The fast-paced, high-risk world of cryptocurrency is awash with stories of fortunes made and even more stories of fortunes lost.

But the latest fall of a crypto darling is perhaps the most astonishing to date. The “Warren Buffet of crypto” – Sam Bankman-Fried – watched his collection of companies go from being worth more than $30 billion to bankrupt in a single week. The collapse of his cryptocurrency exchange, FTX, has left millions of investors, both large and small, with no way to get their money back.

If you hadn’t heard of the acronyms FTX, SBF and FTT before the last few days, you’re probably like most U.S. residents who don’t follow crypto too closely and don’t own any. But when tens of billions of dollars disappear, it’s reasonable to wonder: Will this affect me?

According to finance professors D. Brian Blank and Brandy Hadley, most people have nothing to worry about. But this latest crypto scandal may be an important lesson to large investment firms and casual traders alike who have started to dabble in crypto.

Also today:

Daniel Merino

Assistant Science Editor & Co-Host of The Conversation Weekly Podcast

The cryptocurrency exchange FTX fell from a multibillion-dollar company to bankruptcy in less than a week. NurPhoto via Getty Images

Dramatic collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX contains lessons for investors but won’t affect most people

D. Brian Blank, Mississippi State University; Brandy Hadley, Appalachian State University

Even though some traditional financial firms parked millions in the bankrupt company – once valued at $30 billion – the impact of FTX’s spectacular crash is limited to crypto investors

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