News and views from the bus and tram lanes No images? Click here Member Update: 21 July 2023Dear Members, We hope you've been well throughout this week. In addition to this, the Log of Claims for the Transdev EA is almost finalised. Once that process is complete, we are due to sit down with the company to work through issues. Read all about it down below. QUBE LockoutQUBE are a national rail freight company that the RTBU deals with. Since 0001 Thursday morning (20 July), QUBE Management has locked it's own workforce. QUBE Members across NSW are now striking in support support of a new enterprise agreement and wage claim. Region 7 UpdateA post was made this week by senior management on Blink (company Facebook) which sought to quietly portray the company as benevolent and caring, as well as completely misrepresenting the industrial facts about upcoming pay rises The RTBU issued a response bulletin to members you can read here. Busways has so far refused to move from its position of supporting a 2-tier workplace. The RTBU will not be supporting a sell out of our newer members in order to preserve a status quo for some employees. The RTBU is trying to arrange a high-level meeting between ourselves, the company, TfNSW and the Transport Ministers office. The region 6 EA may have been voted up but we are not having a repeat of that years long scenario. No one will be worse off and no one will be left behind. An application for protected action was submitted today by the RTBU. Transdev EA UpdateThe Log of Claims is almost finalised; losing our industrial officer has unfortunately slowed that process but we have given the company a commitment that they will have it by Monday next week. Once they have our Log of Claims, they will present us their LoC (assuming they have one). After that we’re sitting down with bargaining reps and the company to work through the issues. The company has made it clear they want to hammer through things quickly so we should see results fairly quickly Region 8 UpdateKeolis Downer Northern Beaches just can’t seem to get things right. Members are still dealing with pay issues, and now the company has come up with new ways to screw things up. While the audit was conducted at the insistence of the RTBU after members voted to pursue that course of action, it was the company that couldn’t (and still can’t it seems) manage to pay people right. Now the company is saying that they won’t provide journals to workers who ask for them, so that individuals can check that the audit has been done right. Are we supposed to just take it on faith that they suddenly worked out how to count? Let’s be clear, your journal is legally your heavy vehicle work diary. It is also where the D.O. marks down any adjustment to your work. In our opinion, workers are absolutely within their rights to ask for this documentation when the company seeks to meet with you about any overpayments. We’ve already had cases where the audit results do not tally with the work that someone can prove they did. There’s also the issue of tax and the company is seeking repayment of the gross amount. They are seeking to reclaim what was deducted in tax from the workers themselves who never had that money in their pockets. The RTBU has demanded the company provide a legal basis for this and we’re still waiting. It remains our firm position that where proven, the company has a right to seek to reclaim overpayments. However, each worker must be given the opportunity to double check the figures and not be out of pocket by having to resubmit an adjusted tax return if they use a 3rd party. It’s almost as if no one at KDNB actually planned how to approach this process while the audit was being done ![]() ![]() In solidarity, David Babineau and Peter Grech |