January/February 2025
Community Newsletter
IT'S HERE!! The 2025 list of events hosted by the park district. Get your calendars out and mark these important dates!
December 13, 2024From making a Santa Head and a Snowman, knocking down a tower of blocks, playing ring toss, eating cookies, to visiting with Santa, everyone had a wonderful evening. If you couldn't join us this year, be sure to attend next year!
Santa came out on Dec. 14th, and with the help of the Lake County Sheriff's Auxiliary Unit, Warren Township Highway Department and Amy Sarver (Highway Department Commissioner), Elmer Fallos (Township Supervisor), community volunteers, and some student volunteers, he made his way through the community waving to all the folks that came out to see him. We passed out goodie bags and collected toy donations to our Toys for Tots toy drive. Over 100 children came out to see Santa!
Santa will be back next year and hopes even more children come out and see him. He'll even take a picture with them!
TOYS FOR TOTS TOY COLLECTIONWe are thrilled to say this was our best toy drive ever!!
We would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to everyone that donated this year. We are lucky to have so many generous folks in our community and attending our programs/events. A special THANK YOU goes out to pOpshelf! They are located in Gurnee Town Center at 6931 Grand Ave (next to Binny's). They are a variety store carrying home goods, beauty products, toys, and other items for up to 90% off. The company is turning over their inventory and
suggested that they donate the unwanted merchandise. Luckily, Darren Siembal lives in Grandwood Park and knew we were having a toy drive for Toys for Tots, and he contacted us about donating the toys. They filled over 3 boxes - and they are not little boxes!!! THANK YOU!!
2025 DADDY DAUGHTER DANCEFriday, February 7th
Warren Township Center
17801 W. Washington St., Gurnee Register Now to ensure your spot!
Registration ends January 24, 2025
Opportunities as low as $100! Want more information? Please email us for a copy of our Sponsorship Guide, or call us at 847-356-0008.
•Increase Business Visibility – Your business will be featured in promotional materials giving your business another venue to not only increase visibility but also to create a year-round positive image.
•Connect with the Community – Choose from a variety of Park District events to show your support for the community. •Find the Right Fit – Whatever your budget, the Park District offers several options for businesses of all sizes. Your sponsorship and/or general donation includes advertising in our e-Newsletter, on our website, Facebook
page, Instagram, and fliers distributed at all our events.
Thank you to everyone that came out to donate blood at our October 30th blood drive. Every donation collected made a direct and positive impact on families in need. Your generosity and willingness to give truly made a lifesaving difference in our community. Here are some key highlights from the October 30th blood drive: - Our team was one of the very few that met or exceeded their collection goal for October!
- Collection Goal: 18
- Total Registered Donors: 20
- Total Blood Donations: 19 (helping to save up to 57 lives)
- Products Collected: 22, resulting in 122% of your collection goal
- Donors Deferred or Unable to Donate: 1
- First Time Donors: 5
Mark your calendars for our 2025 Blood Drives:
April 30th and October 22nd.
We’ve seen the houses for sale and the new neighbors arriving!
If you are one of our new residents, welcome! Do you know you have your own park district. Grandwood Park Park District's mission is to provide spaces for residents to enjoy outdoor activities, engage with neighbors and friends, and offer activities to the neighborhood. Did you know. . . - You have 6 parks covering
about 6 acres?
- You have a community center, available for parties and events,
- You have a picnic shelter?
- You have basketball, tennis and pickle ball courts?
- You have designated walking paths?
- You have a lake, a dam, and high quality
- You have a playground, rugby and football fields?
Your park district is unique! It is one of the smallest park districts in the state and one of the few park districts in an unincorporated area (not within a city). We are proud of our history of providing many high quality events to our residents. This has been accomplished by residents lending a hand to the park district. Events that are planned are driven by resident interest and involvement. Based on attendance and interest we’ve maintained Music in the Park and Food Truck nights. These events do not require a large group of volunteers. But without you we are not able to hold events like. . . The Easter Egg Hunt
Bunny Parade thru the community
Summerfest/Fall Fest
Events with Santa
Santa Parade through the community
Halloween costume parties
Pancake breakfasts
Fish Fry's
Spaghetti dinners Historically, residential involvement and volunteerism has enabled the park district to offer programs and events. We know these provided fun family memories and an opportunity to meet your neighbors. If you are new to our neighborhood please watch the website and newsletter for events and volunteer opportunities, or consider contacting the park district office by telephone at (847) 356-0008 or by email. You can also attend a monthly meeting (the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm) to find out what we're up to and how you can help us continue to offer events our residents want. Sign-up for our newsletter to get regular updates. Find out more about Grandwood Park Park District at our website, Grandwoodpark.net.
211 is the most comprehensive source of information about local resources and services in the country.
Thousands of caring, local experts are available to help, 24/7. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous.
We are the boots on the ground, the local experts who make finding help easier. There are more than 200 211 agencies across the United States, each with a team of compassionate, highly trained community specialists who are available to help you access the best local resources and services to address any need. The 211 network in the United States responds to more than 21 million requests for help every year. Most calls, web chats, and text messages are from people looking for help meeting basic needs like housing, food, transportation,
and health care. Want more information? See the 2.1.1 website.
