure-Based-Learning, and Ultimate Frisbee. We are happy to see the students back at school and we are enjoying their visible enthusiasm for the practical learning that takes place across all of our P.E. lessons.
Performing Arts has a productive Term ahead!
Performing Arts at Pinehurst School has got off to an excellent start with a busy productive start up to the year by all concerned. It is especially good to see our new Drama teacher, Ms McClean (pictured below with senior students) settling in so well. Music ensembles and lesson enrolments are steadily coming in via the registration links on the school website. It is important that as many students as possible register quickly for these lessons and groups– even if they have an existing arrangement with their itinerant teacher they were previously learning from. Registration this way allows all lists to be kept centrally within school data and makes organisation more stream lined.
The school Musical “The Wizard of Oz” was launched yesterday and more information and the link to audition “pack” and sign-up sheet will be in Schoolbox News on Monday. College Orchestra rehearsals will be on a different day and time this year, so please keep an eye on Schoolbox News. The school musical will once again require an orchestra with strong players to accompany our singers. It is essential students pay attention to Schoolbox News, especially this Term where more information about group set-ups, audition information and other important messages will be shared with everyone. It’s going to be a busy Term but once again, rewarding, fun and will create positive lifelong memories for everyone involved.
Additional Scholar Awards
Following on from our recent Scholars and Student Leaders Induction Assembly, we wish to additionally acknowledge the following Scholar awards: · Jerry L (Year 12) is an AS Scholar. · Sophia W (Year 12) is both an IG Scholar and an AS Scholar. Well done Jerry and Sophia for your outstanding academic achievements.
The 2025 Student Leadership team are now available to view on the Pinehurst website. Our Head Prefects Daniel, Sissi, Oren & Brianna were proudly welcoming students and families back to school on Tuesday on this week.
Our entire team of Year 13 Student Leaders took part in an 'Amazing Race' as part of their leadership training the week prior to school commencing. For an idea of what they got up to, be sure to take a look at our short video on YouTube.
Is this the year your young person will decide what they may be interested in pursuing after Pinehurst and you have a million questions about gap years/ apprenticeships/ universities in NZ and overseas/ reference processes / required grades / deadlines / and your head is spinning a bit? Not to worry! The Pinehurst Career Counsellor will be meeting individually with all Year 13 students in Term 1 to chat about possibilities and again in Term 3 to offer transition support, whether that be applying for top tier overseas universities or entering the world of work. I meet with all Year 12 students individually in Term 2 and offer in-class career education modules to all students in Years 7-11. Please check out our dedicated Career Education website which has loads of information, including upcoming event dates, and a link to book a time to come and see me. My career development philosophy is centred around kindness, calmness and living a life aligned with your values. I look forward to working with your young people this year.
Message from the Principal of Primary
Kia ora e te whānau The theme for this week has been that everyone is so settled and ready for school. We have had a dream start to the year and enjoyed seeing everyone again, noticing how much they had grown over the summer. There were lots of smiles as friends connected, playgrounds discovered, and new pencil cases were admired. The beginning of the school year is a special time, exciting and a little unknown in a new year group. As parents we can feel relief after a long summer and some anxiety about how our children will settle into school. As staff we have worked hard to ensure that the start of the year is as smooth as possible, organised, inviting, and fun. Building relationships at this time of year is one of the most important things we do and is a big factor in how a child
learns. Having the right mindset for learning is key and that comes from connection. 2025 is going to be an outstanding year for us in the Primary and I am sure we will look back in December and reflect on a year that has been one of growth both physically and academically as well as having memories of good times spent together. I am really looking forward to working with our community to have an excellent year. In January we received the Year 6 Primary Checkpoint results from the assessments taken at the end of 2024. I am happy to say that they were fantastic. We were well above international averages in Maths, English and Science with 25 out of 68 students achieving all outstanding grades, which is the top grade possible. One of the results we are most proud of is that almost 92% of our students achieved a high or outstanding grade. This
means that an overwhelming majority of our students achieved the top two grades possible in international assessments. Well done Year 6 2024, we are so proud of each of you! At our Powhiri this week we welcomed 26 new entrants and their families along with 5 students across the Primary. We have three new teachers in the Primary and are delighted to welcome Sarah Cox in Senior Year 1, Michael Cox in Year 6 and Georgia Green in Year 6. All have worked internationally as well as in New Zealand and we are looking forward to the ideas and expertise they will bring to our team. There have been a few changes in our syndicate teams and the leaders this year are Hannah Cooper in New Entrants, Grace Osborne Year 1-2, Sophie Berry Year 3-4, Keeva Shaw Year 5-6 and Catherine Jones Hill Specialist team. We are excited for the opportunity to work
together and do great things in the Primary. Have a great weekend.
