No images? Click here ![]() Message from the CEOWelcome to the January edition of Tendrils. At Plant Health Australia (PHA), we’ve started the year with a calendar full of exciting projects, collaborations and events. Board meeting #109The PHA Board met on Thursday 1 December at the PHA office in Canberra for Board Meeting #109. Board meeting #110Board meeting # 110 will be held on 27 February, 2023 in Brisbane, QLD. ![]() AUSVEG Farm Biosecurity Project delivers positive impactThe AUSVEG Farm Biosecurity Project, a collaboration between Plant Health Australia (PHA) and AUSVEG, continues to strengthen the vegetable and potato industry’s preparedness, response, and management of national biosecurity risks. As part of the MOU between PHA and AUSVEG to promote on-farm biosecurity and better outcomes for growers, this is the third iteration of the project and has been delivering on-going value. ![]() PSNAP National Forest Pest Surveillance WebinarThe first Plant Surveillance Network Australasia-Pacific (PSNAP) Webinar on National Forest Pest Surveillance will be held on Thursday 2 February 2023 from 12:00-2:00 PM (AEDT). ![]() Forestry consultation on the Timber/Tree workshopsA project to develop a National Action Plan (NAP) for Pests of Trees and Timber that will describe priority areas for a national approach to prevent, detect, respond and cross-cutting issues related to exotic pests threatening Australian timber and trees, has commenced. ![]() Scoping HTS database for a connected diagnostics systemA project to lay the critical foundation for the design and scope of a national high throughput sequencing (HTS) database, which involves significant ongoing consultation with potential users is underway. The first workshop was held last year with two additional workshops scheduled for early February and April 2023. Detector dog finds live BMSBBiosecurity Detector dog Petal has sniffed out a live Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) in a passenger’s duffle bag at Brisbane International Airport. Indigenous rangers roundtable informs future of northern Australia’s biosecurityBiosecurity and safeguarding were front of mind at the Indigenous Rangers Biosecurity roundtable in the Northern Territory. Guava root knot nematode detected in North QueenslandBiosecurity Queensland is working with a North Queensland landholder after guava root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne enterolobii) was detected on their property. Easing the way for exportsAfter two exceptional years of harvest the department is working hard to support the Australian grain export industry to meet increased export potential. AgriFutures Honey Bee and Pollination ProgramThe AgriFutures Honey Bee and Pollination Program Open Call closes Wednesday, 1 February 2023 at 12 noon (AEDT). NSW Biosecurity Food & Safety StrategyThe Strategy will guide us in responding to an increasingly challenging environment where the risks to our biosecurity and food safety demand we improve and evolve how we prepare and prevent, respond, contain, and minimise impacts. Tasmanian beekeeper registration now compulsoryTasmanian beekeepers are invited to register their beekeeping activities before 31 March 2023. There is no cost to register and registration will remain free for the first two years. Phylloxera and floodingLikelihood of phylloxera being introduced into South Australian vineyards as a result of current flooding along the River Murray system has been assessed as negligible. Pineapple supply to outstrip demand in 2023While most of us see the rains as a blessing, there are commodities in agriculture that go against the wind and need longer, dryer spells. What can be one grower’s good fortune can be their neighbour’s hell. Latest from Prevent Fruit Fly![]() NFFC seeking expressions of interest for a new Chairperson If you have strong governance experience, an understanding of national horticulture issues and a passion for plant biosecurity, agriculture and the environment, you may find this a richly rewarding opportunity. Latest from Grains Farm Biosecurity![]() Biosecurity matters after prolonged flooding events Australia’s experiencing one of the wettest seasons with the third consecutive year of La Niña causing widespread rain and flooding. Prolonged rain and flooding not only damages crops but increases the risk of weeds, plant pests and diseases establishing in new areas. Latest from Farm Biosecurity![]() Biosecurity essentials: monitor everything that enters your propertyAlmost anything moved onto your property can be a potential source of pests and diseases. To reduce biosecurity risks, it is important to monitor farm inputs, people, vehicles and equipment, feral animals and weeds, and farm outputs. Out and about![]() Dr Mila Bristow and Trevor Dunmall visited community garden sites in Darwin in January with CitrusWatch’s Ben Burchett and Tisha Tejaya from NT Farmers. ![]() NABS technical working group, including PHA’s Dr Mila Bristow and Trevor Dunmall, met in Darwin last week. Staff movementsWelcome to Richard HughesWe welcome Richard Hughes to PHA in the role of Manager, Learning and Development. Richard has twenty years of experience in a wide variety of Learning and Development roles, including instructing and assessing, learning management, training analysis, design, development and evaluation, and learning systems governance. ![]() Farewell to Dr Mila BristowAfter two years at PHA, Dr Mila Bristow, General Manager, Partnerships and Innovation, will join Hort Innovation in the newly created role of General Manager, Trade and Biosecurity Research and Development. ![]() |