Research NotesOCTOBER 2024 Information from the Division of Research for Brown faculty, grant-related staff, and students New Division of Research name and websiteOn Oct. 2, OVPR changed its name to the Division of Research and launched a new website. This streamlines administrative processes and makes it easier for faculty to conduct research and for staff to support the research enterprise. If you encounter any issues as you use the new site, email PRIORITY ANNOUNCEMENTSNow open! Apply for OVPR Research Seed Funds: Due 10/28/24Seed awards help faculty advance competitive research proposals. PIs may propose projects up to $50,000, or up to $100,000 for multi-PI projects supporting collaboration between two or more disciplines. View award schedule, guidelines and resources. Now open! Apply for OVPR Salomon Research Awards: Due 11/18/24Salomon awards support excellence in scholarly work by providing up to $15,000 for selected faculty research projects of exceptional merit. View award schedule, guidelines and resources. RESEARCH STRATEGY AND DEVELOPMENTDevelop your DEI&B plan for federally funded research proposalsRSD will host three 30-minute lunchtime webinar series on DEI plans for NIH (Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives), NSF (Broader Impacts and others), and DOE (Plan for Inclusive and Equitable Research). Thurs., Oct. 31, Nov. 21, Dec. 3 @12-12:30. Details forthcoming. Research Development and Grant Writing NewsletterThis newsletter offers strategies on how to compete successfully for research funding and highlights new funding opportunities. Access the current edition and catch up on past issues. RESEARCH INTEGRITYCuba travel reminderAll Brown-related travel to Cuba must be reviewed and approved by export control. Cuba remains a comprehensively embargoed country with complex restrictions. Export Control provides travel letters and guidance on these restrictions. Contact export control with questions. Meeting dates & submission deadlinesTECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONSTough Tech Resource Expo—10/10The Tough Tech Resource Expo, part of Tough Tech Week, connects startups to vendors who can service them across a range of company functions. The expo takes place Thurs., Oct. 10 @11-1pm, 750 Main St., Cambridge, MA. NVIDIA visit with Brown facultyBefore the Innovation@BrownShowcase, NVIDIA VP of Learning and Perception Research Jan Kautz met with Brown faculty to discuss humanoid robotics, AI research, and how NVIDIA interacts with the academic community. 2nd annual Innovation@Brown Showcase award winnersStartup of the Year: Phinyx AI (George Karniadakis); Innovator of the Year: Wafik El-Deiry and Kimani Toussaint (tied); Invention of the Year: Kimani Toussaint’s “Pulse Oximetry Without Skin Tone Bias.” Kimani Toussaint wins Invention of the Year at ShowcaseConventional pulse oximetry often overestimates blood oxygen for individuals with appreciable amounts of melanin in their skin; those with darker skin tones are more likely to have silent hypoxia. Toussaint’s technique uses optical polarization for more accurate blood oxygen estimates. Read the story. RILSH announces $20M in new grant fundingThe RI Life Science Hub has made $20M in new grant funding available to foster innovation, attract new businesses, and support early-stage companies in RI. Application information and eligibility requirements will be available in November at SPONSORED PROJECTSCoeus decommissioning and transition of proposal and award functionality to Huron Grants & AgreementsAfter 18 years of service, the Coeus research administration application will be retired. The new Huron Grants & Agreements system will replace Coeus, going live Dec. 9th. Stay tuned for additional details, which will be shared soon. OSP Research Subcontracting pausing subaward order form requests 11/22/24In preparation for a smooth transition to the new grants management system, acceptance of New and Modification Subaward requests will be paused as of the close of business Nov. 22, 2024. Requests may resume via submission in the Huron Research Suite starting Dec. 9, 2024. NIH - new Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy questions in RPPR (section C.5)A set of new questions has been added to Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR) due on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Details are found at NOT-OD-24-175, NOT-OD-24-176, and NOT-OD-24-123. NASA Grants Policy and Compliance has published Grant Notice 24-01NASA will begin requiring Common Forms for Biosketch and Current and Pending Support on Oct. 1, 2024. The forms will be on the NASA Grants Policy and Compliance website. NASA will also combine its Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual with the Proposer’s Guide into a single reference document. View Grant Notice GN 24-01 for additional information. Equipment and supply purchases near grant expirationEquipment and supply purchases near grant expiration are high-risk and subject to disallowance. If the cost benefits the grant, prorate the cost based on the number of days remaining. See End-of-Award Expenditures for details. ![]() RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAMSThe Research Training Programs (RTP) team helps you navigate the research landscapeThe RTP team can answer your questions and requests for resources and offer context if you wonder, "Why do I need to take this training... again?" Share your training needs and preferences using this form or email the team. NIHRedesigned NIH Grants and Funding websiteNIH launched a new NIH Grants and Funding website. A key change involves redesigning the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts and related funding information. The site also includes improved grants process information. View a review of the site. Fiscal Year 2025 NIH Loan Repayment Program cycle is open until 11/21/24The Extramural LRP was developed to recruit and retain highly qualified biomedical and behavioral researchers within the research workforce by offering to repay up to $100,000 of qualified educational debt in exchange for a two-year commitment to research. Read story for details. NIH announces a two-part virtual event, NIH Grants Process Primer: Application to Award—11/13-14, 2024NIH is hosting a two-part event that will provide participants with the basics to help you in your role working with the NIH grants process from application preparation to award. Register once and gain access to both parts. ![]() RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONSNew Division of Research website replaces OVPR siteThe Division of Research launched a new website on 10/1 and the former OVPR site has been archived. If you encounter any issues with the new site or can't locate information, email Highlight your research achievements on @BrownUResearch social mediaPromote your research or award and share your accomplishments with a broader audience. Complete the Brown Research/Award Submissions form and we'll follow up with posts on Instagram, X, and Threads. Request photo/video coverageTo request research-related photo or video coverage (faculty or student researchers, events, classroom/field/lab work, presentations, etc.) complete the Research Related Photo/Video Coverage Request form. |