Welcome to our New Entrant classes, P1 and P2!
We are so excited to welcome our New Entrant classes, P1 and P2 for the start of this new school year and for some of our students, the start of their Pinehurst journey!
This week, we’ve been getting to know our new classrooms and making lots of new friends. We’ve explored all the exciting areas, from the reading corner in the classroom to the outdoor playground. We’ve also started learning our letters and numbers, playing fun games to help us recognise them. In art, we’ve created colourful pictures, and in our role-play area, we’ve been pretending to cook, shop, and build.
The students in P1 & P2 have been doing a great job at listening, sharing, and helping each other, and we’re all looking forward to more adventures in learning together. It’s going to be an exciting and fun-filled year of learning and growth!
Another exciting year in Junior Primary!
Welcome back to another exciting year in the junior primary at Pinehurst School. My name is Grace Osborne and I am the Syndicate Leader for Senior Year 1 and Year 2. Our two Senior Year 1 teachers are Mrs Louise Prance in P23 and Mrs Sarah Cox in P22. The Year 2 team is made up of Miss Deborah Cole in P6, myself in P7 and Mrs Shelly Murray in P8. Here’s what each class has been busy doing in their first few days back at school… In P22 on Wednesday the children had their first science lesson. Our learning objective was to know the correct names for different parts of the body. The children had fun working in small groups outside to create a life size diagram of a human by drawing around one of the children in the group and
then labelling the different parts of the body. We will continue to learn more about the names of different parts of the body next week and extend our scientific vocabulary by labelling diagrams and completing quizzes.
The Senior Year 1 children in P23 have settled beautifully back into school. They began their first writing mission are beginning to remember how to extend their vocabulary, exploring the meaning of sounds and new words. Then they moved on to practicing how each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. They were very proud of their writing and everyone remembered to use finger spaces!
This week, P6 has been learning about sequencing events in writing. We practiced using the words first, next, then and finally to let our reader know the right order of events. We chose different scenarios like buying an ice cream, planting sunflowers, building a snowman and making a sandwich to practice using our sequencing words in the correct order.
On the first day in P7 the children shared some of their summer holiday highlights using an ‘old-fashioned’ camera and film. We talked about how before phones we used to take photographs and then waited a long time before we got to see them! The camera film reel captures their favourite summer adventures and memories and for the first time in Year 2 the children logged into Seesaw to share their reflections with their family members.
In Reading this week we have been learning how to sequence a story. Our focus to be successful was to make sure we included sequencing words such as first, next, then and finally. Our book was ‘The Tree Hut Treaty’. The students learnt that a treaty is where rules are made and everyone needs to adhere to these rules.
As you can see there are many wonderful learning experiences already starting. As teachers we are all looking forward to this term and the learning that will take place. Please feel free to see any of us before or after school or get in touch on Seesaw if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you throughout the term.
Year 1 Music with Mrs Du Toit
Exploring Timbre This term, students will explore the exciting world of sound through body percussion, tuned and untuned instruments, and their voices, discovering the unique timbres each can produce. As part of the unit, they will create their own instruments using recycled materials and learn a variety of chants and songs. Students will also respond to different musical genres through dance, movement, and music, fostering creativity and self-expression.
Year 3 Mandarin with Mrs Vien
Chinese New Year In Chinese First Language, students will deepen their understanding of Chinese New Year traditions, exploring the cultural significance of this celebration. They will develop their language skills through topics such as colours and family, practicing reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will also enhance their use of descriptive and explanatory language while learning to construct compound sentences, building a strong foundation in both written and spoken Chinese.
Year 4 Science with Ms Herbert
Life Process and Ecosystems In this unit, students will explore how animals are suited to different habitats and how plants and animals can adapt to survive in various environments. They will learn that plants derive energy from light, while animals obtain energy by consuming plants or other animals. The unit also covers the concept of food chains, with students classifying consumers as herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, predators, and prey. Additionally, students will examine how plants and animals can contract infectious diseases, the role of vaccinations in preventing diseases, and the safe use of medicines to treat illnesses. The importance of movement in maintaining human health will also be a key focus of their
Year 4 Music with Ms Pope
Bucket Drumming Students will advance their rhythm skills by exploring note and rest values, reading musical notation, and experimenting with different timbres on the bucket drum. They will focus on sticking techniques, ensemble playing, and improvisation, while also developing their ability to read treble clef notation and perform melodies on the recorder. Through this unit, students will learn to read and perform complex rhythms, both in solo and ensemble settings, and will have opportunities to improvise and solo with steady rhythm and expressive phrasing.
