No images? Click here Edition 19 - July 2024 Dear Colleagues, VAADA’s recent submission to the Inquiry into Women’s Pain has highlighted the urgent need to develop a gendered AOD policy that considers the diverse ways in which different genders use, experience and respond to substance use and treatment. Currently, there is limited gender-specific AOD capacity in Victoria, especially when compared with other States and Territories. For example, Victoria has only three dedicated women’s AOD services, while NSW funds 11 women-only programs and Western Australia funds 4 residential programs and a range of other non-residential, women-specific programs. The Coronial Inquest into the death of Veronica Nelson in 2023 recommended that the Department of Health, in collaboration with relevant Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations and other stakeholders, prioritise the design, establishment and adequately resource a culturally safe, gender-specific residential rehabilitation facility for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women with drug and/or alcohol dependence. This work is yet to be undertaken. Similarly, LGBTIQ+ communities have long been calling for gender-diverse residential support services given higher rates of AOD use and related harm within many LGBTIQ+ communities, and the preference for AOD services run by LGBTIQ+ agencies for LGBTIQ+ communities. VAADA remains hopeful that these systemic gaps in responding to gender and intersectional AOD needs will be addressed through the coming Victorian AOD Strategy. Our appearance this week before the Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria with YSAS, saw us highlight the interplay between substance use and domestic, family and sexual violence and the role the AOD sector plays in identifying, assessing and responding to family violence in Victoria. With rates of violence against women and children showing no signs of abating, the Victorian Government must continue to invest and innovate how we respond to this issue, including by incorporating the relevant inputs of the AOD sector. To this end, VAADA was pleased to meet with Domestic, Family & Sexual Violence Commissioner Micaela Cronin and member of the rapid review Expert Panel Dr Todd Fernando in the last month to discuss these issues further as part of informing an enhanced national response that centres the AOD sector as part of the broader solution. Chris Christoforou VAADA UpdatesIntroducing the The AOD Leadership Accelerator Program is a six-month pilot program designed to empower new and emerging leaders in the AOD sector with the necessary theory and practice to lead teams in complex social service settings. While focussed on leadership in an AOD context, new and emerging leaders from allied social service settings are welcome to apply. The program will begin later this year and continue into early next year. Participants will benefit from:
Program highlights:
Applications are now open and will close on Monday, August 19th at 5:00 PM. Save the date for the highlight event of the Victorian AOD Sector's calendar. VAADA Biennial Conference 2025 From Challenges to Solutions: Responding to a Changing World February 13-14, 2025 Registration information coming soon! VAADA is pleased to have made a submission to the Inquiry into Women’s Pain. Our submission sheds light on critical gaps at the intersection of women’s pain and substance use, emphasising the need for more gender-specific AOD support in Victoria.
We're calling for an integrated approach to address these challenges and we thank the women who shared their experiences to shape our submission. The VAADA and La Trobe University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to foster collaboration with the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) and the discipline of Social Work and Social Policy. This includes student placements and projects, and collaborative research projects, which address VAADA and La Trobe priorities and other agreed activities. This agreement marks an important step towards further embedding research expertise in AOD practice while ensuring Victoria’s alcohol and drug treatment sector has a pipeline of social work professionals supported to work in the sector in the future. By combining resources and capability, VAADA and La Trobe University aim to create a partnership that fosters healthier communities and a stronger AOD