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Happy Black Moon

Lions do not lose sleep over the opinions of sheep.
- Anonymous

The lion attitude is a necessity for writers, would you agree?

A second new moon in the same month is called a Black Moon. This new moon in Leo the Lion is all about self-love and self-confidence. A good time to focus on your favorite project and amp up positive feelings of belief in yourself and your work.

Get Published Podcast and Book

Get Published is a 5-star podcast about the business of writing and getting published - a valuable resource for authors. Explore all the episodes here.

The host and creator of Get Published is Paul G. Brodie, a 13-times bestselling author.

Paul interviewed Now Write! editor Laurie Lamson about the series and especially putting on panels at writing conferences. 

She was honored to also be included in his inspiring new compilation book:

Get Published Business Book: 75 Stories About Why Getting Published Will Change Your LIfe Both Personally and Professionally. 

The Kindle version is available free through this Friday, August 2 so grab it this week.

Laurie's chapter is called, "Following My Heart Took Me Out Of My Comfort Zone," in which she talk about working on the Now Write! books and where they led her.

Comic-con 2019.

Mark Zicree presents his Space Command screening.

Now Write! editor Laurie Lamson gets close to Godzilla.

Comic-Con 2019 and Now Write! contributor Mark Zicree

Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror contributor Mark Zicree shared an episode of his epic show Space Command. It was great to see, especially having read about it in his Now Write! article.

Did not get it together for a Now Write! panel as I'd hoped but we can try for next year. If you're planning to attend Comic-Con 2020 and would like to participate, please let me know.

Contributor's New Work

Rabid Heart
by Now Write! Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror contributor Jeremy Wagner.

Can true love survive the Necro Rabies pandemic that has turned the world into hordes of rabid undead zombies known as "Cujos"?

Music Is Power
is about the historical intersection of popular music and political change, from Woody Guthrie through hiphop and Broadway. 

By Now Write! Screenwriting and Now Write! Science Fiction Fantasy and Horror contributor Brad Schreiber.

Strangers and Cousins 
by Now Write! Nonfiction contributor Leah Hager Cohen is a novel about what happens when an already sprawling family hosts an even larger and more chaotic wedding: an entertaining story about family, culture, memory, and community.

Now Write! website and newsletter contributions

Please submit your book pic, description and link if you have a book you'd like to share.

Any post relevant for writers' is also welcome. I need the text, any supporting pics, your bio, your pic and any links that are relvant.  Plan to post in September.