Climate Action South Australia

Welcome to the autumn edition of Climate Action SA, the newsletter that focuses on what South Australia is doing to build a climate smart economy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support businesses and the community to adapt to a changing climate.

SA sets revised target for renewables

South Australia has brought forward its renewable electricity target by three years, with the state aiming to achieve 100% net renewable electricity generation by 2027.

More than 70% of renewable electricity is currently generated by renewable sources.

Clean electricity is essential to South Australia meeting its commitment to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2030.

Have YourSAy on the Climate Change Bill

Consultation is closing soon on proposed amendments to the Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007 that will update South Australia’s emissions reduction targets and strengthen climate action in our state.

To view a copy of the draft Bill, read information about the proposed amendments, as well as have YourSAy, visit the YourSAy website.

Consultation closes 12pm Friday, 5 April 2024.

SA joins Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership

South Australia has signed up to a new regional partnership that aims to increase public awareness, exchange learnings and coordinate with other regions facing similar climate change issues.

The Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership was established during COP28 to improve the sharing of ideas, policies and strategies between regions facing similar climate change issues such as drought, wildfire, heat and biodiversity loss.

The partnership will support SA to remain informed of key learnings and mitigation opportunities from other regions facing similar challenges. The partnership will also provide a platform for SA to be recognised for its world leading climate action activities and to support other regions in their adaptation and mitigation activities. 

Other jurisdictions to sign up to the agreement include Victoria and New South Wales, as well as California and regions in Italy, France and Spain, Chile, South Africa, Morocco and Greece.

Consultation extended: updating SA’s bushfire hazard mapping and planning rules

Consultation on updates to SA’s bushfire hazard mapping and planning rules has been extended to 5 April to provide communities, councils and industry with additional time to share their knowledge and contribute to finalising the proposed changes.

Climate change is expected to result in more frequent and intense bushfires. The proposed changes aim to better reflect bushfire hazards across the state and introduce new rules to help save lives and build more climate-resilient communities.

For more information about information sessions, the proposed changes and how to have your say, visit the YourSAy website.

Find out more

For more information about climate change action in South Australia visit the Department for Environment and Water's website

Government of South Australia