Physical Education with Mr Taylor
Football and Invasion Games Term 1 will begin with football for our year 5 and 6 students. They will refine their passing, dribbling, and shooting skills while learning about teamwork, positioning, and strategies. Students will engage in small-sided games to apply their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of attacking and defending roles within a team. Invasion games during Sport pictured below.
Haere Mai from the Year 5 and 6 Syndicate
Welcome back to what promises to be an exciting school year! We hope you had a wonderful summer and feel rejuvenated, ready for the adventures that await. As we step into 2025, we are delighted to welcome all Year 5 and 6 families, both new and returning. The year has begun with a burst of positive energy, and it's fantastic to see our students return with enthusiasm, ready to reconnect with their friends and teachers. I would like to take a moment to introduce our wonderful teaching team for the year: - P15: Mrs. Nicola Everett
- P16: Ms. Emily Markley
- P17: Mrs. Areej Nasir
- P19: Mr. Michael Cox
- P20: Mrs. Georgia Green
- P21: Ms. Keeva Shaw
For our Year 6 students, this is the start of their final year at primary school—a year full of growth, memorable experiences, and special moments. It’s a time of reflection and excitement as they step into leadership roles within our school community. Our Year 6s are especially excited about the upcoming camp in Week 3. It's sure
to be a fun and memorable experience, full of adventure and team-building, and we can’t wait to hear all their stories when they return!
For the Year 5s, this marks the beginning of a new journey in the Year 5-6 Syndicate. Their enthusiasm and energy are contagious (evident in our thrilling Sport session this week!), and we look forward to watching them grow and thrive throughout the year. It’s a time for new friendships, exploring different subjects, and embracing the challenges that come with advancing in their education. They are also looking forward to embarking on their Camp adventure in Week 3 and eagerly anticipating all the new experiences we will share together.
At Pinehurst, we believe that the partnership between home and school is key to our students' success and well-being. We invite all parents to be an active part of the school community and engage with us throughout the year. Our doors are always open, and we truly value your involvement. Together, we can ensure that every child has a fulfilling and enriching experience. If you have any questions, ideas, or just want to say hello, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your support makes a meaningful difference in creating a positive environment for all of our students. Here’s to a fantastic year filled with growth, friendships, and unforgettable memories. We’re excited to work together to make this school year one to remember for our
Year 5 and 6 students. Nga mihi,
Keeva Shaw
Community News and Events
Representing NZ: International Robot Olympiad
Year 9 students Jimmy W and Oscar Y represented New Zealand in the 26th International Robot Olympiad held in Busan, South Korea from January 17 - 21 2025. The event, known for fostering global collaboration in robotics and artificial intelligence, drew more than 3,400 participants from 30 countries. Oscar and Jimmy teamed up to compete in three events: Physical Computing, Creative Category (Techinc) and Creative Movie. They won the Silver Medal in Physical Computing, and the Technical Award for Creative Category (Techinc) and Creative Movie. Great job, Oscar and Jimmy - shining on the world stage!
Lucy triumphs at the 'Road to ASB Classic' Tennis
Year 10 student Lucy Z made waves in the tennis world, claiming the U14 girls title at the Road to ASB Classic Junior tournament, which runs alongside the renowned ASB Classic at Stanley Street. As the No. 3 seed, Lucy delivered a stellar performance, defeating both the No. 1 and No. 2 seeds on her way to securing the championship. Adding to the excitement, Prime Minister Chris Luxon attended the event to present trophies to the young champions, making the moment even more special for Lucy and her fellow competitors. To add to this, Lucy has been invited by Tennis New Zealand to attend a National Tennis Training Camp for Under 14 top rank juniors. The camp will take place in Martinborough from 10-15 February. We would like to
wish Lucy all the best for this camp and congratulate her on her fantastic achievement!
2024/25 VEX NZ National Robotics Competition
Year 8 and 9 Pinehurst students Ethan K, Oscar Z and Junchen J participated in the 2024/25 VEX NZ National Robotics Competition towards the end of last year. Ethan and Oscar both came away with a prestigious Think Award, presented to teams who demonstrated effective programming strategies. Junchen J received a Design Award, recognising excellence in all aspects of robot design. Both Junchen and Oscar also won the Middle School Teamwork Championship, securing them a place in the upcoming VEX Robotics World Championship. We congratulate Ethan, Oscar and Junchen on their outstanding achievements!
