Environmental Claim Concern | Where there's smoke, there's fire | Yay or neigh? | Advertising Sweets No images? Click here Environmental claim concern A bank’s television ad has been reviewed by the Community Panel under the AANA Environmental Claims Code. The ad features a man crying while watching videos related to climate change, while another man sings "Look I'm not being funny. But where we choose to put our money can mean that our transactions ripple into climate action." The complainant was concerned that the ad claims the service can allay all fears about the environment but does not state how it will do so. The Panel considered that the ad was making an environmental claim by stating “where we chose to put our money can mean that our transactions ripple into climate action”. They noted that this claim is broad and is substantiated on the company’s website by their Climate Action Plan. The case was dismissed. Where there's smoke, there's fire A lingerie store’s social media ads, featuring a woman holding and smoking a cigar while posing in lingerie, have breached the health and safety section of the Code of Ethics. The Community Panel consistently upholds complaints against any ads that show people smoking cigarettes or cigars. Yay or neigh? A gambling company’s television ad featured a group of women vying for a bouquet at a wedding. The voiceover provides commentary to the scene like a horse race. The Community Panel reviewed the ad under Section 2.1 (Discrimination or Vilification) and Section 2.4 (Sex, Sexuality & Nudity) of the AANA Code of Ethics. The Panel noted that the ad does not describe women as horses. It also does not discriminate against or vilify women by depicting a traditional bouquet toss at a wedding. The Panel also noted that the depiction of cleavage in a dress does not constitute nudity. The complaint was dismissed under both Sections 2.1 and 2.4 of the AANA Code of Ethics. You can find all determinations from the Ad Standards Community Panel online at AdStandards.com.au/cases Follow us Check out our Twitter and LinkedIn to keep up to date with new articles, code updates and other fun things. Advertising sweets In this article we outline some ways advertisers can maintain a high sense of social responsibility when advertising occasional food. |