Welcome to the November newsletter
The end of the year may be rapidly approaching but there is still so much to look forward to – and in just a few weeks we will be celebrating our latest graduates at our winter ceremonies.
More recently it was brilliant to see so many former staff and alumni at All Saints' Day and we hope to welcome many more of you to our next events soon.
Alumni star at JMW 2023
We were very proud that during Journalism and Media Week many of the speakers, as always, were our graduates.
We welcomed back alumni for a panel on Tuesday and Thursday and Karen Pearson ended the week of events with her 'Queen of the Podcast' talk. A big thank you to all those who took part.
Join us for Christmas Carols
We hope you can join us for a festive evening of candlelit carols, readings and reflections as we celebrate our annual Carol Service on Monday 4 December at 7.00pm in the Chapel.
If you haven't already booked your place(s) and would like to attend please email the Alumni Office.
Ann Marie visits alumnus
Dr Ann Marie Mealey, Director of Catholic Mission, was recently invited to Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust to discuss the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and the relevance to teaching.
In attendance were the Trust’s Deputy CEO, Nick Conway, and Assistant Vice Principal and Head of Catholic Life, Andrew Gardner, both of whom are graduates of Leeds Trinity. Read more.
Another sports day to remember
Thank you to all the alumni who returned to take on our students at rugby, football, netball and badminton for our annual students versus alumni sports day.
The event was a huge success and we would like to say a special thank you to everyone who organised the teams on the day. More images.
Campus visit for Ben
Alumnus Ben Hampshire (Sports Journalism, 2013) visited campus recently to meet our Employer Partnership team. Ben is Head of Business Delivery for EMIS, a leading provider of innovative technology that improves people’s lives.
Ben spoke about the different ways in which he and EMIS could support students with career opportunities in tech and help them develop their own talent pipeline.
Our Employer Partnership team is particularly interested in those working in the areas of technology and law. Get in touch.
Welcoming our partners
Earlier this month we were delighted to welcome staff and students from LD Training Services (LDT), one of our partner institutions, to campus.
Our visitors had a tour and masterclasses from our business staff, as well as sessions with the Students' Union and Alumni Office.
Featured alumni – Niall Grant-Rowlands
We were delighted to hear from Niall recently about his career success story. Niall studied Television Production and graduated in July this year. Niall grasped each and every opportunity to network and develop his portfolio skills whilst at University, including attending Journalism and Media Week sessions. He says: "I was lucky to get a job straight after graduating as a Researcher for a national magazine programme with Tinopolis."
In his short career, he's already had a huge win. He told us: "Another personal highlight for me was writing two episodes for Welsh soap opera Rownd a Rownd; a soap I’ve loved since I was a kid, so getting to see my words come out of my favourite characters' mouths was surreal!"
Read Niall's alumni profile