by DRS Staff
Finals week can be the most stressful time of the year. Ensure you're prepared for your exams with these helpful study tips!
1. Create a finals game plan:
If you plan out your study sessions (for ALL your finals), you’ll get a better handle on how much work you’re facing. Set important reminders in your phone and in your personal planner and stick to those guidelines. Make sure any exam that will be taken in the testing center is requested by that day's deadline!
2. Ask questions and start planning early:
Start studying for finals now and figure out how much time to set aside each day for each class. Be realistic about how long it will take. Ask your instructors to clarify anything you might not understand. Do this in class or during office hours. Remember to fit in brain breaks, too!
3. Know what to study:
Don’t start from the beginning of your notes and try to cram everything into your brain. Think about what you know for sure will be on each test and review that material first. Then move on to studying what will probably be on the test, finally go over anything else that might be covered. That way, if you run out of time, you know you at least have the basics nailed.
4.Time management:
Give yourself more time to study for your toughest classes. By starting with the toughest content first, you have time to ask your instructors questions or get tutoring before the exam.
5. Organize a study group/sessions:
It can be beneficial to study in groups. Make a plan with friends/peers to review the class material, compare notes, or work together to understand complex content. Take turns trying to explain concepts, it's a great way to really let ideas stick in your head.
6. Recreate your notes:
Outline your class notes for review. Create reference guides and flashcards to help review before the exam. Refresh your mind by taking in the information in a new way.
7. Create a study schedule - and STICK to it:
Splitting the material into smaller chunks can be very beneficial. “Chunking” allows you to look at the smaller picture, instead of getting overwhelmed when looking at all the content at one time.
8. Study for the style of exam:
If the instructor has provided you with the type of exam use it to your advantage. If it's multiple choice, you'll need to know definitions and concepts. For essay exams, focus on your understanding of all the concepts covered by learning examples!
9. Take five and pace yourself:
Take breaks to improve your concentration when you return to studying. Make sure you stay focused and don't burn yourself out. Pace yourself rather than opting for the dreaded all-nighter. All-nighters do not work! They can cause more harm than good.
10. Brain food is real:
Eat healthy and drink plenty of water to keep your brain firing on all cylinders. Stop by the De-Stress with DRS event for snacks, activities, and general time away from studying that will allow your brain to absorb all the information your loading it up with.
Good luck!
Sources (A version of this article was originally published in the April 2019 DRS newsletter. That article used the following sources.):
Hoyt, E. (2018, September 6). 20 Study Strategies for Finals Week. Retrieved from
How to Study for Finals. (n.d.). Retrieved from