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The United Nations climate summit starts this week in Dubai, and after the extraordinary heat, storms and flooding of the past year, there will be a lot of pressure on countries to take bigger steps to combat climate change.

Inside the conference, past the colorful protesters and emotional speeches, officials from countries around the world will be immersed in a world of intense negotiations. Every comma here holds meaning, and a single word can move the needle on global warming – either for better or worse.

Asif Hussain-Naviatti, a scholar in international governance who has spent years involved in climate negotiations, explains the negotiating tactics being deployed and why psychology is essential to help countries that are steeped in national self-interest embrace the common good.

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Stacy Morford

Environment + Climate Editor

U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry, second from left, during climate negotiations in 2021. Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

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