At a time of global conflict, climate change, environmental disaster, extreme weather, affordability pressures, health-care crunches and inflation, it seems like our current era is battling crises on all fronts. We’re currently experiencing a polycrisis, a moment in time “where social, political, economic, environmental and other systems are not only deeply interrelated, but nearly all of them are under strain or experiencing some kind of disaster or extreme upheaval.”

In an in-depth article from The Conversation’s Insights series, Daniel Hoyer at the University of Toronto writes about a new field of historical study called cliodynamics, which investigates how complex systems change over time. It’s a scientific approach to the study of history, and uses scientific research tools like statistical analysis and computational models to reveal information and patterns about the past.

One of the patterns revealed in the research is that, at other moments of polycrisis, extreme inequality is present. “When big gaps exist between the haves and have-nots, not just in material wealth but also access to positions of power,” Hoyer writes, “this breeds frustration, dissent and turmoil.”

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Nehal El-Hadi

Science + Technology Editor

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