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Soil Moisture Monitoring
2024 Issue 2
In this edition:

The soil moisture monitoring (SMM) project, with the use of underground probes, provides real-time soil water content data to Victoria’s farmers.

Monitoring sites have been set up in cropping regions throughout the state by Agriculture Victoria.

The sites record soil water content at one source point from 30 centimetres (cm) down to 1 metre as a reference point for a paddock.

Sites monitored include: Werrimul, Ouyen, Speed, Kerang, Birchip, Normanville, Lah, Bangerang, Taylors Lake, Coonooer Bridge, Raywood, Elmore, Youanmite, Hamilton, Lake Bolac, Tatyoon, and Sale.
Locations of Agriculture Victoria soil moisture monitoring sites

To access information provided in the graphs, log onto the Agriculture Victoria soil moisture monitoring dashboard.

No login or passwords required, and speedos are automatically updated and will represent the most recent rainfall.

Weather and soil moisture monitoring observations
Rainfall deciles for Victoria November to April.

Figure 1: Out of season rainfall deciles for Victoria (November - end of April)

The Victorian rainfall decile map for out of season rainfall in winter cropping regions show large areas of decile 8 - 9 and patches of decile 10 rainfall. Despite the recent dry conditions, deep moisture deposited in summer will still be in the profile. In some regions of the Wimmera and Mallee, this moisture is not connected, nor have crops emerged. Areas of decile 10 will likely have better deep soil moisture conditions. Areas in the average rainfall regions will be drier with limited deep moisture.

April rainfall totals and deciles for Victoria.

Figure 2. April rainfall deciles and rainfall totals

Average rainfall conditions in most of the cropping districts, but this was from rainfall in early April, and the dry topsoil had mixed responses with germination of weeds. 

Early to mid-April provided opportunity for sowing small areas of long season wheat and canola. Areas with >50mm provided conditions for a successful autumn break.

Current month to date May rainfall totals and rainfall percentages for Victoria

Figure 3. Current month to date May rainfall totals and rainfall percentages for Victoria

Melbourne north to Echuca received the biggest totals on May 10 and crop emergence is underway in these districts. West of the state received little to no rain and has been very dry for 6 weeks, making it challenging to get newly sown crops to emerge. Deep soil moisture levels have remained stable despite the dry conditions.

Speedo assessments
Soil moisture measurements displayed the Ag Vic dashboard. Cropping sites on left and pasture on the right.

Soil moisture measurements displayed on the Agriculture Victoria dashboard, the monitoring of cropping sites in the northern part of the state shows solid deep soil moisture profiles with decile 8-10 rainfall conditions since harvest. There is evidence of drying profiles in sites where volunteer crop and summer weeds (red dots) which would have provided grazing opportunities.
The perennial pasture selected sites (image right) would have had pastures using moisture through summer, and limited rain in the autumn thus far has left those profiles much drier.

Soil moisture speedos 24 May 2024

Note - use to activate your preferred reference monitoring location soil moisture percentage. 

Soil moisture speedo values, Youanmite 100 per cent, Ouyen 100 per cent, Normanville 100 per cent.

All sites soil moisture percentages 24 May including annual winter crop and non-cropped paddocks and perennial pastures.

Pastures have continued to deplete soil moisture during the past 6 weeks and are <25%. The drop-down selection bar on bottom left-hand side of the map provides the option to either select crop or grazing sites.


Speedo soil moisture graphs
Ouyen soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Ouyen Speedo, moisture currently 100%

Wet deep soil moisture conditions but dry on top and moisture not connected. No measurement from 0-30cm and the region requires rain to allow crop emergence.

Speed soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Speed Speedo, moisture currently 100%

Wet deep soil moisture conditions but dry on top and moisture not connected. No measurement from 0-30cm and the region requires rain to allow crop emergence.

Normanville soil moisture (30 - 100cm)
Normanville speedo is 100%.

Wet deep soil moisture conditions and district has benefited from 15 - 25mm on 10 May to allow germination of dry sown crops.

Sheep Hills soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Sheep hills smm site is 77% moisture

Deep soil moisture conditons are good and vaidated on 16 May - see link. Top soil had marginal moisture conditions.


