Celebrants Aotearoa questions are answered
Celebrants Aotearoa recently asked BDM a series of questions. Here are our answers for your information.
1. How many new independent celebrants were appointed/removed in 2021?
532 independents were added and 810 were removed (in the annual renewal). Overall there were 278 fewer independent celebrants.
2. Is there a minimum number of weddings you need to officiate at to ensure renewal for the 2023 year?
There is no “minimum number” but if a celebrant has done one or fewer then they will be asked to explain: the reason for this; what they are doing to maintain their celebrancy practice; and why they believe there is still a community need for them to be a celebrant.
3. Is there a report on how many weddings each celebrant has performed over the last few years?
The most recent report shows ceremonies performed from 1 October 2020 to 30 September 2021 https://catalogue.data.govt.nz/dataset/independent-marriage-civil-union-celebrants-number-of-ceremonies-performed/resource/90554172-dc22-4881-a13f-bab5543bdf4b
4. How is COVID-19's impact on celebrants work dealt with during renewal?
Celebrants are given an opportunity to explain why they have not performed any marriages since last renewal, which may be because they have had COVID-19, been sick or stuck overseas etc. There is the opportunity for celebrants to state they have had reduced work during the COVID period when re-applying and this will be taken into account.
5 Is there an update on the review of registry wedding fees paid to celebrants as $90 is not sufficient?
Fees are set by Cabinet, based on recommendation from the Minister of Justice. It is expected that fees will be reconsidered next year.
6. Couples that want a civil union need to sign a paper form at a Registry Office. Is this going to be simplified?
The number of civil unions each year is very low so it is unlikely that this process will go online. So far this year we have registered 24 civil unions when compared to 12,009 marriages.
7. With borders reopening tourists may want to have their wedding in NZ. Will they be able to apply for their translated/apostilled marriage certificate online?
This is not currently a priority.
8. When sending emails to bdmtoregister@dia.govt.nz why do we get confirmation of receipt sometimes and not others?
Everyone gets at automated acknowledgement but in some cases it may go to your spam folder. Celebrants need to check their spam folder or discuss with their email provider.
9. Can BDM process yearly registrations as we apply and pay our fee? They do that in other industries.
We acknowledge this is difficult. We have moved the renewal closer to winter off-peak to try and help. The current set-up is running smoother than previous years and operates as best it can under current constraints.
10. Would BDM consider two-year registration for registry wedding celebrants?
The Marriage Act is very prescriptive and requires annual renewal for everyone.