sector. Read the latest ABC News article published after a near fatal synthetic opioid incident in Adelaide where a man suffered a respiratory arrest after ingesting a street bought oxycodone pill. Toxicological tests later revealed the presence of protonitazenes. This latest incident, continues to amplify the significance of the paper between VAADA and Harm Reduction Victoria "Victoria needs a potent synthetic opioids plan" which outlines crucial actions for emergency preparedness for the increasing number of alerts involving nitazenes. Our recommendation is to establish a Synthetic Opioids Taskforce under the direction of the Chief AOD Officer to develop and operationalise a Potent Synthetic Opioids Plan, drawing on the paper's framework to ensure that any harms which may occur due to a surge in potent synthetic opioids in Victoria are mitigated. Family ViolenceNational ‘What Were You Wearing?’ Rally Key demands included: 1. Trauma-Informed Training: Mandatory trauma-informed training for all first responders to ensure effective and compassionate support for survivors. These demands reflect frustration with the slow pace of systemic reforms and the need for substantial changes. VAADA's AOD & Family Violence Lead Meg Bagnall spoke at the Bendigo rally and emphasised the need to integrate social determinants of health into models to combat DFSV. The distressing statistic of 54 women murdered in Australia this year alone underscores the urgency of this endeavour, reminding us that true community safety is a collective responsibility. Photography courtesy of Joel Stratford Submission to Inquiry on Capturing Data on Family Violence Perpetrators VAADA's appearance before the Legislative Assembly Legal and Social Issues Committee highlighted the interplay between substance use and domestic, family and sexual violence and the role the AOD sector plays in identifying, assessing and responding to family violence in Victoria Training Opportunities Workforce DevelopmentNow Open for Enrolment Essential Skills in Eating Disorders for AOD Workers Working with LGBTQIA+: Enhancing Skills for AOD Workers Elevate! Presents...
Come along to our monthly FREE AOD Community of Practice.
Click here to view our schedule, register for the zoom link and watch previous sessions. Do you have a case you need advice on? 2024 Mental health and AOD workforce personnel survey now open We invite all mental health and AOD workers in public, community, and private settings to participate in the workforce personnel survey. Data collected informs the Department’s workforce planning, including mapping supply and demand, workforce distribution, and emerging needs, as well as identifying funding priorities. Your participation will help us identify gaps in the current workforce structure. Previous data contributed to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Strategy 2021-24 and the Workforce Capability Framework. The survey takes 20-25 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary, and all responses will be de-identified. VACCHO's Yagilaith Djerring Unit | Accredited Courses | Now Open for Enrolment The Yagilaith Djerring Unit is VACCHO’s Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Vocational Education and Training. The Education and Training Unit (ETU) at VACCHO provides dynamic and responsive vocational education and training to the Aboriginal community health and wellbeing sector. VACCHO delivers accredited courses in a culturally safe environment, addressing industry-required skills and knowledge. Whether starting a new career, furthering skills, or upgrading your team’s knowledge, the ETU can assist you. Intersectional AOD Practice Guide The guide is designed to support alcohol and other drug (AOD) services and practitioners to better support the needs of people who experience diverse and intersecting forms of marginalisation. From Our MembersGetting Youth Justice Reform Right in Victoria VAADA is proud to endorse the call by the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Human Rights Law Centre and WestJustice on "Getting Youth Justice Reform Right in Victoria," which champions the wellbeing and future of our children. The action calls for a Youth Justice Bill that is just and fair, including the following 5 key actions to support diverting children away from the criminal legal system to create better outcomes for them, their families and the community as a whole.
