Keine Bilder? Webversion COMPETENCE IN PAPER NewsletterNovember 2023 From the association117th ZELLCHEMING General Meeting June 21, 2023, in Wiesbaden![]() Prof. Dr. Helga Zollner-Croll, Chairperson, Dr.-Ing. Frank P. Meltzer, Vice Chairman Dear members and friends of ZELLCHEMING, We would like to start by discussing this year's General Meeting on the second day of the Expo: The agenda of the meeting, which was chaired by Dr. Ernst-Ulrich Wittmann, the outgoing ZELLCHEMING Chairman, included reports on the past year of the association, the work of the main committee as well as the development of the finances and the audit of the cash register. The motions included the approval of the annual report and the resolution on the 2022 annual financial statements, the discharge of the Board of Directors and the management for the 2022 association year as well as an amendment to the Articles of Association and the presentation of the ZELLCHEMING innovation initiative. This was followed by the honors for 40 and 50 years of membership in the association and the announcement of special honors for 2023. Adjustment of membership fees At the 117th General Assembly, it was also decided to increase the annual membership fees. The last increase in membership fees took place 8 years ago and the current increase is necessary to compensate for the very significant cost increases at all levels due to inflation. In addition, half of the increase (from 30 euros for ordinary members, excluding students and retired members) will go towards student support. The contributions will be used to finance, among other things
Honoring Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Fischer with the Georg-Jayme-MedalOn June 21, 2023, Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Fischer was honored with the Georg-Jayme-Medal at the 117th Annual General Meeting of the ZELLCHEMING Association. Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Fischer studied chemistry at the Technical University of Dresden from 1983 to 1988. He graduated with a very good diploma thesis in the field of inorganic chemistry. He also received his doctorate summa cum laude from the TU Dresden in 1992. Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Fischer is an internationally renowned scientist in the field of cellulose, lignin and other natural polymers and a dedicated university lecturer. The scientific results of Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Fischer's scientific results have been published in more than 100 scientific publications. It is noteworthy that he not only conducts basic research, but also focuses on the technical application of his research results. To date, he has filed 15 patents and works for various industrial partners. With the award of the Georg Jayme Medal, the ZELLCHEMING Association would like to honor the outstanding technical and scientific achievements of Prof. Dr. habil. Steffen Fischer. We are happy to welcome new ZELLCHEMING members again this month!Welcome to the ZELLCHEMING association:
Good reasons to join ZELLCHEMINGGuido Clemens, Manager Technology/Environment UPM Hürth
From the officeKick-off for the ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2024!Based on this year's extremely positive figures, we are already looking forward to ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2024 with great anticipation. With almost 2,700 visitors and around 150 exhibitors, sponsors and partner companies, our three-day industry event at the RMCC Wiesbaden in 2023 offered a wide range of opportunities for an intensive exchange of technical information and uncomplicated networking. ![]() View of the exhibition hall Information for exhibitors now availableTo help you get ready for next year, here is all the information exhibitors need to know: Key topics up to the minuteClimate change has become one of the central issues in politics, with the focus on reducing greenhouse gases in a socially responsible and effective way. One of the core tasks of the ZELLCHEMING association is to support the paper and pulp industry in playing its role in the circular bio-economy - and this was a recurring theme throughout the two-day conference program. Another special focus of ZELLCHEMING is the promotion of young talents through awards, scholarships, financial and technical support - which is why the ZELLCHEMING Career Day celebrated its brilliant premiere this year. More than 300 young professionals filled the foyer and the exhibition hall and spread over ten customized program spots. The idea and concept of the ZELLCHEMING Career Day has already been taken up by some exhibitors and sponsors - and many others are planning to participate or become more involved in the future. ![]() Paper Rallye in the exhibition hall "These key topics and formats will also play a central role in the coming year," explains Helga Zollner-Croll, chairwoman of the ZELLCHEMING association. "We have hit the nail on the head here and have already been able to inspire leading representatives of the paper industry to get involved. We want to build on this!" "We want to make the ZELLCHEMING-Expo even better every year. Our new initiatives to increase the number and quality of participants and content formats and to focus on modern communication have paid off," says Petra Hanke. "The feedback we have received so far has been extremely positive. We will build on this as we prepare for Expo 2024!" Please save the date for ZELLCHEMING-Expo 2024: 18-20 June 2024, RMCC Wiesbaden![]() From the technical committeesMeeting technical committee Plant Engineering and Energy (ENEN)At the end of September, the ZELLCHEMING Energy and Plant Engineering Committee (ENEN) held its fall meeting at the Papierfabrik Palm GmbH & Co. KG in Aalen. ![]() The members of the TC ENEN during the plant tour In the name of all participants, the chairman, Andreas Flada, would like to thank for the invitation to Aalen-Neukochen. There was a lively and informative exchange of experiences and the opportunity to visit the ultra-modern and innovative paper production facility. Occupational safety was one of the topics discussed, supported by an interesting technical presentation by Jörg Mauel - Sicher Arbeiten. Stay up to date! Follow us! You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. Please click on the "Unsubscribe" button. Verein ZELLCHEMING Phone: +49 (0) 6074 - 72860-45 Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Helga Zollner-Croll |