Warren Township Highway Department
We would like to thank all of the Warren Township residents in the unincorporated road district, for all of your patience and cooperation during this year’s Fall Leaf Collection program. This was our first successful year of leaf collection with Lakeshore Recycling Systems (LRS), and we look forward to working with them in the coming years. As our Fall Leaf Collection comes to an end, we are moving forward to our snow removal operations. Here are a few requests that we would like to ask of our residents to help the process to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible. During snow removal - · Please do not shovel or blow snow back into the street. · Please do not park your vehicle on the street (all streets are posted “no parking entire subdivision during snow removal”). · Please check to make
sure that your mailbox and post are in good repair. · Please clear snow from fire hydrant in front of or around your home. · Please remove portable basketball hoops from the right-of-way. · Please do not place garbage and recycling bins on the roadway. Please put them on the apron of the driveway. Please refer to our website for other snow removal information at https://www.warrentownship.net/departments/highway/snow-removal/ Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Amy Sarver, Warren Township Highway Commissioner
Warren Township Senior Services
Offering luncheons, games, fitness classes, pickleball, a workout room, social services, presentations, day trips, long distance trips, music group, support group, and a library with computers to residents 55+. For more information, please call us at 847-244-1101 ext. *501. Lending Closet Durable medical equipment is available on loan to Warren Township residents at the Warren Township Senior Center. Please call 847-244-1101 ext. *501 for more information. SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program) The Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) consists of counselors across the country that are available to help understand your insurance choices. Our senior team has multiple staff trained through SHIP to assist residents of Warren Township. We are here to assist with any questions or concerns. Those who are new to Medicare have an enrollment period 3 months before and 3 months after their 65th birthday to enroll in Medicare. We can provide information on Medicare supplements, advantage plans, prescription drug plans, and Medicaid. Our services as SHIP counselors are by appointment only. To
schedule an appointment, please call the office at 847-244-1101 ext. *501.
Warren Township Youth and Family Services
Nutrition and Your Child's Development This free presentation by Healthier Tomorrows will discuss the importance of balancing blood sugar through diet and lifestyle to decrease inflammation and optimize the brain and cognition, setting your child (and yourself) up for success as they age. Date: Thursday, January 30th, 2025 Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Cost: FREE
Registration: //www.warrentownship.net/adultservices Location: Zoom Understanding Special Education Law: Be an active and informed partner in the IEP process This workshop will address such issues as legal rights to services, participating as a member of the IEP Team, how to monitor your child’s success, and more. Day:
Wednesday Date: 02/26/2025 Time: 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: FREE
Registration: //www.warrentownship.net/adultservices Location: Zoom PARENTING THE ANXIOUS CHILD - How to better understand and help your child. – NEW DATES! This 2-week group provides parents with a better understanding of what anxiety is and how it uniquely impacts children, the role of attachment, practical strategies for parenting, and tips that can help their children. Day: Thursday Date: 03/06 & 03/13/2025 Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Weeks: 2 Cost: $20 R* / $40 NR ~ Registration is per couple
Location: Youth Services, 100 S Greenleaf St., Gurnee, IL 60031
Registration: //www.warrentownship.net/adultservices ** Need-based scholarships are available for township residents who need assistance. No resident will be refused services because of inability to pay. Please call us at 847-244-1101 ext. *401 for assistance. FRIENDSHIP GROUP - Social skills and experiential group - New Dates! This popular group addresses the needs of children who wish to improve and develop their skills at making friends and communicating. In a fun and interactive environment, the children develop skills such as listening, conversing, compliments, and introductions. This group is ideal for children who struggle with making friends or maintaining those relationships. Pre-interview may be requested. Grades: 3-5 Day: M Dates: 02/24 - 04/21/2025 Time: 5:00 - 6:00 pm (Social Skills) and 6:00 - 7:00 (Challenge) Grades: 6-8 Day: M Dates: 02/24 - 04/21/2025 Time: 5:00 - 6:00 pm (Challenge) and 6:00 - 7:00 (Social Skills) Weeks: 8 Fee: $25 R** / $70 NR (Non-Resident)
Location: Youth Services, 100 S. Greenleaf St, Gurnee, IL 60031
Registration: //www.warrentownship.net/childadolescentservices ** Need-based scholarships are available for township residents who need assistance. No resident will be refused services because of inability to pay. Please call us at 847-244-1101 ext. *401 for assistance.
Warren Township Teen Center
Teen Center school year drop-In fee is $25.00 The Teen Center's after-school drop-in program is the perfect place for students in grades 6-12 to spend their afternoons. With a wide range of fun and interactive activities, students are sure to find something that interests them. Our program offers a safe and welcoming space for teens to socialize, learn new skills and make new friends. Whether they want to work on homework, play video games with others or try a new craft, our program has something for everyone. Our staff
members are dedicated to providing a supportive environment where all participants feel safe, valued and respected. (Teen Center participants must be able to manage their behaviors and function independently.) School Year Hours: Monday-Thursday: 2:00pm-7:00pm, Friday: 2:00pm-6:00pm Girl’s Group begins Friday, January 31st, 5:30pm-8:00pm (must be a teen center member to attend)
Park District Facility Rentals