Save the date for EUPAVE EU Debate and take a look at our compilation of fact sheets No images? Click here Dear Colleagues, EUPAVE will hold its annual EU Debate on Tuesday 5 December 2023. The theme for this year is "Deployment of innovative infrastructure for a climate-neutral mobility". The registration link is already available below. The programme will soon be made available. In this newsletter, you will also find our latest publication, the compilation of our fact sheets entitled "Sustainability and Resilience in the heart of concrete roads". Hoping to meet you on Tuesday 5 December, we wish you a good day! SAVE THE DATE for EUPAVE EU Debate "Deployment of innovative infrastructure for a climate-neutral mobility", 5 December 2023EUPAVE is glad to announce its EU Debate on "Deployment of innovative infrastructure for a climate-neutral mobility". The event will be held in-person Tuesday 5 December 2023 from 17:00 to 18:30 at the Embuild building, Avenue des Arts 20 - 1000 Brussels. It will be followed by a cocktail reception from 18:30 to 19:30. The programme will soon be released. EUPAVE release compilation of fact sheets “Sustainability and Resilience in the heart of concrete roads”Everyone today is aware of the global challenges facing our society. EUPAVE is convinced that rigid solutions can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient transportation network. Therefore, EUPAVE’s Sustainability & Resilience Working Group has prepared 6 fact sheets covering the different themes of its infographic released in 2021 ("Concrete pavements make roads more sustainable”). The publication gathers the infographic and our fact sheets. Overland Park, Kansas, is set to implement a significant change in its construction standards for new residential and collector streets starting in October 2023 writes Julia Scammahorn for KCTV5 News. The City Council has unanimously approved a recommendation to require concrete pavement for these streets, aiming to reduce their reliance on chip seals, an asphalt pavement maintenance method. |