July 2024 Newsletter
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and resources from the Office of Research Protections (ORP)
Final Federal Research Security Program Rules Released
On July 9, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a memo to federal agencies that provides final standardized requirements for research security programs applicable to “covered institutions” that receive greater than $50 million dollars in annual federal research and development (R&D) funding.
Federal agencies have six months to submit plans to OSTP that reflect how each will update their guidance to include these new requirements. As part of this final standardized requirement, agencies are obligated to require covered institutions to certify that they maintain a research security program that includes cybersecurity, foreign travel security, research security training, and export control training.
Covered Institutions will have up to 18 months from the time that federal agencies finalize their updated guidance in which to implement a compliant research security program. ORP's Office of Research Security and Trade Compliance will be collaborating with other University departments in developing Pitt’s research security program and will post final components of our new program to its website as milestones are met.
The Office of Trade Compliance has officially been renamed the Office of Research Security & Trade Compliance (ORSTC). Recently, ORSTC launched its new website at researchsecurity.pitt.edu.
This website offers valuable information on upcoming federal research security guidelines, as well as guidance on export controls, biological imports, visitors, drones, and more. The ORSTC is dedicated to assisting the University of Pittsburgh community in navigating the rapidly evolving U.S. trade regulations and research security laws and principles.
While its new website is replete with useful guidance and training resources, the ORSTC remains committed to providing personalized assistance tailored to the specific trade compliance and research security needs of Pitt community members. For customized support, please contact us at researchsecurity@pitt.edu.
ORP's Annual Report Highlights Key Achievements
This past year, ORP made strides in expanding the reach and impact of the University's research endeavors. ORP's Annual Report for FY24 provides a comprehensive look at the accomplishments, challenges, and future goals of the divisions that comprise our Office. Read the full report.
Overall, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) conducted the following number of protocol reviews:
IRB: 8,445
IACUC: 2,800
IBC: 1,276
Other important highlghts include:
ORP launched two new websites to provide guidance to investigators on Responsible Conduct of Research and Research Security.
Accreditation was obtained for a new residency program in diagnostic imaging physics. A grant from the American Association of Physicists in Medicine was secured to offset the costs of the program.
New forms and processes were developed to assist investigators in entering projects into the FDA-compliant REDCap system.
Enhanced procedures were implemented across multiple University systems to expand the scope of export control measures. As a result, the number of export control reviews increased from 2,342 in FY23 to 15,233 in FY24, representing a 550% increase.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) mandates that all NIH-funded multisite studies involving non-exempt human subjects research utilize a single Institutional Review Board (sIRB) of record, a policy effective since January 2018. Additionally, the revised Common Rule, effective January 2020, requires the use of an sIRB for all federally funded cooperative research.
Pitt’s IRB has assumed the role of responsible IRB for an increasing number of multisite studies, with a 53% increase in FY24 compared to FY23. In this capacity, the Pitt IRB oversees the regulatory approval of multisite research for more than 50 sites per study, presenting a substantial workload for our staff. Kudos to the IRB’s Reliance Team for their growing support of investigators in utilizing the Pitt IRB for multisite research oversight. Consult this page for more information about sIRB reviews by Pitt's IRB.
Several ORP members hold leadership positions in national organizations focused on ethics and regulatory compliance, underscoring the expertise of our staff. Notable examples include:
Allen DiPalma, Director of Research Security and Trade Compliance, is a key participant in the National Science Foundation-funded SECURE Center and serves on the Council on Governmental Relations (COGR) Board, frequently presenting on research security.
Lara Paciello, Director of Radiation Safety, was appointed to the Pennsylvania Radiation Protection Advisory Committee.
Kelly Dornin-Koss, Director of Education and Compliance Support, is a member of the steering committee for the Research Compliance Network, a consortium dedicated to quality improvement in human subject research.
Justin Snyder, IRB Education Coordinator, serves on the Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) Education Committee.
ClinicalTrials.gov Upgrades Its Website
ClinicalTrials.gov is a comprehensive database managed by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) of the NIH. It serves as a central resource for information on clinical trials, providing details about federally and privately funded clinical studies conducted around the world.
NLM began an effort to modernize ClinicalTrials.gov in 2019, with the aim to deliver an improved user experience on an updated platform that will accommodate growth and enhance efficiency. On June 25, the legacy version of the public site was retired, and the modernized version became the single experience. You can read more in the NCBI Insights blog, and refer to How to Read
a Study Record for guidance on getting the most out of the information in a study record.
The modernized Protocol Registration & Results System (PRS), the interface where data providers (such as Pitt clinical study investigators) provide the information about their studies for display on the public site, is still in development. The Classic and Beta versions of PRS both continue to be available during this process. We will share further information on the PRS modernization with investigators as it becomes available.
Date and Time: August 22, 2024 | 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
ORP invites all new basic biomedical researchers, as well as current faculty, staff, and trainees, to attend a virtual workshop (via Zoom) on August 22, featuring the units that support basic research at the University.
The symposium will provide introductions to the following:
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S)
Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR)
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Process
Radiation Safety
Office of Sponsored Programs
Export Control, Research Security, and Visitor Policy
Data Sharing
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Kindly inform new colleagues in your department about this event. Your support in disseminating this information is greatly appreciated.
Kenneth G. Bennet Named Chair of Two Key Radiation Safety Committees
Effective September 1, Dr. Kenneth G. Bennet, a faculty member in the Department of Radiology, will assume the Chair position of two key University committees related to radiation safety:
The Human Use Subcommittee, responsible for reviewing and approving all proposed human research uses of radioactive material and X-ray producing equipment.
The Radioactive Drug Research Committee, which oversees the research use of radioactive drugs in accordance with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.
ORP expresses its gratitude to Dr. Scott Mason for his exemplary leadership of these committees over the years, leading up to his upcoming retirement.
Dr. Grant Lattery has joined ORP as the inaugural trainee in the newly established Diagnostic Imaging Physics Residency Program. This collaborative initiative, in partnership with UPMC and the Department of Radiology, aims to augment the number of diagnostic physicists serving both the University and UPMC. The program currently holds provisional accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs (CAMPEP), with full accreditation anticipated within a year.