October 8, 2024
Tuesday within the Twenty-Seventh Week of Ordinary Time (V41)
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Bishop's Homily for the Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time
(MNStudio / Shutterstock.com)
[St. Andrew Kim Taegon Oratory, Honolulu (Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Korean Catholic Community in Hawaii)]
Although I have never had a pet, I know that people who own dogs, cats, or other pets can become very emotionally attached to them and grieve when the pet is seriously ill or dies. It seems this is the way God made things in the beginning, that even animals could be a source of much joy, comfort and companionship to man. But God also knew that no animal could possibly satisfy the human longing for companionship with another being who was made of the same substance. And so, Adam’s most intimate companion, Eve, was created as bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. We know that this was the beginning of marriage, which God himself ordained as the basis for human flourishing, with its faithful, committed and fruitful love that propagates and fills the earth with all the wonderful human beings who are made in the image and likeness of God himself. It is the bringing together of those who
are opposites in order to create and nurture even more children for the family of God. Read more...
Mahalo, Sisters of St. Francis
MAHALO, SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS! As we celebrated the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi last week on October 4, we want to thank the Franciscan Sisters of the Neumann Communities for donating the beautiful statue of St. Francis and the Animals. It is now enshrined in the Chapel of St. Stephen Diocesan Center, Kaneohe. For decades it graced the Chapel of the Sisters of St. Francis in the convent in Manoa.
The Rosary is a Powerful Way to Meditate and Pray
(siam.pukkato / Shutterstock.com)
By Celia K. Downes
Hawaii Catholic Herald
Rare is the Catholic home without at least one rosary in it.
It might be collecting dust in a drawer, or it might be worn from years of passing through its owner’s fingers.
The rosary might be elaborate, with gold detailing and glass beads, or a simple white string of plastic beads with a plastic crucifix and medallion.
Perhaps its owner traveled to Rome and picked it up at a Vatican gift shop. Maybe a child received one from her school to learn its prayers.
With the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on Oct. 7, the entire month of October is dedicated to the rosary. In Hawaii, a number of parishes and religious and lay orders reflect the importance of the rosary within the Catholic Church. Read more...
Franciscan Values Help Our Mission as Catholics
Saint Francis of Assisi, detail of stained glass window, by Sieger Koder in Franciscan abbey in Kleinostheim, Germany. (Zvonimir Atletic / Shutterstock.com)
From the Office for Social Ministry
“We Christians are all responsible for the Church’s mission…Everyone. That is why we need to walk together, taking the path of synodality.”
Pope Francis Prayer Intention for October 2024
Every year at the beginning of October, we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, who embodied the values of caring for creation and solidarity with the poor. As we move about our day in a world scarred by violent conflicts, environmental crises, and persistent poverty, these Franciscans values can help the compass of our lives as Christians and our mission as Catholics. In the spirit of the saint from Assisi, Pope Francis two papal encyclicals Laudato Si and Fratelli Tutti remind us we are all as brothers and sisters called to respond to the connected cry of the earth and the poor in caring for our common home and creating a new economy. Pope Francis says “Today a new economy inspired by Francis of Assisi can and must become an economy of friendship with the earth and an economy of peace. It is a question of transforming an economy that
kills into a ‘Francesco economy’ of life.”
Decree Concerning the 2024 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
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From Most Reverend Clarence (Larry) Silva
Bishop of Honolulu
General Decree Concerning the 2024 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
While this very important celebration is usually on December 8, since that is a Sunday of Advent this year, all the Masses for December 7/8 must be for the Second Sunday of Advent. The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is transferred to Monday, December 9. Although the Paulist Press Ordo says it is not a day of obligation this year, in order to give due honor to our national patroness, and since the Diocese of Honolulu only observes this Solemnity and the Solemnity of Christmas as holy days of obligation, I hereby decree that the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is to be celebrated on Monday, December 9, 2024, as a HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION in the Diocese of Honolulu. Pastors are to schedule Masses so that all may observe this holy day of obligation and to publicize that it is a holy day of obligation well in advance of December 9. Any Vigil Mass celebrated
on Sunday, December 8 is to be a Mass for the Second Sunday of Advent, not for the Immaculate Conception.