Brim soil moisture (30 - 100 cm)
Brim soil moisture is 80% with a crop of lentils grown last year.

Wet deep soil moisture conditions but dry on top and moisture not connected. No measurement from 0-30cm and the region requires rain to allow crop emergence.

Taylors Lake soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Taylors Lake Speedo, moisture currently 45%

This paddock was grazed over summer with germination of volunteer canola. Wet deep soil moisture conditions still exist from 70cm but dry above this on top and moisture not connected. No measurement from 0-30cm. Paddocks with summer weed control would have higher soil moisture.

Birchip soil moisture (30 - 100 cm)
Birchip Speedo, moisture currently 81%

Wet deep soil moisture conditions but dry on top and moisture not connected. No measurement from 0-30cm and the region requires rain to allow crop emergence.

North Central
Coonooer Bridge soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Coonooer Bridge soil moisture at 96%.

Wet deep soil moisture conditions but dry on top and moisture not connected on the heavy soil types. No measurement from 0-30cm and the region requires rain to allow full crop emergence and provide relief to emerged crop that has been exposed to several frosts.

Raywood soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Raywood speedo is 100%.
Newly sown wheat at Raywood has germinated by yet to emerge.

Wet deep soil moisture conditions and the district has benefited from 20 - 30 mm on 10 May to allow emergence of dry sown crops. Crops sown into good moisture after this rain have germinated and the bottom photo shows the wheat development 6 days after sowing.

Elmore soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Elmore Speedo, moisture currently 79%

Wet deep soil moisture conditions and district has benefited from 20 - 30 mm on 10 May to allow emergence of dry sown crops. Crops sown into good moisture after this rain have germinated. Deep soil moisture conditions are better than this time last year.

Modelled soil moisture at the Elmore site also shows a similar moisture percentage at 78%..

Modelled soil moisture at Elmore with the Soilwater app compared to moisture probe data (bottom chart). Using an estimated 30% moisture at mid-November to run the model and determine out of season moisture.  There is good correlation to moisture probe data.  Both information sources have approximated 75 - 85% plant available moisture and conditions are better than this time last year.

Now is the time to be setting up models to assist with estimating soil moisture, that will provide some guidance on yield potential later in the growing season when crop inputs are assessed.

Youanmite soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Youanmite is 100%.
Summed soil moisture graph from Youanmite showing 100% moisture.
Repairs to the soil moisture monitoring site at Youanmite.

Rain events in late November, Christmas and early January have filled the profile to 100%.  Repairs to the probe have been ongoing to obtain a regular connection to the field sensors.  When connection occurs, it shows that deep moisture is still 100%.

This was confirmed with site validated with soil cores on 2 May - see link.

At this time, 2 May, canola emergence was patchy, but plants were 2 leaf growing in lighter soil areas of the paddock.

Gippsland cropping
Gippsland (Giffard West) soil moisture (30 – 100 cm)
Gippsland is 70%.

Wheat and Clover sown in early April and will be grazed next month.  Deep soil moisture conditions are good, and more rain would be welcome to boost crop and pasture growth prior to winter.

Lake Bolac SMM (30 – 100 cm)
Summed and seperate soil moisture trace graph from Lake Bolac.

A wet harvest period at the Lake Bolac site allowed moisture to infiltrate down to 70 – 80 cm and there was no recharge below that. Moisture that was laid down during that period has now been used and the profile is approximately 30%. Connection to the probe fails at times so the Intelligraph display is the best option to fill the gaps.

Hamilton SMM (30 – 100 cm)
Hamilton soil moisture monitoring site is 0% moisture.

Limited opportunity to build soil moisture in the southwest site at Hamilton over summer and autumn. The region is dry with only small rain events through April and May (month to date).

Yalla - Y - Poora
Yalla - Y - Poora summed soil moisture graph is 0% and seperate soil moisture has moisture being used at all depths and is much drier than this time last year.

Red wheat sown in early April at Yalla – Y - Poora, emerged in the second half of April and has benefited from the 10 May rain event. Rain was patchy so like the rest of the state, more rain is required for the region.


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