Lived Experience Workforce Learning CollaborativeThe Victorian Department of Health, Yale University, and the Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC) are introducing the Yale Learning Collaborative program to Victoria. The Program for Recovery and Community Health (PRCH) at Yale has developed a model for building networks and mentoring between organisations with lived experience workforces. This will be delivered as the Lived Experience Workforce Learning Collaborative (LEWLC). The 12-month program starts on 30 October 2024, with ten organisations selected for this Australian-first pilot. Eligible organisations include those within the Victorian mental health and drug and alcohol sectors, First Nations, and lived experience-led services. Organisations will be selected via an EOI process. To receive the EOI/information pack, register here: For questions, email via the link below. House of Welcome Gala | August 10 2024 | Grand Hyatt Melbourne St Mary's House of Welcome warmly invites you to their upcoming House of Welcome Gala. This prestigious event will take place on Saturday, August 10, 2024, at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne. This will be an evening that is both fun and meaningful, dedicated to supporting people sleeping rough and experiencing chronic homelessness and disadvantage through St Mary's House of Welcome. International Overdose Awareness Day | Registered Events Cohealth | August 30 | Collingwood Yards | 1.30pm The Salvation Army Bendigo | August 30 | Library Gardens | 12.000pm Launch of Windana’s Refreshed Strategic Plan & Brand Following Merger With TaskForce Windana has released its refreshed Strategic Plan and brand identity, following its merger with TaskForce in November 2023. This week’s announcement represents two legacies coming together to provide connected services for more people in need. Windana RecruitmentWindana has recently launched an exciting new leadership structure and is looking for leaders to fill two exciting vacancies: Email us to add an article to the "From our Members" section Research, Reports and SubmissionsThe Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre is conducting a user survey designed to gather feedback from users of their website and would like your feedback. The survey will close on the 18th of December and if you participate, you go into the draw to win a $300 Coles Group and Myer gift voucher. Do video or telephone consultations impact attendance rates in an addiction medicine specialist outpatient clinic? Effective alcohol and other drugs (AODs) treatment has been proven to increase productivity and reduce costs to the community. Telehealth has previously been proven effective at delivering AOD treatment in the right settings. Yet, Australia's current Medicare funding restricts telephone consultations. Click below to read more via the National Library of Medicine website... The latest Drug Trends Newsletter has been released and this month is focusing on: Trends in the availability and type of drugs sold on the internet via cryptomarkets, June 2023 – May 2024 Patterns of, and factors associated with, diphenhydramine use amongst a sample of people who regularly inject illicit drugs in Australia, 2023 GHB and methamphetamine use in a single session among a sample of people who regularly use illicit stimulants in Australia, 2023 Drug and Alcohol Research Connections The latest Research Focus has been released, follow the link below to read their AOD focused articles. The Building Belonging Project, funded by NHMRC, aims to enhance belonging and improve care experiences for those accessing alcohol and drug treatment. Led by the University of Wollongong in partnership with VAADA, the study seeks to recruit outpatient and residential AOD providers in Victoria. Some services will run a group-based intervention called Groups for Belonging, while others will gather consumer and staff feedback to inform future AOD treatment programmes. To participate, services need a programme running for at least 7 weeks with the same consumers. Clinicians will visit treatment services to provide study details, deliver the group programme, and engage interested consumers. For more information, contact Dr Isabella Ingram at the University of Wollongong by 30 September 2024. EventsVAADA Events CalendarThere are currently 18 events on VAADA's Events Calendar for July APSAD Conference Canberra 2024 Wednesday 30 Oct - Saturday 2 Nov 2024 APSAD 2024 is looking forward to providing an exciting, dynamic and informative program with the theme of Inclusion…Innovation…Progress. Key Deadlines: 3rd World Congress on Alcohol and Addictions | Program Now Available!VAADA is proud to support the 3rd World Congress on Alcohol and Addictions, hosted jointly by the International Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ISBRA) and the Asia-Pacific Society for Alcohol and Addiction Research (APSAAR). September 23 to 26 2024, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. The eagerly anticipated ISBRA-APSAAR World Congress Program is now available for viewing, offering a glimpse into an exciting array of sessions, keynotes, plenary and workshops. Dive into the schedule today to plan your itinerary and ensure you don't miss out on any of the enlightening opportunities awaiting you at this prestigious event. The AADC is partnering with the Australian Women’s Health Alliance and the Deafness Forum of Australia to deliver this event, which will showcase and explore innovative and collaborative responses – and new directions in responding – to gender-based violence across our three sectors. The online event will also identify mechanisms for progressing collaborations and pathways across our sectors to achieve better health and social outcomes for people impacted by gender-based violence. Some of the latest policy, program and research developments will be outlined and discussed at this event, with the online audience also having an opportunity to ask any questions arising. Drug Checking: What can Australia's Victoria learn from Canada's Victoria? | August 20 | 4-5.30pm Co-hosted by Employment Opportunities |