This decree is to be promulgated as law through publication in the Hawaii Catholic Herald and in the diocesan eNews.
Given at the Office of the Bishop on September 26, 2024.
October Caregiver Education and Wellness Classes at St. Francis
Join St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii's classes to receive information on caregiving, enjoy wellness activities with your loved ones, and connect with our St. Francis community. In-person classes take place at the St. Francis Kupuna Village Senior Community Center at 2230 Liliha Street. Virtual classes take place via Zoom.
Click HERE to see and register for available classes.
Marianist Lecture "Catholic Bioethics," Oct 13
Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
Chaminade University, Mystical Rose Oratory, Honolulu
Save the date for the next Marianist Lecture Catholic Bioethics: Catholic Social Tradition and Human Flourishing with M. Therese Lysaught, Ph.D. The lecture is open to the public and free parking is available.
For more information, please visit https://chaminade.edu/marianist-lecture. Registration is encouraged but not required.
Flyer available HERE.
One-Day St. Benedict Men's Retreat, Oct 19
Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
St. Anthony Retreat Center, Honolulu
The Catholic Men's Fellowship of Hawaii invites all men to a One-Day St. Benedict Retreat "Living Out the Rule of St. Benedict as Catholic Men." The retreat is limited to the first 50 men to register due to space constraints.
To register click HERE.
ʻOhana Mass, Oct 26
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Saturday, October 26, 2024
at 5:30 p.m.
Mary, Star of the Sea Church, Honolulu
From the Office for Social Ministry
At Mary, Star of the Sea Church on Oahu, parishioners established their Ministry for Persons with Disabilities by welcoming persons with varying gifts and abilities to celebrate the “’Ohana Mass.” Ushers who are members of the Knights of Columbus offer a warm welcome and escort them to the designated pews where they were able to better participate in the Eucharist. After Mass, the community continues fellowship together through a potluck supper where all joyfully serve each other with nourishing food and aloha. These “‘Ohana Masses” and potluck fellowship normally take place on the fourth Saturday each month, 5:30 PM at Mary, Star of the Sea where all are welcomed to celebrate and share their gifts as one ‘Ohana.
Live stream available at Mary, Star of the Sea's YouTube Channel.
For more information, please call the parish office at (808) 734-0396 or email rafmendoza@rcchawaii.org.
"Back from the Dead" Cemetery Walk, Nov 2
Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
O'ahu Cemetery, 2162 Nuuanu Ave., Honolulu
"Back from the Dead" Cemetery Walk is an engaging and inspiring "evangelization drama" to help teach the Catholic faith about the "Last Things" including teachings on the Communion of Saints, the angels, and the three great virtues: faith, hope and charity.
Peter Cruz will have relics on hand for veneration and will also share more about them. We will also pray for all souls.
Learn more and RSVP here: https://forms.gle/aix3sX7nS9jz7CX59.
This event is hosted by Aloha Council BSA Troop 311 with the Diocese of Honolulu Catholic Committee on Scouting. Questions? Email dhccs.hi@gmail.com.
Flyer available HERE.
"Called" Celebrating Our Giftedness, Nov 9
Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Paewalani, 45-901 Wailele Rd., Kaneohe
Let’s come together to celebrate our giftedness. Bring a dish to share – all are invited!
Let us know you’re coming by RSVPing here: https://forms.gle/mJtjYCxFPpwSamUk6
Flyer available HERE.
Word of Life for October
Word of Life is a monthly resource from the USCCB's Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. Each month includes resources for print and are adaptable for digital efforts including Feature of the Month, Intercessions for Life, Bulletin Quotes, and Bulletin Art. Learn more at www.respectlife.org.
Available in English: PDF | Word
Saint of the Week
Saint John Henry Newman
Memorial – October 9
John Henry Newman, born in London, England, was the eldest of three sons and had three sisters. His father was a banker, and his mother’s family were engravers and papermakers. His early education was given by his Anglican mother who was descended from French Calvinist Huguenots. As a child, he became well versed in the Bible, although his religious convictions were not definitive. At the age of seven, he was sent to Great Ealing School, a boarding school considered to be the best private school in England at that time. John was a serious student who loved to read, devouring everything from Arabian tales to philosophical and theological works. He especially loved stories that sparked his imagination. Read more...
