Research NotesMARCH 2024 Research information from the Office of the Vice President for Research for Brown faculty, grant-related staff, and students For this Brown University scholar, grey parrot trade offers a peek into both human and environmental historyAs part of an enduring scholarly focus, Nancy Jacobs celebrates the exceptional characteristics of the grey parrot and examines complex ties between trade of the species and historical eras including the transatlantic slave trade. Nancy Jacobs received an OVPR Salomon Award in 2022 for her work referenced in the story above. RESEARCH STRATEGY AND DEVELOPMENTMarch is matching monthWhat honorific awards and prizes match your research profile? Your society memberships are only one place to start looking. Contact Susan Weiner to set up a meeting. Brown’s Inaugural National Labs DayJoin us on April 19 as we welcome scientists, engineers, and technical experts who are at the forefront of research in physical science and engineering. Our esteemed guests include representatives from Oak Ridge, Lawrence Livermore, Brookhaven, Argonne, and many other leading institutions. More information is available here. Limited Pew Scholars ProgramThe Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. Internal deadline 4/2/24. SAVE THE DATE: Instrumentation webinar, March 27Are you interested in applying for an instrumentation grant from NIH, NSF, or DoD, but you’re not sure which one, what it involves, or the deadlines? Attend a 30-minute informational webinar on all things instrumentation on Wednesday, March 27 at 12 p.m. Registration information to be available soon. It’s NSF CAREER season!This spring, ORSD is organizing two events to help faculty develop proposals for an NSF CAREER award (sponsor deadline: July 24): Informational Workshop on Broader Impacts: April 4, 12 - 1 p.m. (register by March 28) OVPR-Run Mock Panel, week of June 24 (register by April 15). More information is available here. SPONSORED PROJECTSUpdated federal agency guidance on notification and reporting of harassmentFederal agency guidance can be found here. NSF has specific requirements for off-campus research and for conferences, workshops and symposia awards. NIH has specific requirements for Institutional Training Grants. Changes to NIH resubmission processEffective May 25, 2024, NIH resubmission proposals should not include markups, including bracketing, highlighting, bolding, italicizing, and underlining. Please see this guide notice for additional information. Caution: End of award expenditures are highly riskyAll end of award expenditures incurred within the last 90 days of an award should be reviewed to determine how they provided benefit during the project period. Providing benefit means having a reasonable amount of use during the life of the project. Mini case study with Sally NoseSally learns about the PI Eligibility Policy. OSP Open Hour - Save the date!The next OSP Open Hour will be Wednesday, May 8 at 2 p.m. Look for the signup sheet in the April newsletter. TECHNOLOGY INNOVATIONSTransposon Therapeutics announces Phase 2 resultsTransposon Therapeutics, which is developing oral therapies for neurodegenerative and aging-related diseases, announced final results from its Phase 2 study of TPN-101 to treat progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and interim results from its Phase 2 study of TPN-101 to treat C9orf72-related ALS/FTD. Sprint for Women’s HealthNIH’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) announced Sprint for Women’s Health, the first major deliverable from the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. ARPA-H committed $100 million to the effort, which will collaborate with ARPA-H’s Investor Catalyst Hub. BTI’s focus on commercializationSince 2020, Brown has executed nearly 40 sponsored biomed research agreements, secured 24 biomed-related patents, and made more than 60 biotech licensing deals. Brown Biomedical Innovations to Impact (BBII) has funded 21 proposals—totaling $2.1 million—from 19 faculty members. El-Deiry named NAI Senior MemberWafik El-Deiry (department of pathology and laboratory medicine) has been named a Senior Member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Senior Members are faculty, scientists, and administrators from member institutions who have produced technologies that impact society. RESEARCH INTEGRITYUpdated directive: counting animals used in researchPIs using animals in research should prep for twice a year, animal usage reporting request in April. Evolving requirements for exports to Russia, Belarus, and UkraineExport activities with Russia, Belarus, and certain regions of Ukraine continue to be heavily restricted. With sanctions currently evolving, all proposed collaborations involving these countries must be discussed with and approved by the Export Control Team. BEARCORE RCR training - registration openBEARCORE will be held in person on May 29-30. Register in Workday Learning. To express interest in a different offering, including a fully virtual option, complete our interest form. BEARCORE meets NSF and NIH RCR training requirements. Email Torrey Truszkowski with any questions. Interested in learning more about research misconduct?If you are interested in having the Office of Research Integrity speak to your department or lab about research misconduct and/or questionable research practices, please contact Meeting dates & submission deadlines![]() RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONSImpact: Research at Brown has a new homeImpact: Research at Brown magazine is online! Devoted solely to the University’s research, Impact tells the stories of Brown faculty and students making a difference in the world through their research, discovery, and scholarship. Your insights can help shape the future of Impact magazinePrefer print, digital, or both? Do you have favorite sections of the magazine? We invite your participation in a five-minute survey to help inform how we deliver stories of research to our many audiences. Highlight your research achievements on @BrownUResearch social mediaPromote your research or award and share your accomplishments with a broader audience. Fill out the Brown Research/Award Submission form and we'll follow up with social media posts on Instagram, Twitter/X, and Threads. Request photo/video coverageTo request research-related photo or video coverage (faculty or student researchers, events, field or lab work, classroom activities, presentations, etc.) please fill out the Research Related Photo/Video Coverage Request form. ![]() Impact: Research at Brown In Students Engage the Issues, Deliberate the Future, an education expert joins $2 million grant project to transform high school civics. Read the full story. |