More than a decade on from its disappearance, the fate of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 remains one of aviation’s greatest mysteries. Despite a worldwide effort spanning years, the plane’s wreckage has never been located. Now, a Cardiff-based mathematician is proposing that underwater microphones in use at the time could have picked up what is known as a pressure signal, caused by a large-scale impact. These could make it possible to hone in on the crash site.

The microphones are owned by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization and are located in Australia and the Indian Ocean. The team involved have analysed the data from 2014 and think they’ve identified a signal of interest. Find out more about their work here.

Each year, over the course of just a few weeks, 17 million flies migrate through one 30-metre mountain pass in the Pyrenees — at a rate of 105,000 a minute. In a dispatch from the middle of this insect intersection, an animal migration specialist explains why they behave in this way – and what it feels like to dip your specimen net into the oncoming traffic.

A lot has happened in the election campaign over the past few days but, ahead of Fathers’ day tomorrow, this piece about Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey’s very personal party political broadcast really sticks out. In the film, Davey gives a glimpse of life not as a party leader but as a carer to his disabled son. The film is loving, moving and, as this author writes, refreshing in its celebration of male caregiving.

Also this week, guides on how to produce fish and chips on Mars, hold yourself properly in Regency London and avoid getting bamboozled by the spending figures being hurled at you by campaigning politicians.

And finally, a huge thank you to all of our readers who have supported us during this year's donation campaign. More than 3,100 readers have donated, including around 750 readers who gave for the first time. We're incredibly grateful for your generosity and for the trust this demonstrates you have in the work The Conversation does. Tomorrow, the red popups will disappear and normal service will be resumed. Thank you for your support, and thanks for reading.

Laura Hood

Senior Politics Editor, Assistant Editor

shutterstock. Bjoern Wylezich/Shutterstock

Flight MH370: can underwater sound signals solve aviation’s greatest mystery?

Usama Kadri, Cardiff University

Analysis of data from underwater microphones could help researchers discover the fate of missing flight MH370.

Will Hawkes

I surveyed 17 million insects flying through a Pyrenean mountain pass – here’s what I learned about these ‘remarkable migrants’

Will Hawkes, University of Exeter

Researchers have been estimating the vast numbers of insects, including many pollinators, migrating at one location in the Pyrenees. But climate change and habitat loss could affect their abundance.

Ed Davey has used his campaign to talk about his experiences of caring for his son John. Liberal Democrats/YouTube

Ed Davey’s celebration of fatherhood is unusual in politics – we are all better off when men do more of the caring

Anna Tarrant, University of Lincoln

Showing and celebrating that men care – and presenting positive public images of what men do for family – is vital to wider societal wellbeing and health


Fish and chips on Mars: our research shows how colonists could produce their own food

Benz Kotzen, University of Greenwich

Aquaponics could help feed Martian colonies in the future and offer a sustainable food system on Earth.

Liam Daniel/Neftlix

Bridgerton: tips on how to dress and hold yourself in London society straight from the Regency period

Lisa Smith, University of Essex

In the Regency period there was advice for women of all sizes.

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