Just NewsStep into this fortnight's edition of Just News, the internal newsletter for the vibrant community of Jesuit Social Services, highlighting current happenings and inspiring stories. Welcome to another Just News, and welcome to 2024. In today's edition: the countdown to Perry House's demolition and rebuild is on, those cost-of-living Lunchtime Learning sessions, a CEO Communication, and the wrap-up of our Stop It Now! Australia's pioneering research report into the prevalence of child sexual abuse perpetration (featuring international media coverage and a launch by Grace Tame!). Here on Wurundjeri country, where this newsletter is produced, we've farewelled the thundery skies, short nights and long days of garrawang, kangaroo-apple season, and welcomed hot, dry biderap season. Don't forget your SPF, and enjoy the edition. A daily quote in your inboxOur daily inspirational leadership quotes help you start each day in a contemplative way. Subscribe for daily Just Leadership emails and enhance your leadership practice and reflection. Perry House redevelopment updateLate January sees an important milestone in the redevelopment of our Perry House supported accommodation – demolition day looms, and construction is afoot for the new, modular home, to open in May. Read the update. Art classes help men 'feel pride in my culture'First Nations men are connecting with each other and their cultures at our Willmot Community Hub's "kind, soft and gentle" art classes in Western Sydney, which respond to a community desire to reconnect with culture. CEO Communication, 21 December 2023Just before Christmas Julie Edwards snuck a CEO Communication into our inboxes – read on for updates under our five new strategic priorities, and a longer summary of our advocacy work, plus staff welcomes and farewells. Ecological justiceHow we're enacting our commitment to ecological justice across the organisation – acknowledging the intersection of social and environmental justice in everything we do. Nine Yarra neighbourhood houses join forces to strengthen local climate resilienceNeighborhood houses are among the first to step up during community crises, such as dealing with the impacts of extreme weather, and are key responders for community members experiencing ongoing vulnerability – yet they themselves aren’t often well-prepared for the impacts of climate change. Across six months, Jesuit Social Services’ Centre for Just Places, in collaboration with City of Yarra, supported a network of nine neighbourhood houses to design a collaborative climate action and resilience plan. The plan aims to reduce the houses’ environmental footprint and support the local community to adapt to climate change, building on the Centre’s work strengthening climate resilience with community services and councils across Melbourne. Read more about the neighbourhood house network’s climate action and resilience plan. Lunchtime Learning in preparation for a hot summerWe’re in a long, hot summer, which brings with it risks for staff, volunteers, and participants. The Ecological Business Processes Committee and the Centre for Just Places are organising a January Lunchtime Learning session about heat health. The session on 25 January will explore what to look out for, and ways we can bring heat health considerations into our work with participants. Media, news, and eventsJesuit Social Services in the news and events to add to your diary. NewsStop It Now!'s research launches!In November, our child sexual abuse prevention program, Stop it Now! Australia, launched world-first research into Australian men's sexual thoughts and feelings towards children, which received national and international attention. Read Grace Tame's launch speech, the Age's, news.com.au's and Guardian Australia's coverage, hear Stop it Now!'s manger Georgia Naldrett on ABC radio, and read a Conversation article published in response to our report. Eco Justice Hub x Renew MagazineMick and Stu from our Ecological Justice Hub features in the latest edition of Renew – Australia's premier magazine covering practical, cost-effective technologies for an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. Recent media releasesOur public statements over summer helped launch our SASH forum, called for early intervention to address youth crime, centred place-based approaches at COP28, and welcomed Victoria's independent #RaiseTheAge panel. EventsCost of living webinarsOur two Lunchtime Learning sessions on the cost of living crisis are recorded and ready to watch back. Watch the sessions, see attendee feedback and learn tips for managing finances in the face of rising living costs below. Events coming upDates for your diary: we'll have a stall at Melbourne's Midsumma Carnival on 21 January, that extreme heat Lunchtime Learning is on 25 January, we'll launch the latest iteration of our Man Box research on 1 February. Photo | Perry House plans approvedLeanne and Kane, from our Housing and Complex Needs portfolio, sign off on plans for Perry House's redevelopment at the Brooklyn offices of builder Modscape. We want to hear from youJust News loves hearing your thoughts and showing off your work. We're always open to story ideas, feedback, tips and photos. Like what you've read?Keep goingRead 86+ past editions of Just News at the archive on our website. Share your thoughtsSend your feedback, updates, questions and tips to Just News. |