Elizabeth brings home Bronze from Colgate Games
Huge congratulations to Year 8 student Elizabeth D for her outstanding performance at the Colgate Games in Hastings over the holidays! She secured top ten placings in both Shotput and Discus, achieving significant personal bests, and proudly brought home a Bronze medal in the Race Walk.
Lola succeeds at Silverdale Show Jumping
Year 9 student Lola G won the All-Clear Ribbon and Individual 4th Place Ribbon at the Silverdale Show Jumping competition on 12 January 2025. Congratulations Lola on your achievements!
Sarah shines in summer Golf Tournaments
Sarah L, another of our Year 9 students, had an exceptional summer on the golf course! In December 2024, she represented North Harbour at the Interprovincial Championships, playing a crucial role in securing their victory and first-place finish. Sarah's success continued into January 2025, achieving 1st place at the North Island Girls Under-16 Championship at Taupo Golf Club. Shortly after, she participated in the Taranaki Women's Stroke Play Championships 2025 in New Plymouth, delivering a strong performance and tying for third place.
Her biggest achievement came just last week when she won the Lydia Ko Age Group Championship for Under-16 Girls. Sarah’s outstanding play saw her achieve the lowest score across all categories, including Under-19 Girls, Under-19 Boys, and Under-16 Boys, ultimately earning her the title of overall winner of the Lydia Ko Championship.
Congratulations Sarah on an absolutely incredible summer of achievements!
Registrations are closing soon for Pinehurst 2025 Instrumental Lessons Each week we have specialist instrumental and voice teachers come onto campus to share their wealth of knowledge, experience and passion and give one on one music lessons to students. Lessons are open to all students in both Primary and College, from beginners to the more experienced. These lessons also provide a robust foundation for students involved in our College Orchestra and Jazz Band. All students need to register for 2025, including those who have previously taken music lessons at school, even if they have let their teacher know they are continuing with lessons. If you'd like to learn a Brass instrument, we offer a Brass Scholarship programme to help support and develop our Brass players. All information, including a list of music lessons on offer, the link to the music lesson registration form and to the brass bursary application form, can be found on our website. Please email Mrs Jaques if you have any questions. Register now via our website or via Schoolbridge (under Extra-Curricular). Lessons start in Week 2 or 3 depending on each teacher. You will be contacted by your child's music teacher about a lesson time before lessons start.
Registrations still open for Pinehurst Co-curricular Music Groups 2025! Pinehurst offer a wide range of co-curricular music groups that students have the opportunity to take part in. Our music groups are run by Pinehurst teaching staff or by instrumental specialists, all with an impressive range of experience and knowledge, who work to ensure our students get the most out of these musical opportunities. Our groups meet at various times, such as lunchtime and after school, during the school term. More information, including a list of groups on offer, can be found on the Music page on our website. Register now via our website or via Schoolbridge (under Extra-Curricular).
Stand out from the crowd At Ten Feet Tall, we equip students with the essential skills they need to thrive, not just in school, but in life. We offer Speech & Drama, Debate, and Public Speaking classes designed to help Year 1 to 13 students develop confidence, leadership, writing skills, social skills, and critical thinking. Our specialised programs ensure students achieve top academic results while growing into articulate and capable young leaders. Through a carefully designed curriculum, we help students: ● Speak with confidence – Whether presenting in class, participating in competitions, or speaking in public, our students learn to communicate with clarity and authority. ● Think critically and write persuasively – Strong writing and analytical thinking are essential for excelling in school assessments, scholarship applications, and university entrance exams. ● Develop leadership and social skills – From teamwork to networking, we prepare students to lead and connect with others effectively. Globally Recognised Qualifications: To ensure our students’ achievements are internationally recognised, we offer exams with Trinity College London and Speech NZ. These certifications enhance university applications and open doors to future academic and career opportunities. To learn more, and to apply for your free class trial visit
We want to get more kids playing squash and get them involved in school competitions - so if you'd like your child to have the opportunity to try Squash please come down to Browns Bay Racquets Club and encourage them to give it a go between 5-6pm from 7 February - 11 April. Your first three tries are FREE at Browns Bay Junior Club Night. Email for info!
To order tickets, please email with your name, contact details, number of tickets required. Please advise of any dietary or mobility requirements. A raffle and silent auction will be held to directly support the work of Girl Boss in Auckland.
Inner Wheel is one of the world’s largest women’s voluntary service organisations, with more than 114,000 members in over 100 countries. Members across NZ support a range of local charities and organisations through voluntary work and fundraising. Any woman over the age of 18 years is welcome to join.