No images? Click here The latest updates on skills development in rural Scotland. Training opportunities: This edition of the newsletter highlights some of the different training opportunities currently available to those living in rural Scotland. Future editions will provide an update on different sectors or regions in rural Scotland. Digital Skills Pipeline The Digital Skills Pipeline provides digital learning and training opportunities for people furthest from the labour market. Recognised by industry, courses will help individuals to develop their digital skills as well as building the pipeline of digital skills required by employers. There are two broad categories of learning - those with basic digital skills who could progress into a tech role, and those with more advanced digital skills who could develop these in a career in digital. Creative Ambitions Scotland Online upskilling for freelance practitioners over 25 in the Creative Industries delivered by the Future Economy Company in partnership with Social Investment Scotland. Supported by the National Transition Training Fund, it covers topics such as Leadership, Digital Skills, Green Opportunities and Customer Insights. 50% of places are reserved for eligible individuals in rural Scotland. Forest Training Opportunities Supported through the National Transition Training Fund and delivered by Confor, opportunities are available to undertake a four-day taster course in Forest Machine Operation in Lochgilphead in March. It's an opportunity to experience forest machinery, visit live forestry operations and hear directly from contractors. It's a great opportunity for those who may be interested in a career in forestry. Women Returners Programme A programme of support for women aged 25 and over living in Scotland who have been out of the labour market for six months or more. This free service will be tailored to meet the needs of each individual, supporting their journey back to work. There is support to enable participants to brush up on their existing skills and get paid work experience opportunities. Skye, Lochalsh and Lochaber Cookery Initiative Led by Highland Council, the Skye and Lochaber cookery pilot is looking for individuals in the area to join the programme, gain experience in council, NHS and commercial kitchens, while undertaking a college course at the same time. The aim of the pilot is to help reduce local unemployment, as well as upskilling and providing invaluable work experience, increasing sustainability of employment in the hospitality sector. Management and Leadership Training for Chefs People 1st are running a chef management and leadership programme which will offer head chefs and aspiring head chefs the opportunity to build their knowledge and skills needed to manage, motivate and retain their staff. There's an increasing need for head chefs and aspiring head chefs to develop their people manager skills to better support, motivate and develop their teams. Useful links
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