Copyright © 2024 My Catholic Life! Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission. www.mycatholic.life
Online Giving for Parishes
Support your local parish online! You can give directly to your parish on the Diocese of Honolulu's Offertory page at www.catholichawaii.org/offertory.
On behalf of the parishes in the Diocese of Honolulu, thank you for your gift of support. Mahalo nui loa!
Live-streaming Masses for the Diocese of Honolulu
There are many opportunities to view Mass via live stream from various churches in the Diocese of Honolulu.
Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, downtown Honolulu
Sundays at 10 AM
Weekdays at 12 PM, Saturdays at 12 PM and 5 PM
or https://honolulucathedral.org/
Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa, Kalihi
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Mondays to Thursdays at 6:30 AM, Fridays & Saturdays at 8 AM
Mystical Rose Oratory, Kaimuki
Sundays at 10 AM
Newman Center, Manoa
Sundays at 5 PM
Mary, Star of the Sea, Waialae-Kahala
Saturdays at 5:30 PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ewa Beach
Sundays at 9 AM
Our Lady of Sorrows, Wahiawa
Sundays at 9 AM
or https://www.olswahiawa.org
Our Lady of the Mount, Kalihi
Sundays at 9 AM
Resurrection of the Lord, Waipio
Sundays at 9:30 AM
St. Anthony, Kalihi
Sundays at 8:30 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM
St. Augustine, Waikiki
Saturdays at 5 PM
St. Elizabeth, Aiea
Sundays at 10 AM
St. Joseph, Waipahu
Sundays at 10 AM, Weekdays at 6:30 AM, Saturdays at 7 AM
St. Pius X, Manoa
Sundays at 11 AM
Facebook: Diocese Of Honolulu Evangelization Taskforce
St. Michael, Waialua
Sundays at 11 AM, Wednesdays at 7 AM
or https://stsmichaelpeterpaul.org
St. Rita, Nanakuli
Sundays at 9 AM
or YouTube
St. Roch, Kahuku
Sundays at 7:30 AM
St. Stephen, Nuuanu
Sundays at 10 AM
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi & St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe
Sundays at 8 AM (St. Anthony, Laupahoehoe)
Sundays at 10 AM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Saturdays at 5 PM (Immaculate Heart of Mary, Papaikoi)
Our Lady of Lourdes, Honokaa
Sundays at 9 AM & 6:30 PM, Saturdays at 5:30 PM
St. Catherine, Kapaa
Sundays at 9:30 AM, Mondays to Saturdays at 7 AM
or https://www.facebook.com/stcatherinekauai
Our Lady Queen of Angels, Kula
Daily at 7 AM
St. Joseph, Makawao
Sundays at 9 AM
Resources to Prepare for Watching a Livestream Mass:
Events and Previous Announcements
Eucharistic Rosary Congress, Oct 5-11
International & New Priests Orientation, Oct 9
New Pastors & Administrators Orientation, Oct 10
Marianist Lecture "Catholic Bioethics," Oct 13
One-Day Men's St. Benedict Retreat, Oct 19
Mass for 175th Anniversary of St. Anthony School, Wailuku, Oct 27
Advocate Training with the Diocesan Tribunal, Oct 29
International & New Priests Orientation, Nov 6
Veterans Day Holiday, Nov 11
New Pastors & Administrators Orientation, Nov 14
Annual Convocation of Priests, Nov 18-22
Thanksgiving Day Holiday, Nov 28-29
For our most recent news, visit www.catholichawaii.org.
Bishop's Homily for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sacred Hearts Academy Celebrates 115 Year
Walking Together with Migrants and Refugees
Saint of the Week - Thérèse of Lisieux
Diocesan Guidelines for Speaker Approval
How to Order a Papal Blessing?
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Others: $28 Hawaii, $32 Mainland, $35 foreign.
Visit: www.hawaiicatholicherald.com/subscriptions