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In an ideal world, Super Tuesday would be the beginning of the most exciting season of American politics, when people across the nation come together to talk about where they want the country to go next.

This year is not ideal. Millions of Americans are politically exhausted. But brace yourself: There are eight more months of campaign season before Election Day in November.

Political science scholar Jared McDonald explains that the problem isn’t just polarization, and the damage isn’t just to the candidates.

If people aren’t speaking up about their hopes and fears and ideas, they’re not engaging in the crucial work a democracy requires of all its citizens, he writes. With such a limited public discussion, government has no way to reflect the will of the people.

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Jeff Inglis

Politics + Society Editor

Campaign volunteers set up signs encouraging people to vote. AP Photo/Vasha Hunt

After Super Tuesday, exhausted Americans face 8 more months of presidential campaigning

Jared McDonald, University of Mary Washington

It’s not just polarization that’s driving voters’ malaise − it’s something else, which carries a stark warning for the health of American democracy.

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