3D-printed firearms are popping up in odd places around the world. From neo-nazis in Finland, to paramilitaries in Northern Ireland and anti-junta rebels in Myanmar. One of the most popular models is the FGC-9, designed in 2020 by a man calling himself JStark.

JStark kept himself anonymous. His moniker alludes to the American revolutionary general John Stark, who is attributed with the slogan “Live free or die”. Similarly, JStark cast himself as someone dedicated to protecting people’s right to bear arms to defend themselves against tyranny and oppression.

So who is he really? Rajan Basra, who researches terrorism, went hunting for the gun designer’s real identity by following a trail of online breadcrumbs and delving into the field of forensic linguistics. In contrast to JStark’s public persona, he uncovered a lonely incel who appeared to condone and encourage right-wing terrorism. To find out more, listen to an interview with Basra on The Conversation Weekly podcast, or read our latest Insights article that he’s written about how he unmasked the designer of the FGC-9.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Supreme Court decided this week that ultra-Orthodox Jewish men can be conscripted into the army after formerly being exempt. A legal expert looks at what this means for Benjamin Netanyahu’s fragile coalition.

And new research analysing mammoth genomes – including one called Lonely Boy known as the last mammoth on Earth – challenges the idea they went extinct because of inbreeding.

Before I finish, I wanted to let you know that we will be staying up all night after polling day to bring you election analysis as the results come in. We’ll be posting exclusive updates to our new UK WhatsApp channel into the small hours. Join us on this link.

All the best.

Gemma Ware

Head of Audio

This anonymised image of FGC-9 creator ‘JStark1809’ was posted online with the gun’s designs in 2020. JStark1809/Deterrence Dispensed via Wikimedia

‘Gun control is dead and we killed it’: unmasking the ‘lonely incel’ who designed the world’s most popular 3D-printed firearm

Rajan Basra, King's College London

Growing numbers of insurgents, terrorists and extremists are using the FGC-9 3D-printed gun. Here’s what I learned about the man who created it, and the dark world he inhabited

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protest against compulsory military service. EPA-EFE/Abir Sultan

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John Strawson, University of East London

Haredi Jews have been exempt from military service for all of Israel’s history, so this ruling will be deeply divisive. An Israel scholar explains.

ishibashi seiichi/Shutterstock

Did inbreeding cause the woolly mammoth’s extinction? Our research suggests it was more sudden than that

Marianne Dehasque, Uppsala University; Love Dalén, Stockholm University

Scientists have long wondered if the wooly mammoth went extinct due to high levels of inbreeding.


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